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Posts posted by Dunther

  1. Excellent show. Check out the manga, the story is different and goes further in developing the characters.

    Ahn I don't think I will, I'm not good at reading, I bought 20th Century Boys and never got to the end.

    I would enjoy mangas, but it's stronger than me...

  2. I'm not contrary to the fire/water/grass starters, but they aren't so great this time.

    The grass one reminds me of Treecko, too much.

    The fire one is cute, but I'm not a fan of fire type (personal element hate :D ).

    The water one is...is....strange, and somewhat cute but god I don't like it XD .

    Need to see all evolutions though, in every generation I've found at least one starter that I like.

    Interesting thing to have older trainers, but not enough old for me :D also, a "sprite select" screen would be awesome.

  3. I actually like SnS, it feels almost like playing a 3D Zelda game :D

    Wanna try many others anyway...

    Is there in the US the Jhen Mohran event quest? I did it two times, but still can't make that interesting Mohran sword...

  4. I think it is good to spend a decent portion of time on the single player game, so you can get your farms and stuff active. Then you can pump out items for online mode with no problem.

    Yeah, it's the first game I've played with a so solid interation between online and offline. Even without online the single player campaign would be still a good game.

  5. I used to love Gambit and Mega Man in the first one, but even if I will not take the third (don't own a PS3/360) I hope they'll remember about Viewtiful Joe, he was present in Tatsunoko VS Capcom and still is one of my favourites Capcom heroes ^__^

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