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Posts posted by Dunther

  1. Gah! Something has caught my attention about the track list.

    "Gary Oak" is the name of a character from the Pokémon anime. The video game character's name should be "Blue". Since this is supposed to be a video game remix project, it makes sense to use the proper name from the proper media.

    Most fans of the game do not like to mix or mingle the game and the show together. I jst thought you should know in case you get a bunch of "GARY OAK IS NOT IN TEH ANIMEZ!" messages after this gets released.

    Yes, his official name in the game is Blue/Green (Oak?), I am one of the people you're talking about :D

    But I admit that I didn't thought about it before reading this post....

  2. I've rent games only 2-3 times in my life, but I loved it.

    Unfortunately it's difficult to find a place where you can do it.

    I was at blockbuster last week and I found NiGHTS for Wii (the only interesting title they have for rent).

    I'm very happy to play games without paying the full price (that is often too much)

  3. I'm DEFINITELY willing to do one of these...if no one else is going to do one. I've been thinking about doing the Hyrule Castle stage, but I've wanted to hear how other people would do it as well.

    I'm also an attempted metal artist, so my music may not exactly catch most people's ears. But I guess it's worth a shot. I'll try whenever I have the time.

    If you do something metal, I'm with you XD

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