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Everything posted by mrnerdhair

  1. Easily my favorite Zeal mix thus far, even beating out Mazedude's classic "Island of Zeal." While Mazedude's is a beautiful, equally masterful arrangement, the minimalism of this mix and its focus on the B-section of the theme has me evaluating the society of Zeal in a new, richer way. It's entirely personal preference, but I prize this mix's uniqueness.
  2. So... it's the new year, plus a bit, and magfest is over... any word yet? Please? Can I at least have some zipped bindiffs?
  3. Been waiting expectantly for release of this project. Now that MAGFest is over, is there a chance of a near-term release? Please? Pretty please?
  4. The reason that URL doesn't work anymore is that the name of the site is now OCR Radio instead of Ormgas. Use ocr.rainwave.cc and it should work like it used to.
  5. Ok, so I spoke too soon. For some reason I couldn't burn the resulting WAV file either, as my burning program didn't recognize it either. So, I opened it in Audacity and exported it as WAV, which for some reason produced a noticibly lower-bitrate file, but which would burn successfully.
  6. Thanks, that worked. I'd actually tried that and gotten a "File/path access error" from the FLAC Frontend, so for anyone else with the same problem and running under Vista with UAC enabled, take note that you may have to run the FLAC Frontend as an administrator.
  7. I just downloaded the torrent, and I noticed that my CD Burning utility wouldn't burn some of the FLAC files, and Audacity wouldn't open them either, so I ran FLACTester on the whole FLAC directory and got a FLAC__STREAM_DECODER_UNPARSEABLE_STREAM error on 107-SoS-Setting_Sail_(Hydropolis).flac and 308-SoS-Pain_Withstanding_(Standing_the_Pain).flac. Is there some magic I can do to fix these files, as they play fine, and according to the torrent, their hash checks out?
  8. I'm actually from Scotland. I'm an American now, but I was born in the land of milk and honey (or tea and oatcakes) and grew up there. I tell you, it's dang hard to tell if this was done on real bagpipes or not! Spekkio, you warm my heart, and take me back to a land that was simpler and sweeter Thanks, man, this is now my personal theme song...
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