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Everything posted by TimberWolf

  1. Dammit, all i could come up with was "Bad Vivi", which i don't know enough about to determine it's badness.
  2. It's because of the "white flight", of the richer white folks going to Facebook. (Seriously, check on it, that's what they call it, lol) They say Myspace is used more by lower-class folks, and Facebook is for the more affluent classes. NotADouche.com didn't show on that list though.
  3. I don't think it works that way unless you fail hard on facebook. Or, you get so many myspace friends they give you your own TV show on VH1.
  4. Not me! I expected cheesesticks. I actually got some, too, damnest thing.
  5. Actually, i have a better place for that...
  6. All i picked up from it was... "Ya got ya some nice tits 'ere, Carl."
  7. Well, i DO have a camera, and it'd be pretty funny to see, lol. Do you do girls too? (har har) I'll bet my GF would be happy to see herself all suited up.
  8. Awesome sauce! Nice work. What info do you need to work these into looking like other people?
  9. Sorry, useless people give me the willies, i had to scare him out. It's cool now though, you may continue to talk about the good old days.
  10. Thanks. You're helping. :)

  11. It's not MY fault you made it wrong. Ha, i just remembered i made one of these long ago... The timestamp on this one? "Sunday, January 23, 2005, 11:41:00 PM"
  12. LOL, coop. I hope you have a generator in there that allows you to keep adding "STILL"s in there!
  13. Do... i need to? Act like one, get called one. Pretty simple. I mean, honestly, if you'd rather i get to know you before i called you a troll based on your performance here, i'm game, but i'm not sure that's what you're aiming for. If that's not what you're looking for, and you're just throwing out comments to try to poke at me while i'm having a discussion with someone else, then you sir, are indeed, a troll. And that makes you "loltastical".
  14. My bad, i thought asking someone, who claims to be mature, (or should be) to stop being on my nerves was mature. Guess i was working with the wrong crowd. Sad thing is, aside from Ice cream, no one says a fucking thing here unless they're being irritating. I went to the Meme thread hoping that i could enjoy my time here at OCR again, but instead, i find that the trolls here are still as piss-poor as ever. No wonder the greats stay silent, they don't feel like dealing with people like Mephisto and Schwaltzvald. Basically, thanks, assholes, from the bottom of my heart, for keeping away the good users here who used to make this place awesome. Nice Work!
  15. This isn't the meme thread, Schwaltzvald, use your words.
  16. Dude, the only attitude i have is based entirely on you not shutting the fuck up about what i'm supposed to be putting out to the world. I'd pick apart what you said, but you broke my giveafuck. One last time: I DO NOT WANT YOUR "HELP", I DO NOT NEED IT, AND IT IS NOT YOUR PLACE TO TRY TO CHANGE ME INTO ANYTHING. Do not continue. What i do is my responsibility, not yours, so shut your fucking mouth about it, and move on.
  17. It's not a ribbing. You know what it is? http://www.ghoulfriday.com/horribly_slow_murderer_incredibly_inefficient_weapon That. You're just a fucking troll. Kyle, i've been trying not to block him, thinking maybe he'll go "oh, i'm sorry, i'll shut up and stop being a constant, harrassing douchebag." It's about to happen though.
  18. It's called Fuck the hell off, no one needs your fucking examples, and i'm tired of it. It's not funny. It's not amusing. I've requested you stop it many times. Now seriously, i'm not your fucking buddy, and you're not going to save the internet by following me around, telling me i'm shit. So, again, fuck off. Find something else to do. Better, sauzer? Wow, if THAT's not appropriate... Some funny for those who aren't involved.
  19. One thing i'll never understand... How is it that if i say more than 2 things to someone on OCR, they latch on to me like i'm some kind of freakin' superbuddy, and proceed to follow me around wherever i go? At least they leave the females alone here after a while...
  20. Baaahaha, so cute, the noobs.
  21. Hey schwaltzvald, was it fun running your own music competition? Being the first to have a weekly format, spawning several (almost 1 per contest, 20 contests, in fact) new ocr mixes? Oh wait, that was me. In 2002-2003. Seems us old ones CAN have an impact on the community. Say, Coop, would you say your endless stream of imagery has had an effect more than newer members on average? I'd say so. It's so cute when the newbs try to give historical views. He's right though, the time someone joined has little to do with how much someone contributes, but the old ones here all have proved themselves long before these newbs even got here. Schwaltzvald? Say hi to Moggie when he comes back.
  22. You still are, there's just more body heat at the bottom. Bloody '08s.
  23. Your legs are stupid.
  24. Not true, i'm actually an '01 i think, but the board wasn't around then, or it's since been updated. I could be wrong though, the Pontiac Vibe wasn't even a reality when i joined here, and now it's a late model.
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