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Everything posted by Dragonmaster_Alex

  1. DS games needed Final Fantasy 3 Children of Mana Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin Trauma Center: Under the Knife Zelda: Phantom Hourglass Nanostray Kirby DS (not canvas curse) Viewtiful Joe: Double Trouble
  2. Childen of Mana, Castlevania PoR, Zelda PH, FF3...THE DS FUCKING RULES.
  3. overlevel more if you gotta. look up a strategy on gamefaqs. you need to beat him. it isn't over when you do. there's a prologue after that.
  4. it's so good to see that others out there ENJOYED Quest 64. it had good music. one of the songs in it sounds remarkably like some FF6 music. i say Zophar from Lunar 2 EBC. anyone you played this game and didn't overlevel like crazy knows what i'm talking about.
  5. Priston Tale is better and Priston Tale is AWFUL.
  6. the WiiMote should show up as a weapon.
  7. Did everybody forget that Maple Story has almost no depth and isn't fun for very long?
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