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Everything posted by Iceferno

  1. Those familiar with Shenmue will quickly recognise the music this remix is based on. I've also inserted elements from the main theme into it at certain points. It's long, progressive and has a number of sections, including an ambient intro which resembles the original quite closely.
  2. Your quarrel rests with a Mr Hiroshi Kawaguchi. lol I don't really think about it. Only that latin-y, jazzy Euro Remix comes to mind.
  3. Thanks guys I'd like to do a similar kind of alternate-remix for Magical Sound Shower sometime. I've got an idea for how it might work...
  4. Thanks for your input. No, I never submit to OCR. The judges are too fussy. I'm happy just linking people to my work.
  5. I don't think it's gonna work out with me, so just letting you know now. I've never been good with deadlines.
  6. Similar to the Euro Remix, I put the familiar theme in a different key and gave it a more sunsetty Miami feel. It has the Club Mix-style intro and outro, but the in-between is basically the ever-changing theme itself, much like the aforementioned Euro Remix. Have a listen:
  7. City Chillout is an odd turn of phrase, I know. But it best describes what I've done here. I figured it'd be nice to give an opposite atmosphere to the energetic original. Enjoy.
  8. Sounds like an excellent project. I've done some MM remixes already, but I guess using them would be a bit lazy. I'd like to try for a 2nd remix of the Song Of Healing and see how that goes. I'm willing to try any other songs from the game too, as long as they're within my ability.
  9. I guess the immersion is lost on you. Why does every remix need to be overly-complicated and new? Why not just enjoy the feeling, the atmosphere? I liked the original. The original's only about a minute long so I wanted to extend it in some way. It's not like I always do reconstructions. Sometimes I forget that open-minded people are scarce on here.
  10. A variation on the main theme. It's derived from the Options Menu version (it's always been a favourite of mine). I've been working on this for a while now and got a little stuck before coming back to it in the beginning of the month. It's similar to the original track "Config", but I decided to unloop it and build a bit around it. Hope you enjoy. Listen & Download:
  11. Whipped this one up in a few hours for fun. I was quite surprised. I didn't expect I'd be making another MM remix today. Like my Sonic remixes, it's short simple stuff, so don't go out of your way to critique it. Enjoy!
  12. Yeah, it does tend to be likened to Chrono Trigger. I'd like to remix some CT someday, but there's already loads out there and I never really got far enough into the game for it to influence me in the way BOF3 (and 4) has. Some of the beginning themes were beautiful though, like when Chrono wakes up (that and Green Memory would be what I remix). To be honest, Cash and Change, a response to your criticism would be the phrase "it comes with the territory". I know you yourself knows this, but it's more apparent than you might think. Nevertheless, I still put in variety where I could.
  13. This is what I consider to be my style, though I produce in many others. A Deep and trancey remix of Cedar Woods. Original: My Remix: Hope you enjoy I also put up a thread for my TrackMania United remix just now.
  14. Inspired by the Hed Kandi sound circa 2002/03. It's funky, but a bit laidback aswell. And incase you don't know the original... Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYMga-BWDu8 My Remix: I forgot to post this for ages, and I've put up another vg remix today, so you'll get two B2B topics from me.
  15. I know this is a super-old thread, but I found an alternative corrupt-FLP saving method which you guys should really know about: The 10th post on this thread: http://www.audioforums.com/forums/showthread.php?15572-Corrupted-.FLP-File (by user iuralaedunt) It worked on mine The only things you have to redo are the Playlist and Mixer input (ie: Reverb, EQ etc) . The patterns remain intact with all your samples and VSTs.
  16. Took quite a long time on this one. The River King GB soundtracks are really good and it's a shame the games are so unknown to a lot of people. The original can just about be heard in (warning: it's a Let's Play so there's a guy jabbering all over it)Listen & Download:
  17. It'd probably be rejected for that very reason (too much like the original). I don't really care for submissions right now. I'm just trying to build up something of a VG-Remix portfolio. I like to test to see if I can reconstruct the songs closely.
  18. I'm pretty unfamiliar with this style, or at least what it's called. I looked up some 80s Disco which seems to sound a bit like it. But I'm most familiar with the style through some of the songs from Sebastian Döring's Lovebirds alias (examples being "U Give Me", "Out Into The Night" and "Modern Stalking"). Anyways it's like those and also like the original Spring Yard Zone since it was already a bit oriented that way. Listen & Download:
  19. Thanks for the site suggestion. I'm less mad about OCR now lol. It just annoys me when someone on here suggests I do something then they say "oh, but that requires this", which basically means I have to miss out because I'm not good by judges' standards.
  20. I just think it's a load of crap that you need judges and rules for simply submitting a song. It doesn't feel like sharing music. This is why I prefer just posting on YouTube. People care about the right things in a VG remix and don't nitpick all the tiny flaws. I wish VGMix was still running so I could post there. I will say that I'm impressed your 'no offense, but' reply actually has no offense in it. Few people are able to do that.
  21. Pfft. Then it's not gonna happen, is it. God damn snobs...
  22. Ah good idea. I'll see if I can do that next time.
  23. Here's another short Sonic cover-remix from me. I kept it close to the original and also used the VG Soundtrack formula which basically repeats the tune once but instead of a fade-out, I just have an abrupt stop (it fits the genre imo). Listen & Download: Enjoy.
  24. Another close reconstruction of the original tune. It basically switches between the minimal Genesis reconstruction and a more full-on approach with hi-hats and pads etc. Listen & Download: I'd recommend getting the MP3 since the white noise I used in the song seems to distort in quality a little around 0:50 in the video. Anyway, hope you enjoy.
  25. As I said above, I tried my best. I actually recorded each part in Wavs and put them back together because I thought it would sort out some overcrowding. Also, please don't use the phrase "...much?". You may be providing criticism, but that part just makes you sound like an elitist. I do kinda hate how technical people get on here. Barely a line of what you said stated that the remix was good. I thought I did good on arrangement, but I guess you were distracted by all the faults.
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