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Everything posted by KeeganTheFox

  1. oh lawd I have to beat salax to win. This is gonna be hard.
  2. beat rau in game 1, then he mysteriously vanished. Good game though.
  3. Two wins from Falchion. 2nd game was lolz. ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game ;White: keegan_the_fox ;Black: naraku59 ;Date: Mon Sep 10 02:29:20 GMT 2007 1. c2-c4 d7-d5 2. e2-e3 d5-d4 3. e3xd4 d8xd4 4. g1-f3 d4-e4+ 5. f1-e2 c8-g4 6. b1-c3 e4-f4 7. d1-b3 g8-f6 8. b3xb7 g4xf3 9. b7-c8++
  4. I win two from Koi, and then right after some provisional noob challenged me. I lol'd quite hard, check this one out. ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game ;White: keegan_the_fox ;Black: tdogg322000 ;Date: Sun Sep 09 23:29:43 GMT 2007 1. g1-f3 c7-c5 2. c2-c4 g7-g6 3. e2-e4 b8-c6 4. d2-d4 c5xd4 5. f3xd4 c6xd4 6. d1xd4 f7-f6 7. b1-c3 b7-b6 8. d4-d1 h7-h5 9. f1-d3 c8-a6 10. e4-e5 f6xe5 11. d3xg6++
  5. Two wins from Kamoh last night and one from Kaizoku. Hoping to finish our other match tonight.
  6. I'm just putting in my two cents about the OCRCL. I honestly stopped playing hoping it would encourage more people to play. I just kept stomping people that eventually I had players simply forfeit/give up/give me the win for free when I asked for a game. From my point of view, I was crushing the community. Now I haven't been lurking regularly but I've been coming here for 6+ years, and I signed up for the forums 5 years ago and immediately lurked. It wasn't until last year that I felt a part of the community, even if I lurked more than posted, what with actually competing in the long dead Speedrun competition (I was Dark_shadow5 if any of you recall the OCRVSC). Heck, I still have the old Geocities page bookmarked. But thats not my point. My point is that because of you Kamoh, I actually felt a part of the OCR forum community and not another extremely avid OCR music fan. I'm not asking you to stay, but for what it's worth, Thanks. -Keegs
  7. ibanez raeps keegs 3-0 i r suck
  8. Kamoh, Kamoh, Kamoh. make up your mind man! Keegz is in as per usual!
  9. Roger that.
  10. From Hayter's Wiki entry Hayter is the only Metal Gear Solid actor to date to have played and beaten the Metal Gear games he's voiced in. I lol'd
  11. Two wins against Bahamut. He forfeit his 2nd game against me due to time constraints. EDIT: Two wins against Eppy and a win against dPally.
  12. The excitement I feel for this game is unfathomable. I'm going to beat SC and BW right now.
  13. I have the collectors edition of BC with the OST ripped already. PM me for any of the tracks =D
  14. Kamoh you still need to update my avatar =D
  15. I had no idea we shares AIM accounts there kamoh.
  16. two wins for me against nemo. Here's the second game we had. ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game ;White: nemitor_atimen ;Black: keegan_the_fox ;Date: Wed May 09 23:27:24 GMT 2007 1. e2-e4 c7-c5 2. g1-f3 b8-c6 3. d2-d4 c5xd4 4. f3xd4 g8-f6 5. d4xc6 b7xc6 6. d1-f3 d7-d5 7. e4xd5 c8-g4 8. f3-f4 e7-e6 9. d5xc6 d8-d1++
  17. I am so very in on this. Hardcore. EDIT: To practice, I hit up the newbie lounge. I lol'd. ;Title: Yahoo! Chess Game ;White: keegan_the_fox ;Black: biglithos ;Date: Tue May 5 18:04:57 GMT 2007 1. e2-e4 h7-h5 2. d2-d4 f7-f6 3. f1-e2 g7-g5 4. e2xh5+ h8xh5 5. d1xh5++
  18. I'm not dead, I swear. Someone bother me for epic wins, for I don't think I've played this game in ten years. EDIT: new avatars? Bad ass.
  19. ashvkdasdas *gurgle*
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