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Posts posted by Dunther

  1. :shock:

    Believe me there is a HUGE difference between 200x200 and 600x600 on my iPhone 4's display. Just doesn't look as sharp/refined. Makes me really regret, years ago, saying "Oh I think 300x300 will be fine" when I first embarked on my album-art project for my music library. In most cases the file size difference is minor unless you're getting up to 1000x1000 and higher, and if you're into collecting music then I think you've already forgone the "I don't have enough hard drive space for that" argument. 8)

    I'm thrilled to see 600x600 as the new default, looks awesome on my iPhone and even Foobar when I maximize my player window. Coincidentally Bandcamp defaults to 700x700 for embedded art, which is pretty close too.

    Well I don't know...I like to have the fullsize album art in the folder but in mp3 files I prefer using a 200x200 one, wich is the one that Windows Media Player creates :P

  2. I have no idea what you think is going on with the track # being included in the tags, but I think you're inferring the wrong things.

    Oh don't worry, it's simple: my Windows Media Player renames tracks with the number track before the title like:

    15 Airman (Original, Short Ver.).mp3

    and so an OCR will be like...

    2136 Contra Force 'Power Trip' OC ReMix.mp3

    But that's ok uh, I was just talking about it, I'm happy you're making these changes :)

  3. First, the visual:


    Nice to have finally an official artwork. I always used this (taken from Last.fm): foldersr.jpg

    Anyway I think I'll convert the new cover into a 200x200 image too, bigger covers (in mp3 files) are useless in my opinion.

    Title field includes single quotes around mix title (e.g. Sonic the Hedgehog 'Love Hurts' OC ReMix instead of Sonic the Hedgehog Love Hurts OC ReMix)

    This is way better, now I understand why last.fm fingerprinted some of my OCRs in this way...

    Track # is now populated with the numeric value of the mix ID (OCR01234 = 1234)

    That would be pretty strange, but it makes sense. I think that my WMP will now change all mp3 names with a track number of four letters at the beginning, but that's ok, at least they won't be in alphabetical order anymore :) .

    Compilation flag is set

    Nice :)

    We also are planning to release 2 updated torrents featuring these tagging revisions applied to all past ReMixes:

    OCR00001-OCR02000 & OCR02001-OCR02100

    Good thing, too bad I will have to manually select good mixes and give ratings to all of them again, but there's no other way.

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