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Sole Signal

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Posts posted by Sole Signal

  1. My external USB HD just shut off. I gave it a 15 minute rest and tried turning it back on. Nothing.

    I had been working on a project with FL when the light first flickered once, then again about 10 seconds later, and then it shut off.

    Obviously, the first thought is overheating; if that's the case, are the files recoverable? I'll take it in tomorrow if it still doesn't start up in the morning.

    Man this sucks.

  2. Ahh, this is sounding awesome. A suggestion on the electric guitar riff from :34 - :50 though would be to add a little strumming or rythym to it. Right now it only hits once for each notes and sounds very mechanical/unrealistic. There's a low synth below it (it hits on several of the off-beats) that has a good pattern which you could match with the guitar.

    Yeah, only thing is, a "fake" guitar trying to be realistic (especially with what I'm using) is oftentimes more noticeable. In this kind of mix, sometimes a purely electronic sound works better. I'll certainly experiment with this though; I agree that a "real" guitar would be better to use, but I feel that I lose control of the process when I get someone else to do it; and asking people to re-record, etc, is a hassle.

    yeah pretty much

    Fair enough. Maybe others will enjoy it more. :)

  3. All right, this didn't pass, exactly for the reason that I was worried about: too much bond theme in it.

    However, I'm not going to take the time to go back and edit out all the bond parts, so here's the final remastered mix for any that might be interested.


    PS Could a mod change the title of this thread to "Goldeneye "Rocking the Cradle" final mix posted; failed to pass"?


  4. How is it you don't have any remixes on OCR yet? Or do you release them under a different name? :P

    Heh, actually the only mix I've finished was that Goldeneye one, and that didn't pass. Hopefully I'll get some up, eventually. :P

    Actually screw it, would you like to join anyway, but on a different track? I think you'd do an awesome job of Koopa's road. If your interested please do let me know.

    You mean Koopa's theme, right? This WIP here is Koopa's road. ;) I replied in the Mario 64 project thread about it.

    Ahh come on this doesn't even compare to your Visions DDR track. I really like this one so far though, keep it up.
    Heh, thanks. I think I submitted it (the Visions one) too late to have a chance of winning, but meh.

    All others that replied, thanks! I'll def put some more time into it this week, probably end up finishing it pretty soon.

  5. the arrangement was going well until oh no what happened at 0:52. i don't think everything should cut out like that but it's your choice

    everything sounds a little treble heavy could use some deeper sounds in the guitar and the opening synths (which are kinda generic btw).

    I never understood the whole "generic sounds" thing. Like, what makes a synth not generic? I tweaked, layered and FXed a bunch of sytrus presets for nearly everything in this, but it still comes off as generic? Hm. Well, whatever. And yes, I do happen to like the dropoff and subsequent buildup of sound at :52 and afterward :)

    Thanks for the comments!

  6. Hey, this is great! I hope that since it probably won't be allowed on the project (which is too bad) you will still wind up doing something with it.

    Thanks. Yeah, too bad, right? Oh well. Them's the breaks. :)

    btw I worked on it some more this afternoon, and will post the updated version sometime tonight in my WIP thread.

  7. Man, what a coincidence. I've been stuck in a compositional rut lately, so I decided to try to put together a remix to get the creativity flowing. I ended up picking the "Koopa's Road" track to do, and then while browsing around here, I noticed this project. Looks like it's already taken, and Zoola already has a WIP. Well, if anyone's interested, or if Zoola wants to take another one (which I doubt and that's perfectly fine), here's my quick sketch.


  8. Ozone is a great product also - tefnek uses it to master his songs. It has a lot of features and numerous modes you can work in. However, I simply like the sound of TRacks better. Just tweak the Overload knob, Input Drive, or Stereo Enhance and you instantly have a better sound. No need to think about anything else.

    Yeah, I had the same experience with Ozone; I had actually submitted my track to Broadjam for the DDR contest before I stumbled upon Ozone. After I ran it through (took about 3 minutes), the difference was so noticable I canceled my submission (which was processing at the time) and resubmitted it. It just gives a track that extra sparkle which makes all the difference in the world.

  9. Yes, "TRacks" is the name of the product. It comes with a compressor, limiter, and EQ. There is a standalone version and a native (VST) version; the latter is more expensive. IK Multimedia produces it.

    I've been trying out the demo of Izotope Ozone the past few days. Definitely a fan of it now, might have to splurge and pick it up for myself.

    Haven't tried T-Racks.

  10. reminds me of Crystal Method, specially with the interjecting pads. Really cool shit man.

    Thanks! I imagine I'll lengthen it somewhat when I get some time to work on it. Four midterms this week might cut that time down quite a bit. :P

    Holy shite that Visions one is friggin awesome! Wow i really like that one dude. It sounds like is from an anime, more specifically Yuki Kaijura songs. What are you using for the lead at 1:35? Sounds like a violin, but it just has a certain type of texture to it that seems different.

    Thanks man, glad you liked it. I've had a couple people tell me that it sounds like an anime; which I really can't relate to because I'm not into anime at all (can't even think of the last time I saw one.) And yeah, that's a "real" violin; I really didn't put any effects on it at all, beyond layering it and reverb. I'll take my chances with the DDR judges on it. :)

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