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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. Agreed, production is very solid, but the source needs to be more dominant, especially for that extended intro. No
  2. Wow, this is very elegant, and the transition into the B section of Wind Scene was a bit surprising, but worked very well, and just damn; this is packed with really intelligent ideas and modulations,well executed, and the piano sound is good as well. My one complaint is the final note should be held a millisecond longer and have more fade to it, but overall I thought this was concise and creative. I absolutely love this. Yes
  3. The intro sounded really off as far as timing goes, I don't know exactly happening, but it sounds way loose, and things aren't clicking. The arrangement seems good, but things aren't lining up in some areas, and there is a good deal of production mud as well. Some samples are ok, while some sound too slow or thin. The main issue that needs to be fixed here is the lack of sections lining up, making it sound like certain parts are way behind the beat. No
  4. I'm kindof torn on this one; the lyrics are a mixed bag. For every great rhyme there seems to be one that falls flat. Also, the delivery on a lot of the lines feels pretty relaxed, and based on the heavy boasts, It's hard to take seriously when things sound so chill. V2 had a lot more intensity and felt more believable, and the chorus was decent, though. The backing track itself feels pretty thin, and lacks any punch. There also wasn't much interpretation melodically; it was basically the original source (and it even sounded sampled in places) with some rhymes and beats added. I definitely think this can work, but it will need more polish. No, please resubmit
  5. Little bit of shuffling at the beginning and end gave this a sort of bedroom recording charm, and though there wasn't a lot of high end brilliance in the recording, the sound was decently warm. The dynamics overall felt pretty subdued, and the song overall felt a little bit like it was going through the motions, with the performance being technically sound, but not really featuring a lot of emotion. Overall the arrangement played it pretty close to the source, with the benefit of being performed live and the arrangement simplified for being on a single guitar. I would have preferred more melodic interpretation in the second half, as it repeats the A section a few times, and while there is variation near the end sectionwise, it feels like a very solid WIP, but lacs a bit of finish. I think this is close, but needs a bit extra to put it over for me. No, please resubmit
  6. This game is urban and gritty, and so I will do a Minnesotan approximation of urban and gritty! Unfortunately, Minnesota urban slang is about a decade behind, so this might be awkward. AHHH JEAHHH BITCHEZZ!! O to the C to the R is going to be printing physical copies of the Super Street Fighter 2 HD Remix soundtrack, and it needs some ballin' artwork to get all up ons the album cover. You need to cut yo' cold lampin' and represent! Whoever steps up to the challenge of a lifetime (You only get one shot - Do not miss your chance to blow!) will need to provide print resolution artwork to OCR, and Jose the M'Fin Bronx Rican will take your work and turn it into a great layout. BOOYEAH! Let me kick it to you straight one mo' time, boyyyeee~~ - Print resolution artwork of some Street Fighter dudes or something, Street Fightering it up, or playing instruments, or who ever knows. Make it look like Street Fighter! - Post it in this thread, and we'll take a look and decide which one gets to be the artwork! HADOKEN!!!
