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Everything posted by KeeganTheFox

  1. 2 wins against Sovereign
  2. Snow day for today. Once I wake up and dig myself out of the 80cm we're supposed to get I'll be online all day =D!
  3. good openings all around, I'd've continued the Sicilian Defence he had going at move3 by going c3, but he obviously pinned d7 and opened himself up a castle kingside. Where you went g5 (move 7) I'd've personally gone d5 which allows a more centric defence and doesn't open up the outside. Your move 13 was pretty interesting. It leads to 14.Nd6+ Ke7 15.Be4 Nc6 16.Nf5+ Kf8 17.Nxg7 Kxg7 18.b3 Nf6 19.Bg2 d5 20.Bb2, which wins a knight for a bishop. Better although is Qb6, leading to 14.c4 d5 15.Nc3 Nxd3 16.Qxd3 dxc4 17.Qxc4 Bd7 18.Nf3 Ne7 19.d3, which wins a bishop and a pawn for a knight and a pawn. The same with his 15. it leads to d5 16.Ng5 Nxd3 17.Qxd3 Ke8 18.Ngf3 Ne7 19.Qe2 Bb7 20.d3, which wins a knight for a bishop. Better is Be4, leading to 15...Nc6 16.Nf5+ Kf8 17.Nxg7 Kxg7 18.Bxc6 dxc6 19.d3 Ne7 20.Nf3 f6 21.Bf4, which wins a bishop and a knight for a bishop and a knight. He misses another chance at 17. it leads to 17...Bd4+ 18.Rf2 Nf6 19.Nxf6 Bxf2+ 20.Kxf2 Rxh2+ 21.Kg1 h1+ 22.Kf2 Kxf6 23.b3 Ke7 24.Bb2 d6 25.Rxh1 Bxh1, which wins a rook, a bishop, and two knights for a rook and two knights. Better is cxd3, leading to 17. Bd4+ 18.Kg2 f5 19.gxf5 exf5 20.Nf3 fxe4 21.Nxd4 Kf8 22.dxe4 cxd4, which wins a bishop, a knight, and two pawns for two knights and a pawn. On move 18 I've moved the rook instead of his king to block your check. And then on your move 18 you could've also played better. Leads to 19.gxf5 Nf6 20.Re1 Qg8 21.Nf3 Qh7 22.Nh4 exf5 23.Kf1 †xe4 24.Qb3, which wins a knight and a pawn for a pawn. Better is Nf6, leading to 19.Re1 Qg8 20.Nf3 Qh7 21.Kh4 Bxe4+ 22.Rxe4 Qxe4+ 23.Qxe4 Nxe4 24.d3 Nd6, which wins a queen, a rook, and a knight for a queen and a bishop. Move 20 was his massive downfall. it leads to 20...Bxe4+ 21.Rf3 Nf6 22.Kf1 Ng4 23.Ke1 Rxh2 24.Qf1 Bxf3 25.Qxf3 d5 26.a4, which wins a bishop for a rook and two knights. Much much better is Nf3, leading to 20...Bxe4 21.Re1 Qe8 22.Rxe4+ fxe4 23.Qxe4+ Kf6 24.Qd3 Qe6 25.Nh4 Ne7 26.c3 Rag8 27.cxd4 Rxh4 28.dxc5 bxc5, which wins two bishops and two pawns for a rook, two knights, and a pawn. Therefore in your next move you win a knight and a pawn for a pawn. GG now, your move 21 made me sad. Yikes! It leads to 22.d3 Qg8 23.dxe4 fxe4 24.Nxd4 cxd4 25.Bd2 d6 26.Rh1 Rxh1 27.Rxh1 Qxa2, which wins a rook, a knight, and a pawn for a rook and two bishops. Much better is Qe8, leading to 22.Rg1 Qh5 23.Kf1 Qxf3+ 24.Qxf3 Bxf3 25.c3 Bxg1 26.Kxg1 Nf6 27.Kf2 Be4 28.d4, which wins a queen, a rook, and a knight for a queen and a bishop. You had a won game before this error, but it didn't cost you, you did mate him eventually Move 22 I'd've moved your queen to g1 rather than g5 your move 23 could've been better. Leads to 24.c3 Qe8 25.cxd4 Qh5 26.dxc5 Kf8 27.Rd1 exf3+ 28.Qxf3 Qh2+ 29.Kf1, which wins a knight and a pawn for a bishop and two pawns. Better is Nxe4, leading to 24.Nxd4 cxd4 25.Bd2 Qd6 26.Rh1 Qg6 27.Qd3 Rhg8 28.Be1 Rac8, which wins a knight and a pawn for a bishop. His next move frees your pawn at e4 from the pin. Leads to 24...cxd4 25.Bd2 Qd5 26.Bb4+ f7 27.Rh1 Qc6 28.c4 a5 29.Rxh8 Rxh8 30.Bd2, which wins a rook and a bishop for a rook and a knight. Better is c3, leading to 24...Qe8 25.cxd4 Qh5 26.dxc5 Kf8 27.Rd1 exf3+ 28.Qxf3 Qh2+ 29.Kf1, which wins a bishop and two pawns for a knight. Your next queen move evens you out in pieces. your