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Everything posted by KeeganTheFox

  1. Won one against Margoute, we never got to finish our seconds game. edit: I can assume you have Tanz Brüderchen. =D
  2. If we're going with computer libraries right now, I have like 40GB+, 6771 songs on my WinAmp right now, 362:41 hours. It's constantly growing.
  3. My general background is new wave and videogame stuff. I grew up listening to my parents' 80s tapes/CDs and, being the nerd I am, a hefty amount of VG mixes and rips. I both play and listen. I've been playing Bass Clarinet for nine years, and the bass guitar for two. I play a ton of stuff, and I've transposed a ton of VG music for band. My favorite types of music are Alternative, Indie and Techno, but I listen to everything except for most Rap and Country & Western. My favorite Artists right now are Radiohead, Daft Punk, Deathcab for Cutie, Infected Mushroom, and anyone who's composed a videogame soundtrack. (Nobou Uemastu, Yasunori Mitsuda, Koji Kondo... etc.)
  4. /agree Excelent idea. It'll bring us together in ways other than just chess.
  5. I finally get to see my name in rainman's awesome colour scheme <3
  6. whoo new peoples!
  7. lets make it happy!
  8. Yes, very good games. Looking forward to playing again.
  9. What, on a 19 move game??? I took WAY to long thinking out some of my moves. We're talking like 2 minutes moves here =\
  10. Pretty...
  11. Wow. This song is awesome. Definitely on par, if not better than the classic Terra in Black by Ailsean, and the acoustic part reminds me of Death on the Snowfield. Therefore, you've just combined two of the best guitar based Terra ReMixes out there. 11/10.
  12. This might have been said already but who cares. Omega/Ultama(sp) Wepon from FF8, he took 5 Lionharts and a whole shitload of pulse ammo, jeez.
  13. DJP, YOU DA MAN!! (this is for those who are mentally retarded and could not see that before hand) I have to play Pachelbel's Cannon for my highschool band, and since then I can't get it outta my head. This song rocks. Now i'm hooked on Cannon more than ever. S'cuse me while I cure myself with some more of DJP's mixes.
  14. I recently got a SNES Emu and i don't know if you censor and shit but this is the BEST FUCKIN MUSIC EVER!!! Thank you.
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