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Everything posted by M@DM@X

  1. Can you recommend something for macs?
  2. I never really used any trackers. Are there any that can export midi data?
  3. Is there a way to extract sequencer information from a s3m file, maybe even a conversion possibility?
  4. Ok, thanks. I know a vocal coach, I'll ask him about that btw, here's a sample from a German rapper called Kollega (I got it from a remix contest), there is no way that there are no effects involved in this. DL Link on Rapidshare
  5. Would you provide me with a link to some instructions?
  6. Hey, guys... WOW, been gone for a long time, missed a lot, but it's good to be back So I was playing some Butcher Bay yesterday and one question that's been bugging me for many months came up again: Riddick's voice sounds smoky and rough. So much that it's almost unnatural. The effect has also been used on almost any commercial there is, but I noticed it especially with this particular game: Here's a little video for reference: Vid What effects have to be applied to a vocal sample for it to sound like that? Can you recommend any plugins or techniques to reproduce the effect? Thanks in advance and again, it feels great to be back -M@DM@X -(from germany )
  7. Hell YEAH! An extented step-by-steo tutorial on creating phat drum beats complete with fills etc would be great!
  8. The M-Aiudio Axiom 49 is by far the best Midi controller in that price class I know. It has lots of useful features and comes with Ableton Live Light, just t get your foot into the door of digital music production. I used to have the Keystation 49e. After I switched to the Axiom suddenly I made much less mistakes while playing, just because the keys felt so good. The Axiom is the way to go! As for the pop filter, these things are really easy to create. I for example used a wire netting in combination with some old bandages I got from a first aid kit. It suits my needs.
  9. I liked yoozer's version too. How long did it take you?
  10. I totally agree.
  11. I kind of didn't get what OS you're tying to install it on, but if it's a mac you have to have admin rights I guess.
  12. "the cheeeat, the cheeeat is in the house" Check this vid How do I recreate this effect?
  13. It's always, everywhere and it's instant. As soon as I pan the headset 10 % to one side (which is one step, as well in system prefs as in Audacty) it suddenly is loud.
  14. When I got my USB Headset 4 or 5 months ago I was really happy, cuz' it rocked! Now it broke down. Shit. I'll try to explain what happens. I'm on a really old mac (G4, 500 mhz, Tiger 10.4.10), but it always worked perfectly (please no "HAHA UR COMPUTER SUXXORZ", I'm getting an iMac in half a year. I usually use it to record stuff in Audacity 1.2.6. I also use it as headphones because my brother is often playing PS2 in the same room as I'm lisening to music with this headset. One day it suddenly was really quiet. When I turned the system volume full up I could just hear the sound. (normally it's already really loud in the quitest setting) I also recognized that the sound wasn't sounding "rich and full" anymore. It also sounded super mono. After making some really stupid experiments (like trying another usb port, etc.) I didn't get any closer to the salvation of this problem. When I thought "Whatever, I'll buy a new one then" I opened Audacity to record something. (It was sunday and the stores were closed.). So I recorded my vocals and accidently turned the pan of the vocals all the way to the left. My ears alsmost exploded, because it was so fuckin' loud! also the sound sounded rich and full again. The strange thing is the fact that the sound was still coming out of both speakers, but Audacity displayed only the left channel. I took a screenshot to show you. Remember: There is output on both headphones. It normally is a STEREO headset. My theory is that the frequencies of left and right kind of interfear and cancel each other out when stuff is panned to the center (which is almost always -.-). What sould I do now? Thanks in advance. -M@DM@X
  15. I did not know him personally, but his music was really touching. I am very sorry. Me and many other people will remember him.
  16. 1.) What is your favorite game series? HALO OMFG 2.) What is the game series you are best at? Splinter Cell 3.) What game from your favorite game series is your favorite? Halo 1 (Haven't played the others yet) 4.) What games in your favorite series do you OWN (Rentals and Past Ownership don't count, though you can include Past Ownership if you note those). Halo 1 5.) WHY is your favorite game series your favorite, and why would you suggest others to look into it? It's got an awesome Soundtrack, an awesome story, awesome graphics, awesome novels, awesome everything. It just rocks. But I really suggest picking the soundtrack up. IT's really interesting. I got mine from Amazon.de as a UK import.
  17. Ok. I need Help. Anyone who has watched the Halo 3 trailer will have recognized these awesome chords. They're played by a grad piano from 1:09 to 1:23 and from 2:06 to 2:23. I need those notes! Could anyone please make a midi file of it? That would be truely awesome. I'm a giant O'Donnel fan and a bit of a piano player by myself. I'll just have to play this melody, because it's soooooooo awesome. [Yeah I use the word awesome all the time] Thank you guys in advance. -M@DM@X
  18. OMG! He is da Bomb!
  19. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope ocrmeix.org will survive the next 100 years!
  20. I already watched it. It was shown in my cinema as a beforeprimiere (don't know if that's correct English, Babelfish sucks... ). Those schmucks cut the chapters together wrong! Chapter 3 was after chapter 4. Well at least I can watch another movie for free now!
  21. Remix Halo 2 because Marty O'Donnel and Michael Salvatori are fucking geniusses!!!
  22. Congratulations, pixietricks!
  23. I would open it and dry every single part with a hair dryer. If it's totally broken you could sell it on eBay. Some people buy broken stuff and try to fix it or use some of the parts. You can still get like 50 Dollars for an iPod.
  24. Mine would be "Dr. Mario Burning Up OC ReMix" by Dj Redlight. That organ solo is awesome.
  25. I have some .vb files i would like to convert to mp3s. After hours of googling I still hadn't any app that would do it for me. Is there any trick to do what I want or does anyone of you know an app? Please keep in mind that I'm on a Mac. THX! -M@DM@X
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