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    Reiki Healing Theropy/Writer


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    3. Very Interested
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  1. I was silly enough to read while listening to this song. It just so happened to play when I got to a very, very emotional part of the novel. I had known before hand that a death was going to happen in this book, so I prepared myself for it. But THEN, a read a letter sent from the boy before he had died, and this song was playing. I still want to cry about it. This song intensified the emotion even from the novel. It is so full of feeling, and a song like this isn't made very often. I don't think I have ever had such a rush while reading any other book, while listening to any other song. So well done to the remixer! And know that you brought a woman to tears with it-a woman who doesn't cry very often, and was even prepared before hand!
  2. I played the game on my dad's PS3 first. It was enjoyable... but different. I had to get use to it considering I still play Sonic Adventures 2 frequently. I then rented it for my Wii. Still a fun game, however, after the first two levels, my wrist really hurt. That was not so enjoyable. I think that I would perfer playing it on the PS3 rather then on the Wii. Less pain... >_>
  3. OMG yes! Gunstar Heroes is my all time favorite game! I would love to hear more remixes from it!
  4. Awesome. Thank you.
  5. I don't really hang out on youtube... So I don't know anything about youtube poops. But I can say that I hate redundancy, thus most of those videos weren't all that funny to me personally. Though I could see how other people would enjoy them.
  6. Since this topic's pages are the 100s, I was wondering if anyone here has Brawl tournaments? Does anywhere share codes and such?
  7. Ok so, My graphics director in the team is having some wrist troubles and come of the concepts need to be re sketched for you people to take a look at, since they are a few years old and have not been updated. I will be extending the deadline! The drawings will be coming soon.
  8. Well, my best suggestion is think like final fantasy 7. I mean, the game isn't that much like Final Fantasy, but that is the best match up I have. But honestly, be creative. It can have any feel to it. This is just the into theme song. I would kind of like it a little action packed and exciting, but as long as I enjoy the song, I'm happy with it. I'll try to find a sample of the songs I like. I did just put two examples up on the first post, at the bottom of the page. So take a look!
  9. To answer your questions, the game will be released onto a system. Because the game is just passed the drawing stages none of the 3d graphics or programming has begun. My team consisted of 7 people. Several people dropped out because they either did something that was completely uncalled for and had to be let go, or decided they didn't want into the gaming business. One of the people that I had to let go of happened to be our sound director. He in turn took all his music and I myself, attempted to create music in turn... and failed miserably. You will have rights to the song to the extent of you created it and will be credited. I would rather you not use the song for anything else, because that would ruin the point of making it specifically for one game. That would be like taking the Mario theme song and selling it to Sega to place on a Sonic game. If there is certain rights you would like to the song, let me know and we can make a deal. I will not use any song that did not win this for the game. That is just dishonest. As for payment, as soon as you win, I will mail a check immediately along with terms, a contract, and any other details that are important, so you know you aren't being cheated out of anything, and as extra proof to you that whatever deals we have made will be kept on my end. If people would like to see the drawing stages of the game, I am more than whiling to post them. Winning by default? Don't we all wish life was that easy? ^.^ I'm only looking for a theme song currently. If I really like the person that made the song, I might ask to hire them as song director for all the games. But right now, I am simply looking for songs. I know that as great as a composer might be, there are many other composers that might create better songs for better parts of a game. Thus, I am holding a contest. I can only provide the drawing stages of the game. Our graphic Director has not yet started with the 3D models. The best I can describe (until I get the drawings up) is a fusion of Megaman, Transformers and Final Fantasy. I'm not sure what you mean by communauty? Do you mean community? My team consists of 4 people currently. We are due to get a server soon and will have a website up. This team has been around for the last 7-8 years. We have been under wraps for a while.. I've been on this site since 2002. I get about...85% of my music from here. I trust the remixes on this site more than anyone. I know what you guys can do. I also figured that it would be nice to pay the winner. Most people on this site do this for a hobby. A little extra money for doing something you love isn't a bad thing. You, don't have to enter. I won't be offended. Someone else will get the $200. You can either chance it and possibly win, or fuss over it and someone else will win. It might seem to good to be true, but I'm not lying, and I honestly, want someone off this site to create music for my games. I have more than 7 games in creation right now. With a team of 4 people, that makes things a little slow. We only have one programmer, since the other is never around to do anything these days. So as I have said, I can provide some concepts, but they are only sketches, and game plans. As for a recruitment thread, that will come AFTER I get the theme song. I'll also eventually need voice actors. But that will all come when the website is up.
  10. Hello everyone! Here is the deal. I am currently working on several game concept ideas. I am in need of music for my games. I, myself, have NO idea how to create music. My team lost our music creator... So what I need is someone to create it for me. REQUIREMENTS What I require is a theme song for one of my games. The music must be a combination of one of the follow: - *Techno/Rock - Classical/Rock - *Techno/Classical * Techno covers Electronic and Industrial The song also must be more than 3 minutes[/1] in length. This game is an RPG and largely involved mechnical characters (eg. Mechs) PRIZE I will be choosing one song. If I really like several entries I might choose more and pay them in places (eg. second and third). The winner will receive $200.00 OTHER The winner will receive a check in the mail with the prize money. They will also be credited in the credits when the game is released. SUBMISSION Please submit entries through a link to the song to me through private message, in this forum, or to the e-mail address of meleefreek@yahoo.ca If you need to mail me the song on a CD, send me a PM and I will provide you with an address. There is no limit to the amount of song you can submit. Please submit by 11:59pm September 1, 2008. If an extension is needed please ask! If you have an questions feel free to contact me. Thanks for the interest and I can't wait to see your submissions! Examples of song I like: http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01727/ (Electronic sounding) http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01702/ (The upbeat type I like) http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01727/ (Just because I normally love Beatdrop's remixes, but this is a really good example of a song that is electric sounding) http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01726/ (Great example of excitement in a song) I also love a slow beginning... I'm a sucker for those kinds of songs...
  11. It kinda reminded me of Narnia, which is awesome because I loved the music to that movie. Well done!
  12. I'm looking forward to the game... it sucks that is won't be motion activated like most Wii games... but it will be fun all the same!
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