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Everything posted by Pi_R_Squared

  1. Secondly, don't forget, while "Gary Oak" does mean his theme and the Champion battle theme (sorry pu), you can use others as long as one or both of those makes up the majority of it.
  2. Well, nice to hear it. I updated the front page a bit, so I think I've got it all right out. I hope I didn't remove somebody I didn't notice was still on. So I think I might do a revision of the left over bosses soon. If someone's there that hasn't been taken I'll just replace it. Or better idea. Create two groups. One of taken bosses, one much larger pool of untaken bosses, including those once removed. If someone wants to pick one of them, it gives them a larger group to pick from, and it doesn't pressure myself of the project to get X done. Thoughts?
  3. I'm not depressed, I'm frustrated, which I've been trying hard to avoid. And the only way I can think of getting anyone else interested in the project is going back to the community board. I wouldn't mind it, but then who's gonna join? We got only so many people interested back then. I know I'm supposed to be motivating, but there's no point when I send a PM to someone, and don't get anything back! Not "I'm dropping", not "I'll be late". And you know what? It's not even like they're off of OCR. There they are, posting in other threads, so they're clearly still around. I don't want to come off as flying off the handle here, because I'm not. It's not a breakdown, or the snapping point. But, seriously, I think going back to community's a great idea, because right now it seems to be our only one. Tyrog - If you want to join, we'll need something to gauge you by. It's usually not worth it to take someone without any skill, because a project needs to know that it's members can preform with the necessary skill level. That's not always true, and not any kind of indication on your behalf, but it's necessary. EDIT - Oh, uh, whichever you choose. If you don't want everyone to hear it, just PM it to me.
  4. Well, there you have it. Friday. I don't even know what to say. Speechless. I didn't even get "I'll be late", or "I'm dropping" from anyone. It's not even a due date. Every single one has been a resetting point.
  5. Speaking of which, I just realised I haven't sent those PMs out yet. Jeez, I'm moving that WIP date back a week. ...Two week late. I've gotta start paying more attention.
  6. Well, I mean, if you've updated recently, it's not like there's an demand for one immediately afterwards. This is more of a message to anyone who hasn't lately.
  7. Guys, how does I changed thread name?
  8. OK guys, listen up. With Summer half-way done, I've seen a bit more action around here. That's great. But for anyone else who hasn't been paying attention, it's time to set a new WIP date. August 31st. Last day of the month, also the last Friday. I'll update the thread name, and in a week or so, send out PMs to catch anyone that hasn't read the title. Actually, yeah. If you're reading this, and haven't posted in a while, do so, even as just a "hi". I don't want to have to send PMs out to people who have already found out about the date. 'k, you know what to do.
  9. Oh, wow. I didn't even notice it pass by. I could've sworn I first posted sometime in mid-August. I could make a lot of jokes about all the progress we've made, but we really have. As far as the guidelines, rules, and goals, things have really been focused. But then, WOW, right? 'cause that's all the project is about, right? As long as we've got rules, it's OK. Who needs artists? Nahhh... not us. Ha, you know what I mean. You're all great.
  10. Err.... Actually, yeah. Forgot. Sorry 'bout that.
  11. So... It's Summer. It's been summer for awhile. And I don't like sending out mass-emails. See, you'd think its just copy/paste, but I kow I'm going to have to personalize each one. OK, this artist, the first part sounds great, but after a minute, it's all too repetitive. Or this artist, It's shaping up nicely, but if you used his theme from this game after the guitar comes in the second time, that'd sound great. I dunno 'bout you, but I've got it set up so that this thread is 27 pages long right now. Page 26/27 is full of hope right now. People coming back, updates, hey, that's great! I think it's motivation. I'm working on some 3D stuff, for example. Nothing major. A class from High School last year (Rhino3D), and the year before that (Maya/Bryce, if you're interested in knowing), along with almost every lunch, and more hours at home than I can imagine. But I thought, when Summer comes along, I'll have so much free time, that I'll get more work done in two months than I have in the past two years. But there are days where I don't do anything at all. Just lay around, maybe take a walk around town. Spend an hour or two at the library. Grab some grub at the deli. Come home, open a few tabs on firefox, and F5 'till something interesting comes along (Actually, I wish most days were this interesting. Most of the time, I'm sleeping 'till 1, then I'm lounging around enjoying my first summer without camp/a job. Take my word for it, this is the best summer everis my greatest summer ever). It's hard to self-motivate. Or to listen to someone else motivating you. I had another point to make besides "work harder", but I forgot what it was. It was a real good point, too... Something tells me I'm gonna be spending quite a awhile on these PMs... ...Last note? As nerdy as it sounds, watching every single Star Trek movie in a row is extremely satisfying. You have no idea. (I hope that post didn't drive anyone away...)