  7. The intro guitar tone didn't really inspire high hopes for the mix, as it was tinny, dry, and incredibly brittle, but once the rhythm guitar came in, it felt a lot better. The melody seemed buried at a lot of points in the mix, but I liked the soundscape, and the arrangement was pretty personalized. I really liked the driving rock with synth and oboe, and though the oboe wasn't super humanized, it worked pretty well. Overall, the balance wasn't perfect, but the arrangement was creative and good enough. I'm good passing this. Yes
  8. This is a really pleasant recording and sound upgrade, and it's really nice to hear everything performed live, but it sticks so closely to the source that it feels like a very nice cover rather than an expanded interpretation that OCR needs. I think all this really needs is a bridge section and some additional melodic interpretation and it's good to go. It sounds great, but is too close to the original for me to be able to pass it. No, please resubmit
  9. I agree the production is far from pristine, but the more I think about it, the more I feel the unique recording treatment suits the mood of the music, and the more I like it. It does feel like it goes a little long, but there is a lot of variation. Production I think has bit too much headroom and could stand to be normalized a bit, but perhaps the dynamics swing so wildly, im not noticing the top end. I don't think it's an immediately ear-catching song, but it really grows on you. I am still hesitant on it because of the swingy nature, however, and I think maybe the arrangement should be tightened up a little and the volume normalized a bit Overall I think it's a good track, but something is holding it back for me. I'm willing to revisit this vote if the other judges point out something I am missing, however. No, please resubmit
  10. Really interesting idea of a theme mashup- they share the same chords, but one source is more bombastic and energetic, while the other is super moody. I think the actual incorporation of the two themes is pretty solid, but I am not completely sure of the vanilla sounding synths used in a lot of sections. SOme of the balance seemed off too, such as when it was the more emotive breakdown, there was an epiano, and then suddenly it is smothered in fake strings. The sequencing was a bit mechanical in a lot of places as well, and in the more exposed parts that brought it down. Overall a good idea, but the execution needs polish. I recommend you hit up the WIP threads and get some advice on tweaks. No
  11. Pretty nice stuff, I thought the left hand could have been a little more exciting, and maybe a little bit more in the way of dynamics, but there was some ebb and flow, and not a lot of repetition. I am trying to think of suggestions for improvement, but the ReMix is definitely trying to set a mood and I think it did so effectively, while remaining unique and good with source. I think the more piano-versed judges will have different comments, but I think the arrangement here was nice. I'm not really an expert on solo piano stuff, but I enjoyed this, and the piano sounded nice. Alicia's Keys seems pretty good. It didn't completely floor me, but I enjoyed the mix, and I think it passes. Yes
  12. Great moody source to cover here! The arrangement itself is fantastic, but the balance and clarity is all over the place. The kick sounds really flabby, especially during the double bass sections, where it needs to be punchy and tight. The snare is ok, but could definitely cut a little more. The guitar sounds good in the leads, but the rhythm guitars range from being solid to sounding like a scooped midi guitar. The bass is in need of a better sample, or at least roll of the highs in the EQ to make it feel a little more realistic. That really bright sound is a bit distracting. The good news is that all of the bass and drum sequencing is great; it flows, the fills are excellent, and the drum part itself is very interesting and well thought out. Basically this just needs production love and it's a pass, IMO. No, please resubmit
  13. Really fun arrangement idea, though it feels to me like the bass is a little low, and the song is missing some low end warmth. I think the flute could come up a bit as well. The samples sound a bit thin, though that may be a lack of distinct reverb, though the piano sounds like it could use a straight-upgrade. It sounds like a good amount of humanization went into this, but something isn't quite clicking with me soundwise. I think it's just the lack of low end. The arrangement is clever and features a good deal of variation, but just sounds a bit sparse. I don't think anything needs to be added as far as instruments, just the levels and reverb adjusted slightly. I really love the idea of this though! No, please resubmit
  14. Really cool sortof reverse water sounding counter melody in the intro, I dig that. I think the rhythm guitars are a little upfront and pushed a bit much, but otherwise the production is feeling really nice to me. Those snare rolls sound ridiculously fakey but at the same time super cool, so i'm not sure what to think of them. It sounds like a planned glitch, but when the rest of the song is pretty analogue, it doesn't quite fit. Gives the song some interesting character that would otherwise be pretty straightforward metahlz. Cool vocal part leads to a new section, and some cool gallops finish things off. Diggin' it. Yes
  15. Yeah, the beats really carry this, but beyond that, it's not really integrated well, and I am hearing some clipping. The synths and beats don't really feel completely integrated; the synths feel like they are on top of the beats for the most part, though that changes depending on the section. The arrangement of the B section is pretty well interpreted, however, with some nice rhythmic shifts, and the beat chopping that goes on afterward is great. This is actually really fun and cool, but needs some production polish to make it feel more cohesive. No, please resubmit
