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Sole Signal

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Posts posted by Sole Signal

  1. Thanks Everyone!!


    its URL is not available. Maybe, we can't access to each data directly...

    This url is available. -> http://briefcase.yahoo.co.jp/bc/fffa123jp/lst?.dir=/28ff/b214&.order=&.view=l&.src=bc&.done=http%3a//briefcase.yahoo.co.jp/

    Some day, I want to re-record and upload to youtube. (I think this piece is more difficult than "corridors of time".)

    Yes. Do this.

    Great piece btw. :nicework:

  2. Pretty much exactly how I thought this would sound; dunno if that's good or not. The guitar is right on, but the track needs more instrumentation. Right now it's a tad bit empty; the drums sound a little thin, for example. Layer some electronic percussion perhaps. ;-)

    Good start though.

  3. So I recently requested the almighty FL Studio 6, because I figured that after a year or two of putzing around with remixes on NWC, I was ready to play with the big boys with MP3s.

    Obviously I was wrong.

    The list of included resources is organized in a way which does not yet make sense to me and contains an overload of files with unhelpful names, half of with cause my speakers to emit an unholy sound as if they're giving birth to a walrus. Each. I just want to be able to able to push some buttons or wave some wands or do whatever time-consuming process is necessary and make some tracks that sound more or less like real instruments (or at least significantly less like devilspawn), not cause my glasses to break from the ineffable shrieks emitted by Mr. "phat bass saw tricky d hurpa bangwhiz lead mother pad" as it belts out the worst rendition of some Banjo-Kazooie song or other in recorded history.

    Where on earth should I start?

    Or should I acknowledge that I'll be doomed to an early institutionalization and resign myself to rocking gently, playing CANYON.mid on a never-ending loop?


    I can empathize; not too long ago (just about two years now) all I had ever used was NWC, and FL was a bit of a learning process for me too. First things first; get yourself some decent soundfonts/free VSTs that make you feel like you're actually...doing something musical, instead of making all the horrible noises that you mentioned. It'll come with time. :P

    Do some searches on google, or I'm sure there's some good stuff in this forum's stickies.

  4. Yeah, the string attacks do seem a tad bit slow. That first bell hit is rather jarring, and the subsequent hits are too loud for the texture around it. Love the source with the brass hits starting around 1:25, but your mix as a whole is pretty much verbatim. As every else has said, work on adding some personal touch. ;-)

  5. To sum up, gorgeous.

    To be more specific:

    Intro is lovely. Whatever the industrial sounding FX is that we first hear is nice. I wish you would extend it just a little bit more. It sounds really sexy.

    The conversion from 3/4 (original) to 4/4 (yours) is done very well. It sounds wonderful.

    The low end is very well developed in this track, so congrats on breaking that open! One suggestion, pull down the kick just a bit. When it gets going, it's really boomy. I feel like my sub is gonna break work my station from the rumble :).

    The lead that comes in at :44 is beautiful. The backing chord stabs support the part well.

    I was about to suggest that you add in a piano part an octave above where you're playing, but sure enough, it came in shortly after. The sample itself is wonderful. The delay is a very nice touch

    Arrangement wise, I certainly hear the original amidst the 4/4 conversion. You've taken a farily simple source tune without much to it and have been able to expand on it.

    The lead synth at 1:41 I'm not as crazy about. It doesn't pierce the soundscape as well as the first one did. Mainly because the attack on that synth is much more sluggish that the first one. I would suggest either strengthening the attack on it, or even better, double the synth with another one. Perhaps even the one you started with. That part is meant to be a bigger climax than the first time around (or that's how it sounds to me) so that might help make it bigger. Beware though, my suggestion just may cloud the soundscape, but it might work. Might be best to stay away from another sweeping lead and keep it to a more more basic/dry lead that will just help give it a little more punch.

    And finally: ITZ 2 SHORT!!!!11!!1! Y IS IT ONRY 2 MINZ?!?!?! MAKE IT LONGR!!! ;)

    Just kidding mate, but please do finish this bad boy, it sounds great so far!!

    Thanks (as always) for the lengthly comments and inspiration. I made the comment in another one of my posts that my finished tracks tend to sound nothing like the WIPs, and this one will be no exception. Appreciate the thoughts. :-)

    EDIT: fixd 1:41, better mastering, more epic, etc :P

  6. Thanks for the comments guys.

    I like the arrangement but the sounds are a little generic. pretty cool so far.

    Yeah, this was more of a quick sketch of ideas than anything else. Basically everything after 1:32 was just tacked on within a matter of minutes and will definitely be revamped. Same with everything else; my WIP's tend to end up sounding nothing like the final product. :-)

  7. This rocks, may I ask what drum synthesizer do you use? The default drum generator for FL sucks...even after I downloaded all of its drum packs...

    It's all about the processing you do to the drums. Let's see...the beat at :30 is constructed from parts of a free loop I found and several one shot samples layered for the snare and kick. 1:00 is an FPC groove with a number of amp, EQ, and compression effects added. 1:27 is again a constructed beat with a loop at the foundation and several one shots layered on top.

  8. First off, this is pretty cool. I like this style a lot.

    Some comments...most are probably personal preference.

    :29 - I don't like the drop off/snare intro transition. It feels like something should come in around :30 to help with the transition (maybe a single high string note that stabs into the next section?)

    :32 - Sweet groove. :)

    :42 - Don't like the abrupt introduction of the lead. There's gotta be a better way to bring that guy in. I'm sure you can figure something out. :wink:

    1:50 - Could use an echoing crash/hit/something to hit and fade out over the next 6-7 seconds.

    2:30 - Same comment as :29

    3:16 - I'm fine with the tempo change, but when you slow back down at 3:38, you really need a crash or something there to "finalize" it instead of the awkward shift back to the slower tempo. I'm with tweek's suggestion to just drop that last beat section out completely and fade out with the orchestral elements.

    Overall, a cool track; great groove and concept. Good luck with it.

  9. But how can I convert the files to a video format or at least view what it is so I can decide if I want to keep it or ditch it?

    You should be able to right click the VIDEO_TS file and pick "Open with..." then load up your usual DVD software and it should run fine. Converting it is a much more painful story, and I'm not the one to help you with that. :-P

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