  12. Yeeaaaah.... It's Summer isn't it? Where's the promised activity? I really, really wish I bothered to learn how to mix before I went and started the project. Not that I regret the project, of course. I like knowing that even though I can't directly participate, I'm leading a potentially great deal here. Question - This project... when I started it, obviously I was to ambitious, too pretentious. Maybe the whole artistic thing is too much. The only thing to worry about is the cover, and even that is nothing, paling in comparison to the project itself. Not saying I regret anything. Just need to get that offa my chest. I've been trying to be more realistic. Don't think I'm only speaking up now because I only realize it now. I speak up now because I have the time to put it into words, and to think about it. Go ahead. Air grievances. It'd be a healthy thing. ...So, Anorak, hear from anyone yet? Send me a list of who you have and haven't contacted yet; I'll cover the rest. Now I feel bad at CAPS yelling at you... And where the hell is Kanjika? Haven't even seen him on AIM... Off topic a moment... who's been keeping up with the Smash Bros updates? The music is amazing. The bass a short while into the OoT medley is mesmerizing. If Zelda was Pikmin, but it was still Zelda, the music might sound something like that bass. Completely captivating. And the Ridley one? What is there to say? Emotional, and expresses power, anxiety... do I really have to quote Sakurai? It's downright fierce! Sorry, offtopic... needed to deviate from the conversation for a moment there... Thoughts? I need to start taking this much more seriously. I feel like I've not been doing what I should.
  13. Aww, man. Now I feel terrible. I know I should be doing more with my own project. I don't want to provideo some bogus excuse, and say I need to spend more time on my own project. I will now. It's summer, I have no real excuse at this point. Sorry to hear that you are dropping, really. I think it'd be best if I make my next few posts as revies on the private forums. Give me some time to listen them over, everything should be commented on by the weekend. Maybe sooner. Shinny- That'd be good. Although I don't think it should be called those damn s and z blocks... they're never really much of a problem. Maybe "Line 20", or whatever the highest level of speed is in a regular tetris game... CHIPP - See the first page, it explains everything. And the thread's title. Yes we are still looking for help. If you have anything you've already done, PM it to me or one of the other Coordinators of this project. WHO I CAN SAY HAVE ALSO NOT BEEN SHOWING AROUND AS MUCH AS THEY SHOULD... but have done a great job over at the private forums while I've been slacking around more than I should be. But really, if you don't have anything to show us, I wouldn't waste your time, no offense meant. We really have to crack down on incoming mixers. No offense, again, meant to anyone. It's risky business letting someone in when they don't have too much to work off of. Anorak - That sounds great. The contacts, that is. Hello Kitty... I don't remember putting that up on the front page, but I have been a little more lazy with it than I should be...
  14. Aaaaaaaaand... I'm back. Still on dial-up, but high-speed's coming Saturday. I can see my cohorts have done their job... or not. I think, rather than go do it myself, I'll dump that small bit of responsibility on them. It's not hard, really. POCKETMAN, you should now have access to the forums. Good to see everyone returning after absences, too. How's it going, everybody?
  15. Jeez, this sucks and rocks at the same time... I just moved across town, and I don't even have a phone line hooked up yet. None of my neighbors have wifi, either. I'm posting this from my library, to say, for the next week or so, I still won't be around. The good part? High-Speed Internet. Oh yeah. ...In a week or so... *Cough* Anyway, what I would want from my co-coordinators, who both have to learn to share their temporary status as a duo, try and work out contacting The Minibosses, The Advantage, The NESkimos, MegaDriver.... bla bla bla... whoever else, too. Too many VG music cover bands to count. I haven't listened to most of them, though. I mean, if we're looking for someone to get on the project... might as well go for the big dogs. No point in not trying. Maybe the public forums themselves weren't the best place to post that... oh well... Too bad no one from the minibosses' forums ever really got back to me. Anyway, point is, I don't really know how to get home from the library yet, and I'm walking... so... I've got an hour ahead of me to find my way around town, I guess. But for the most part, I can't do this every day. See everyone in a week or so!
