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Everything posted by Hellcom

  1. I love anything with the big bridge theme! Gilgamesh FTW! The guitar is really superb, instant favourite.
  2. I prefer the intro the way it is, its a nice shift. End is too abrupt though, so definitely work on that. Will be a great arrangement if you find the right samples or a real band.
  3. Thanks Arglebargle for the recommendation, I think I might buy it now.
  4. Hey guys, as the topic title suggests I'm looking for an entry level midi keyboard controller. So I was wondering if anyone could give some advice. My budget is £70. This one caught my eye: http://www.m-audio.com/products/en_us/Keystation49e-main.html
  5. Wow, 5* for that one. I loved the shift at 0.57, made me jump.
  6. Got it. Wow, how did you do it? I didn't know people outside of North America could reach our 1-800 number. We've played many international voicemails before, but those were actually mp3 recordings that people emailed to us. Care to explain for our other listeners? Wouldn't it just be 1 + 1-800-990-VGDJ for international calls to the States?
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