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Posts posted by Radiowar

  1. it sounds like at 1:35 theres another 2 bars missing or something, it cuts back to the main melody too fast.

    hmm don't know why it sounds like that. there isn't anything missing though...

    also the only thing i dont like about this part up to then is the loss of sustain on the bass at 1:29.

    yeah just a sequencing mistake, i played this on my old computer so a few notes didn't come through and i had to fix them manually...that's just one i forgot.

    other than that its kinda nice but fairly short and repetetive, it needs some variety and fleshing out on both the melody and the bass side of things. good piano sound though.

    yeah it is simple, but that's intentional. it is meant to have vocals over it.

    thanks for listening

    edit: i've posted the "final" version in the first post, it's just longer and i think the minor issues have been fixed. i'll do the vocals someday, just not yet.

  2. hey this actually pretty cool. the sound quality isn't bad, unless you're talking about sample quality: some of the drum samples are kinda weak and that piano around 3:00 as well, though I guess it adds to the whimsical-ness of the song.

    my only real problem with this song is that it doesn't really sound ridiculous enough. in parts like 0:57, since the main instrument doesn't really change, it would be nice if everything playing around it changed a bit more instead of just that snare drum pattern. and around 2:50 it would be nice if when those laughing samples and the chainsaw samples came in the instruments still playing in the background became more chaotic (ie. wrong notes, playing out of time, etc) or something, because the crash on the downbeat doesn't really do it imo. i think this is a solid foundation for a good song but i think it needs a bit more.

  3. that piano in the intro is really bugging me. too muddy, and i think the first note it plays is too loud. if it was a bit quieter it would lead into the chord more smoothly and it wouldn't sound so bleechh.

    notes at 2:11 still sound off. this song has a really dark sound and that note just makes it too happy sounding.

    i think you might have went a little over the top with the pads too, especially around 3:27-3:42, they just cause a whole lot of unnecessary dissonance.

    this has a lot of good qualities to it but there's little things that really bug me about it. it's probably personal preference (except the pads i think those are just too much), so it might have a good chance.

  4. maybe you should not be starting a remix project on a whim like this, especially since you're already running one. do you even have a concept for this project besides "remix the whole thing"? is it gonna be kong in concert pt 2, are remixers from the last one gonna be involved, is it gonna be something completely original, etc.

  5. Thanks for listening guys :)

    This song is pretty much finished composition wise but I just haven't gotten around to recording the vocals, and I'm really not in any hurry.

    Right now I'm working on an instrumental version for ThaSauce and it's gonna be fleshed out a lot more. Hopefully it turns out ok.

  6. Nice. Everything here is pretty well done. I liked the synths you chose though at times they sound a little chiptune-y, especially around 1:05. I didn't mind the part at 1:07 but I think it sounds a bit too analog-y there. I think the instrumentation could be a little more varied. There are a bunch of little beeps and things you used that I think could be more prevalent at certain points. The sixteenth note pattern around 0:33 sticks out a little too much I think, and the melody that comes in around 0:41 is buried.

    but yeah this sounds good so far.

  7. I think the bass line at the intro stays static for a bit too long considering you don't end up making it static on purpose. A few changes there might help.

    You mean the first four chords? That was all intentional...I'm not sure what you mean.

    I'm not sure if this helps, but it seems to me that 1:25 and 1:37 seem awkward because they belong to the only sets of chords that don't move or change. Perhaps an inversion, or an added 7th, 9th, etc?

    Believe me I've tried. But E minor is the only one that works...considering I have to go from G major to E minor and then the next chord has to be something that makes sense in that context, but also goes back to F major and A minor well.

    It will probably sound better with the vocals over top.

    I really like this though. I hope you keep going on it.

    Yeah once I finish up the lyrics I'll probably submit this sometime next week. Thanks for the comments.

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