move 25 could have also been better. It leads to 26.Qxg4 fxg4 27.cxd4 cxd4 28.Re1 e3 29.Bxe3 dxe3 30.Rxe3+ Kf8 31.Re6 Rd8 32.Rf6+ Ke7 33.Rxb6 Rd2+ 34.Kg1, which wins a queen, a bishop, and a pawn for a queen, a knight, and three pawns. Better is Qd3, leading to 26.Qxd3 exd3 27.Be3 Rad8 28.Rh1 Rxh1 29.Rxh1 d2 30.Rd1 Ne4 31.Kf3, which wins a queen and a rook for a queen and a rook. Move 26! Zomg he isolates own pawn at d4! This Leads to 26...Rh2+ 27.Kg1 Rxe2 28.Be3 Rxe3 29.Kg2 Rh8 30.Rh1 Re2+ 31.Kg1 Bh2 32.Rf1 Nf3+ 33.Rxf3 Rxh1+ 34.Kxh1 exf3 35.dxc5 bxc5, which wins a queen, a rook, a knight, and a pawn for a queen, two rooks, and a bishop. Much better is Qxg4, leading to 26...fxg4 27.cxd4 cxd4 28.Re1 e3 29.Bxe3 dxe3 30.Rxe3+ Kf8 31.Re6 Rd8 32.Rf6+ Ke7 33.Rxb6 Rd2+ 34.Kg1, which wins a queen, a knight, and three pawns for a queen, a bishop, and a pawn. This was white's critical error in the game IMO. Nice forced skewer on 26! From move 28 White steps into the forced mate and you have him in the bag! Much better for him is Be3. dxc5 leads to 28...Rh8 29.Rf2 Rxf2 30.Be3 Rfh2 31.Kf1 Kh1+ 32.Bg1 R8h2 33.cxb6 Rf2+ 34.Ke1 Kxg1# and checkmate! You wanted thorough, you got it.
  4. Bump cause I had a really deep convo with Rainy today. <3
  5. Bump Lol =d
  6. *shrug* You may have won January, but I have the 2006 belt. I'll beat you yet.
  7. Maybe Yahoo felt your lack of time would catch up to you eventually and cut you off right then and there
  8. omg I forgot about this place!
  9. I'm in toronto right now D= But I'm comin home in a few hours, I'll be on tonight and hopefully get those games in. EDIT: Margo and I played two excellent games. Two wins for myself.
  10. 2000+ and MOTW get my votes!
  11. Oh man Kamoh, thanks for the super rad opponents! I can't wait to play =D
  12. New week tomorrowwwww!
  13. lawl thanks man!
  14. mah house =D
  15. Happy Birthday to Keegz! =D
  16. Victory will soon again be mine! [/darth]
  17. two wins against grayfox EDIT: Another two against Setz in halfmatches
  18. Me too. I refuse to captain anything though, I'm more of the Hired Goon type who goes in and kills people. =D EDIT: spelling lolz
  19. New week tomorrow! Hurray!
  20. Very nice!
  21. Dama! When you read this spam my AIM so I can fight you, I may or may not be playing Unreal Tournament 2k4 or Rise of Nations with Clef. Edit: two wins against dama and two halfmatches against Kamoh!
  22. There's a colour drop down thingy, unless you need to switch editors (button in the upper right of the reply window) EDIT: And for those interested ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game ;White: keegan_the_fox ;Black: rainmanr2d2 ;Date: Mon Jan 08 03:42:42 GMT 2007 1. c2-c4 e7-e5 2. g2-g3 g8-f6 3. f1-g2 d7-d5 4. c4xd5 f6xd5 5. b1-c3 d5xc3 6. b2xc3 f8-c5 7. e2-e3 o-o 8. d2-d4 e5xd4 9. c3xd4 c5-b4+ 10. c1-d2 b4xd2+ 11. d1xd2 d8-f6 12. g1-e2 b8-c6 13. o-o b7-b6 14. a1-c1 c8-b7 15. e2-f4 a8-b8 16. c1-c4 c6-e7 17. c4xc7 b7xg2 18. g1xg2 a7-a5 19. d2-c2 b8-c8 20. f4-d5 e7xd5 21. c7xc8 g7-g6 22. c8xf8+ g8xf8 23. e3-e4 d5-b4 24. c2-c4 f6-e7 25. f2-f3 f7-f5 26. a2-a3 f5xe4 27. a3xb4 a5-a4 28. f3xe4+ f8-g7 29. g2-f3 e7-f6+ 30. f3-e3 f6-g5+ 31. e3-d3 b6-b5 32. c4-c7+ g7-h6 33. f1-f7 h6-h5 34. g3-g4+ g5xg4 35. f7xh7+ h5-g5 36. c7-e7+ g5-f4 37. h7-f7+ g4-f5 38. e7-h4+ f4-f3 39. h4-g3++
  23. I beat Kamoh and Fire (dPaladin) 2-0
  24. I'm blindly voting for kamoh cause a) he's cool and I have no idea why we're voting.
  25. Again, announcing that I've found the new forums. Yay.
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