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Everything posted by HoopyFrood

  1. Sorry I guess I shouldn't have put the coal there. I'm thinking of holding on to it. I know my chances are slim but a man can hope.
  2. Well might as well reformat the list to make it easier to read. For trade I have; 50% off any Valve title 50% off BIT.TRIP.BEAT 25% off any Paradox title A copy of Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes. and I also have a Tribes:Ascend beta key that I have no interest in. (I can wait till it comes out to check it out) I am interested in that Monday Night Combat but, as you can see, I don't have much to trade.
  3. I'm steamed now. (no pun intended) I traded 7 of my coal and got a coupon for 25% off games published by Paradox. Of which the only game that seems remotely interesting to me is Magicka and even then I'm not that interested. Well it, along with 50% off coupons for any valve game and Bit.trip Beat are up for trade if anyone is interested.
  4. Oh wow! I must have been out of the loop, because I didn't even hear of the years release till now. Still glad for it though. Thank you for all the hard effort. Going to download it right now.
  5. Well that's about how long ago I last played so that's what I was talking about. (in fact I might have been the one to inadvertently find out that it didn't work.)
  6. That explains why I was having problems in the subway at spawn. Also, my desert near my home is now getting inundated with snow and ice. Kinda messed up my underwater tower and my cactus farm is getting snowed in.
  7. You're welcome man. Hope you enjoy it. I also hope that there aren't any more games that I want that go on sale. I've already bought Portal 2, Psychonauts, Costume Quest, and the Back to the Future games and my card has nearly spontaneously combusted.
  8. I've tried that multiple times with no luck. The only thing I can think of is to maybe roll java back from 7.1 to 6.whatever. edit: ok it seems to be working now.
  9. dagnabit, I finally go in on it and now it won't download. I keep getting stuck downloading packages and it never wants to finish. It keeps coming up with "fatal error 4 connection reset".
  10. Well my major problem is that my equipment is just 4*( I haven't even gotten in to T3 yet) so I'm going up against 5* equipped guys with underpowered gear. On top of that I'm going completely F2P so I don't have nearly as much CE as some of you guys. To note I tend to play recon.
  11. So out of curiosity, any advice for a pure gunslinger in lockdown? I'm trying to earn enough Kcoins to get the toxic needle so I don't have to get a vile striker for JK.
  12. I would like to join the private group too,seeing as I pretty much only play on the OCR servers. here is my steam ID page. http://steamcommunity.com/id/HoopyFrood42
  13. Oh whatever shall I do? I don't eat out much any way so I'll be good on that.Edit: Ok I jumped on it. Hopefully I won't regret it.
  14. I was replying to Rama, Neblix. By the way I should have noted I'm looking at the GOTY edition of the game not the regular, so the price is closer to 8$.
  15. I know my laptop sucks but what do you expect for 380$? I didn't buy it intending to use it as a gaming machine but it kinda happened anyway.
  16. @suzumebachi Give me a break. I know it's not anywhere near optimal but its all I've got. Besides, this is a laptop so I can't upgrade it anyway short of replacing it which I can't afford at this time. So all in all you are saying I shouldn't get it?
  17. Ok I'm thinking of getting Borderlands while it's on sale but I don't know if i would enjoy it. I do like Torchlight and TF2 so I guess I would enjoy it. The other problem though is that I'm not sure it would run on my computer well enough to enjoy it. here are the stats: Celeron 900 2.2 GHz 4GB ddr2 ram Intel hdm4500 integrated graphics Windows 7 home premium 390GB free hard drive space
  18. @brushfire Just to spite you, I'm gonna craft all my weps to untradable metal and all my hats to hatless ones. But seriously I'll reconsider leaving permanently. I just feel useless to any team no matter what i do right now. Oh and powerlord, I wasn't kidding when I said to give the reserved slot to someone else. I really don't need it.
  19. Just so you all know, I will not be showing up on the server again. I'm giving up on TF2, possibly for good. I just can't play well enough to match up with the regulars on the server.
  20. I put in my extra knowledge into the spreadsheet but still plenty to go.
  21. Cortex command is still in beta AFAIK. It should be added when it comes out.
  22. Ok I'm getting the "end of stream" error. Any advice?
  23. I would like to check out the server during the HIB3 free period I was given. my screen name is Hoopydude.(hoopyfrood was already taken) And I promise to not touch anything.
  24. Nice work on the video Super. Text speed was a little fast but good overall. (Also, sorry about all my useless chatter. I'll try to keep it to a minimum in the future.)
  25. Just to let you guys know, I've replaced the hard drive in my laptop and am geting it back in gaming shape. So I should be back and healing you within 48 hours.
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