  16. I know I've been absent for a while here, so let me apologize. But I come back and... hey, stickied! Whats up with that? ...Anyway, just give me a day or two to get everything done that I should have over the past week. Sorry 'bout any inconveniences. But... something said on the Minibosses' forum got me thinking. Am I as project leader being to pretentious? I mean, I think I might be getting ahead of myself with this. The boss motif isn't a half-bad idea, but everything else might be pushing it. I don't want to sound too negative, but all the extra ideas are probably better left until later, if at all. I don't know what to do here anymore. We're flopping around, half the mixers that sign up end up getting kicked off, it's nuts, it really is. Don't take this the wrong way, everyone. Might sound like a sign-off, but it's not. I mean, is it really so hard to find reliable artists? I keep hearing "Cool, boss themed album. Nice idea, there", but does no one want to jump on? It seems more like "Let's jump ship, before it gets worse", more like it. No offense meant to those of you sticking around, but let's pull things together here. I can't be the only one noticing it, I'm just going to jump out and be the first to say it. If we don't clean up, we're going to fail. ...Another thing. Why does it seem like a deadline is the only way to motivate people? (No offense to those of you that actually do what you said you'd do. Nice update there, too, Avaris. After I make a few comments on that, and some last-minute tweaking, it might be submissions-worthy.) I know I'm going to get those of you that say Summer's coming, and everyone will have free time, and I acknowledge that. But still... In short, we need reliable artists. I really want to wait until summer to see if everyone shows back up, but I know if they haven't showed around lately, it's not like most of them are going to come back. For the most part, it's not going to happen. I'm just not sure what to do. We need artists. We can't get artists. And again, no offense to anyone, but if you've never mixed before, odds are you aren't going to end up with anything project-worthy on your first try. As far as the tracks themselves go, I'd hate to change things up again, but here 'goes... "A track can contain any track from any game in a series, as long as the theme of the boss specified makes up the majority of the track" I can't see that making things harder for anyone, right? Look... I've said what we need to do. Now let's try to do it, ok?
  17. http://theshizz.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=22037 So... yeah.
  18. Yeah, what he said. Following my post in the community forums, I'll be posting in The Minibossess, forums, to look up more artists. Just FYI. I'll post a link when I get it up.
  19. Well,when you're stumped, there's no better place to turn than (the)Community. As some of you know, I'm leading the project Crescendo to Chaos. Odds are, after we moved to WIPs, not many of you continued to pay attention ( not like we got that much here). So, I'm here to update, because I'm going to request some things from everyone. Let me point out to the mods that this isn't a request for a move. - We've switched genres, from being more broad, including Techno and Electronica, Orchestral, Rock... etc., to just more along Rock and Metal. Remember Metroid Metal? Aww... you know you do. While thats not exactly the way I'm aiming for, it's a good example of what good music (albeit covers more than remixes) can sound like. But the point here is the feel of the album. One of the faults of OCR's albums (I'm not saying they're no good, don't get me wrong) is that they tend to feel more like a playlist than they do an album. By limiting the genres, (for reasons like the factthat the chosen ones are a bit more listener-freindly when concerning people who don't regularly listen to video game music), a problem arises. OCR doesn't have too many mixers that can immediatly fill that place. Especially because Guitar is a bit harder to emulate than other instruments. Well, there's two ways to go from there. Any interested artists will be glad to know that it's not just that. If someone wants to do something more orchestra, but can include rock or metal to tie-into the feel of the whole album, he or she can go ahead. The other thing? Well, like I said, OCR isn't all about the guitar. More artists use programs. My point in bringing this up? If you haven't picked up already, not only am I asking about anyone interested in joining up, but I'll ask that if you know anyone, or know of anyone that'd be interested, drop us a line, or just point them out to me, at least. Finding artists is hard. Finding artists of a particular niche on a website that doesn't specifically host many of that kind is harder. We've been looking around, but it's not the easiest thing in the world to do. Everybody, let me know what you think, and if you know anyone, don't hesitate to point them out. Thanks in advance.
  20. I wouldnt want to exclude artists, so yes, you can mix genres. Just don't stray too far. If he doesn't mind, I'd like to quote something anorak told me in a PM exchange we had while discussing off-site artists... Covers it, basicly. I've mentioned in older posts that it's a good goal to work for, that is "radio quality". Some mixes have the feel to being actually music, and some you know are remixes (not saying that's a bad thing). A good track is one that everyone can listen to, without having to know the source music to really appreciate it. And for this project, it's one you can listen to on the radio. ...Perhaps thats a bit strong. Most rock stations aren't really covering where most of this will go, but it's a good comparison. I have a feeling I'll regret saying that later, but yeah, it's a good way to say "do good work". Yeah, I suppose thats better. Anorak said it, I'll restate it. Avoid a "playlist" feeling. Most albums here have it. RotS doesn't in my opinion. RotC doesn't either. But RotC is one flowing track broken up, it's supposed to have that fell. And it was pulled off very well. That's more what I want. Avoid a playlist feel, and execute that very nicely to make a good album.
  21. For sure. - I just spoke to a freind of mine who plays guitar. He's psyched about it, so we might see something from him. *Domo arigato, Mr. Myoku (Joins in the Robot)
  22. Pretty much, it's trustable. I have to update it by putting on MaliceX, updating the genres, but thats it, I think.
  23. James George - No prob, school's everyone's problem. Thats why no big cuts or changes will probably follow until some time like June, most likely. ShinnyMetal - See above, for the most part. MaliceX - I realised that shortly after I posted that... That's what I get for not bothering to read one page back, and instead jump to the first post to see where you were...
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