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Everything posted by EdgeCrusher

  1. I don't know about micspamming, cause I turn all mics off. Type if you want to talk to me.
  2. 15 bucks is cheap for a game. Im considering it myself.
  3. Just making up for the times you tried to be to me. Don't you have a couch to jerk off on?
  4. I hate mic usage all together. I don't like a 12 year old kid whos balls just dropped yelling at me to uber him.
  5. How can you prefer something you haven't tried yet though, instrument wise? I still don't see how you say this. Cause all I can see you going by is past stuff with RB1, which the guitars were crappy yes, but seems like all signs point to those being fixed for 2, and the drum pedal is reenforced. The GH:WT kit looks flimsy as hell, especially the cymbals.
  6. But you're an OCR tradition! And the 4chan server doesnt just suck for micspamming. The fucking sound files they play on command is fucking retarded.
  7. You still have yet to say why GH4 stuff is better than RB2 stuff. We want to know.
  8. Have you used both RB2 and GH:WT instruments? Cause if no, then I don't see how you can say that one is better than the other.
  9. I need to be banned from vgmix more
  10. Just about everyone I know that did computer or gaming courses in college are seriously fucked now. Im glad I didn't go with them when I got out of high school.
  11. I think I might just get the stand alone for RB2, maybe by a drumkit or guitar later on, and a stand alone for GH4. I really don't want to be ripped another asshole on that.
  12. And she's horrible. At least there are two good albums by that band though before.
  13. Christian metal is so played out. Go listen to Stryper.
  14. We actually had a discussion in #ocrtf2 a few weeks back about a map with 2 carts, one for each team. This sounds like fucking fun.
  15. Motorhead had it wrong when they released 20 greatest hits all the with same tracklist and Ace of Spades over and over again.
  16. As great as dethklok is, I feel ashamed that when metal or death metal gets brought up now that that is the first thing people think of or ask about.
  17. Yeah, fix rtv. You get to play 2 minutes of arena before some newbie fag changes it.
  18. Ok. Uwe Boll. No thanks.
  19. I'm one of the few people that likes a variaty of metal though. You find way too many people that only listen to death metal, or thrash, or metalcore, and they seem to want to slag the others as gay or bad. I like a diverse selection of it.
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