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Everything posted by HoopyFrood

  1. CAAAAAAAAAAKE! (what, someone had to.) In all seriousness, grats on another year to the fires and the author.
  2. Just a heads up. I won't be on for a week or 2 due to my primary win7 partition being borked. Hopefully I will have learned my lesson on gaming while angry.
  3. Thanks for the advice but I think I'll just stick to PSO:BB for now. With what I've read, it looks like there isn't as much to do in solo play as I'd like.
  4. So, not worth it then?
  5. I've been looking at this and wondering if it's worth getting in to. I have played action rpgs on pc before (Phantasy Star Online:Blue Burst), but I don't know if the game has any active community here or if it becomes a huge grind after while. Any advice?
  6. Were you at acen Brush? If so than now I really regret not going this year. Well there's always next year. (If I can afford it )
  7. Hey Necro was I the pyro in your . I'm not sure but I think I was.
  8. As do I. Although I don't play at any regular time so I may not see you often.
  9. well I got it running but I have to switch to ubuntu linux to do it so I probably wont be on as often I'd like. Name is Hoopyfrood as I said before.
  10. Ok I joined. look for HoopyFrood. Edit: ok I'm having a problem with it showing all the text as black boxes. I'll try to fix it and get back to you.
  11. Hell, I'm tempted to join in but I know I'm gonna get stuck splitting my time between this,TF2 and PSO:Schthack
  12. Happy B-day man. Eat lots of cake!
  13. As someone with cancer (albeit non childhood cancer) I thank you. More research needs to be done so that no one has to suffer through this, especially not children.
  14. Just to let you know, I'm gonna be off the server for the next 2 weeks due to my internet being down. Stupid AT&T says that they won't support DSL anymore and we have to switch to U-verse.
  15. To anyone who was on last night, I sincerely apologize for my behavior. It was uncalled for and I really should just tell myself "it's just a game, I should really just relax". All I can do is just try to be better about it in the future. On topic, I hope that new medi-gun in the beta gets in the main game. It sounds like something that could be very useful.
  16. Great, we're all gonna be nullifed.
  17. I'm going to Anime Central again this year if all goes well and want to know if anyone else is going. There isn't much on the website yet but here it is if you want to check it out. I'll update this topic when they add some guests.
  18. Happy B-day man, and many happy returns of the day to you.
  19. Sorry to correct you but BUG! was on the Saturn and PC, not the Genesis. Still great music though.
  20. Should I get this even tho I have it on the DS? Does the cpu seem to cheat as much or is it more lenient?
  21. Ok, here's my dilemma. I want Everyday Shooter but the price is the same buying it alone as it is buying it in the indie flight pack. Are the other games in there any good?
  22. Don't worry Cinderwild. I was pretty bad at it when I started too. (still am but that's neither here nor there:wink:) My advice is to use a game pad if you've got one and just keep at it, the unlocks you get as you progress do help a lot, and if a song is giving you too much trouble try another. To be honest I only just did it today by using the album that comes with the game.
  23. At least some of you can have the "pleasure" of dealing withe the bonus mode. I suck so bad I can't even get past the boss of the granule extractor. (Little advice plz?)
  24. I don't know about a OCRemix but there is the Sonic 2 album project and that had a remix of the ending theme.
  25. I would like to see lyrics for the track In Joy and Sorrow from the Xenogears album. (I know it's not on the site, I still what to know what they are.)
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