  16. haha that opening - I could have guessed this was Justin within 5 seconds of this starting. Great to have a strong sonic signature. I love the synth that comes in, though I think the drums could have been ramped up slightly to gain in power until the melody came in. It still worked, but would have been more exciting with a longer build. The attention of detail on production of this really is a step up for you, with a lot of little percussive flourishes and some panning. Nice balance of clean singing and vocoding, you can hear that you can actually sing in addition to having the cool effect. Great snare sound, and things are pretty clear on the sound front. Love it, keep improving, dude. Possibly your best yet, IMO. Yes
  17. I agree with halc here, this is a really excellent idea and good execution, but the arrangement itself is too sparse and bland, with a very even level of excitement. This would actually make really good atmospheric BG music for like a Sonic RPG cave or something, but as a stand-alone song, it needs more thrills I think. I really enjoy the song, but I think it could be expanded on quite a bit to make it really shine. I hope you consider adding more to this. No, please resubmit
  18. eep, definitely think the overall volume should come down, this thing is pushing hard. The bass and backing parts were true to the source, but a lot of the melodic content was some nice, but liberal riffing. There were hints of THe melody scattered around, but the way it was presented made it very difficult to discern the exact amount. Overall this is pretty close to the bars in most aspects, but I think having a more dominant melodic source and toning the volume down so it isn't being pushed so hard would get this up. No, please resubmit
  19. Absolutely love the new chord progression with this theme - it makes it feel familiar and fresh at the same time, and that is definitely what I look for in a ReMix. Great breaks, great beats, and the counterpoint synth is perfect. The other judges mentioned some of the rough production issues, which I agree with, but like they said, I don't feel it's holding it back from being post-worthy. I'd love to hear you improve your production skills slightly to get more clarity and power, but I'd be more than happy accepting arrangements of this calibur forever. <3 Yes
  20. I agree that this track feels repetitive and needs more polish overall. That kick as a very strange slapback sound that is distracting, and it's too prominent for the rest of the feel of the song. The melodic content is also pretty buried underneath the drums and bass, and overall the balance needs a pretty serious overhaul. The arrangement itself is pretty conservative, and beyond the move to a heavy beat, there isn't a ton of real interpretation added. I suggest mixing it up a bit more, and definitely make the melody more prominent. No
  21. Pretty fun synth rock here, nice varied drums and an overall very cool arrangement. I think a little more vibrato and such on sustained synth notes would be nice, but there is a lot of other filtering and variation on it to keep it from feeling completely static. Production wasn't pristine, and in some cases I wish the sound was a little more aggressive, but this will definitely do. Yes
  22. I really like the mood presented here, and the subtle bell chimes and rain sfx at the end are really nice, but as is it seems too close to the original by far, and if you played both tracks for me without telling me which was the remix and which was the original, I would have no idea. I think the mood set is great, but some additional interpretation of the theme is what this needs. No, please resubmit
  23. I love the vocals in the intro; too bad they don't stick around for the entire duration. Really nice soundscapes, and the guitar playing is excellent as well. Some of the more exposed sequencing was a bit stiff, such as the exposed trumpet. A lot of the rest of the sequencing is excellent though, and in some cases I could have been tricked into thinking I was listening to the OST, especially for the encounter theme. I loved the arrangement buildup of the Snake eater theme, but thought it could have gotten even bigger, and had more time to shine, though that is just my bias, as I think it's one of the best game themes to come around in a very long time. The transitions were good, and the varying sections contained a good blend of fresh ideas but always with very recognizable themes, and the song finished very nicely. Overall this was really solid (see what I did there? ) Really, the only thing that kept this from being a DP was the solo trumpet sequencing sounding pretty stiff on the attacks, otherwsie, I can't find any fault. Yes
  24. This is pretty good and merges the individual themes together pretty well, but is being brought down in a few places, specifically production. For as relentless as the drums are, the kick is really flabby and doesn't cut. SO instead of a powerful double kick through the entire song, it sounds more like a faraway helicopter or something. The guitars sound alright, but the rhythms are a bit muddy, and overall I think some tuneups are needed Arrangement-wise, the sources are well-used, but seem a bit close to the originals, though I do think the fact that 7 sources are used mitigates the straightforward playing a bit. Add the fact that it's an obscure game, and playing it close to the original makes sense to me. I think overall if the production was fixed, i'd be comfortable passing this. No, please resubmit
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