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Everything posted by EdgeCrusher

  1. Fuck no we don't need a gay ass 4chan map on there. And that guys voice is beyond annoying.
  2. The lack of decent medics this weekend is pissing me off. Ill get healed by one for like, 3 seconds, and he'll run off to another heavy. So Im fucked achievement wise and also playing wise too. Fucking new people.
  3. I was talking about Austrian Death Machine last night in #ocremix. Great stuff.
  4. Id vote for map changes, but SOMEONE took it away. Anyway, I love the newbies crying about having to sit out in arena, its hilarious.
  5. The stats are saying that total time per player averaged up in a percentage that the engineer is used a lot. But yes, as an engineer you spend more time as it cause you have to, yes.
  6. Just to show how many engineers there are: http://www.steampowered.com/status/tf2/public_graphs/totaltimeplayedbyclass.png
  7. Starky, ROFL! Have an OCRE purse.
  8. Dustbowl, Gravelpit, and Goldrush. Id rather be a medic on a 24/7 2fort server than play those maps again.
  9. Im glad theres a map with more open areas than goldrush. Its too easy to ambush people on it.
  10. I got it last night but havent played it yet. Gonna try it now.
  11. He's been in the hospital a week now or so, and sites have said he died since then, but then take the story down. I guess it finally happened though. Sorry to hear it.
  12. Ok, if you are a professional touring band that has a record label contract and a few releases under your belt, there is really no reason why you should suck live as bad as dragonforce. I had to sit through their abortion of a set a couple years ago and all it was was a jumbled mess of drunkeness and sloppy guitar playing. Hell, compared to dragonforce, killswitch engage, which headlined the show, was damn near perfect note for note, and Im not even a big KSE fan. But seriously, if you are a band that can only cut it in the studio with pro tools, there is no reason to go on the road other than a small bar/club tour. Dragonforce is essentially the boy band of cheesy prog rock/metal today, and they are also pretty much suffering from AC/DCitis. I think Ive heard every song theyve ever done the first song I ever heard. Point being, worst band Ive ever seen live, and Ive seen some shitty as grindcore bands. So yeah.
  13. We had a pretty good sized group today playing it, besides someone that seemed to be getting crit shots every shot they were taking. But still a fun game.
  14. I second the lazytown and steel. Steel will never make it though cause people bitch too much.
  15. I got the AC and X collection for ps2, so Im good to go.
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