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Everything posted by TimberWolf

  1. The '02s tell you to STFU, and get off our low-res lawns.
  2. I suggest very early "In Flames", their old stuff is melodic and very heavy. Also, Nightwish is good for Power Metal. Lacuna Coil sounds good, but their lyrics are a bit cliched. I mean, "DESTINY!!" is not a way to start a stanza anymore, lol. To look for, cause i have to wake up early: In Flames - Lord Hypnos, or anything off their "Jester Race" album. Nightwish - I wish i had an angel, from their "Once" album. Lacuna Coil - Swamped (I know little of LC, i found them via youtube crash videos. ) As for internet awesomeness related to this: http://www.dirpy.com Converts youtube audio to MP3, with proper tagging (though sometimes it needs some help). Good if you want to put a live, hard to find, or even a youtube-only sound clip on an MP3 device for evaluation. I hope to contribute to this thread more tomorrow....
  3. Indeed, it was "our collective bads" at work. All is well... for now. Until next time, Gadget... next time!

  4. Well, seems a misunderstanding was had... next time, be sure to address to whom you are speaking. :) I'll watch out for this myself, now.

  5. Your opinions as of (ever) have been ridiculous. You should stop being mean to other people without cause. Not everyone will agree with you. Also, thank you to The Author: i forgot about this feature. You left a nasty note on his.

  6. Absolutely. At least if he's going to ignore me, he should have the balls to keep up the appearance. That was just childish, and a PM has been issued.

  7. I know, it's so nice without him. I don't care if it's boring sometimes, it's just nice.
  8. Ahh that's right! That got me started in drawing. I think Kureejii Lea and Razor Man both did one for me.
  9. Should i start another 4-month long furry board war? The first one was a frikkin' riot! That was fun!
  10. Dude, turn winamp OFF, and go outside for a bit.
  11. Beatbox Dub FX Hell yeah, this dude rocks, i love his style! (look him up on YT)
  12. Kyle, God called. He said no. Also, shut the fuck up. But mostly no.
  13. I love OCR, it's always walking the line between "that's a witty comment full of sarcasm", and "i'm a fucking retard that has no concept of anything". It's a good thing i've got an endless supply of sarcasm.
  14. Repopulation is a bitch. I know i have stuff on my ipod that i either couldn't find again, don't have access to, or have since deleted. beware Apple's asshollery though. I took my ipod in for service when the screen broke (the backlight was casting huge grey lines), and they claimed that i'd opened it, and voided the warranty. I had not opened it, SPECIFICALLY so that i wouldn't LOSE THE WARRANTY. Pissed me off. Guy even liked my OCR collection, too.
  15. Or she's a golddigger. So to speak.
  16. Don't worry, these are the uneducated hoardes that still eat bananas roasted with the skins on.
  17. Wasn't Giygacyst an enemy in Chrono Trigger?
  18. Score at least 1 internet for the coopster, i was about to look this one up myself!
  19. I find all of your posts to be genius, which is hard to pull off. I just hope we never disagree on something in close proximity, it could get ugly... and i could lose. ;)

  20. Don't forget Gorveg's ugly face. But bagel's penii were pretty funny.
  21. Big Bang Theory - Season 3
  22. I'd pay 40CAD for that... Really though, i'm actually down on my Sega Saturn title knowledge, since no one i knew ever had one and the only experience i had with it was when i found a guy with one on display (for play) at a flea market. Is it another case of Sega's hardware being more popular after death?
  23. You watch Community, i see. :P

  24. Huh, your birthday is a day behind mine. What year?

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