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Everything posted by EdgeCrusher

  1. Thing is I didn't go in expecting a classic movie. I went in as a fan of the original cartoon. I know the cartoon was cheesy, but this was borderline ham acting. I was depressed as hell that John Goodman was in this. And even when I didn't think it was possible, his younger brother Spritle and Chim Chim were more annoying than the cartoon. Wow.
  2. the middle neutral point is semi hard to find, but its in the dance party room down in the basement.
  3. I loved midnight run so much. Damn you CN.
  4. Im uploading cp_cyberpunk to rapidshare, posting the link as soon as its done. edit: http://rapidshare.com/files/147213522/cp_cyberpunk.bsp.html
  5. Horrible movie. Bad acting, looks like a bad acid trip. Bastardization of the show.
  6. I have the file downloaded to my folder, if you want me to post it on hosting.
  7. If you hate foster's, you are indeed without a soul and a fucking retard. That being said, Mike Lazzo can suck my dick. The Big O was god damn awesome. I have both seasons on dvd actually. But since he wouldn't clear it for season 3, it was canned and doomed to probably never return ever. So yeah, Lazzo, douche.
  8. The CP version they already run on 4chan's server is good enough for it.
  9. WTF!?!?! They cancelled foster's? God damn it. That was one of the few newer animated series that I really loved. They fucked up Dexter's Lab the last couple of seasons with animation changes, and seem like they can't leave the good stuff alone. I long for the days of dexter, johnny bravo, samurai jack, even the ppg. It was good times.
  10. Scouts should have a higher crit rate than a soldier anyway though. I wouldnt want to gimped too far since the scout class is not very offensively powered besides the speed factor, and the crit helps that out.
  11. I see a lot of people bitch about "Damn critted again" or "I keep dying by crits". I get killed by a crit maybe once or twice a full map. I don't see how people are getting hit that much, unless they are just overreacting to getting shot.
  12. They affect the engie hitting the sentry with a wrench though, making it easier to take it out. HA!
  13. I was excited as fuck for keep em seperated. Unforunately it was one of the last songs we played cause it was 1 am in the morning. I got to get alex back by this weekend so we can make it to megadeth.
  14. My friend bought this, and brought it over last night. We played for 5 hours straight, drinking. Great fun indeed.
  15. Yeah I caught you on yesterday around noon here. Sucks only having like 3 or 4 people on the server though.
  16. I should totally buy this for when I can't sleep at night.
  17. Itll still be in theaters, IMAX at least till Eagle Eye comes out in a couple weeks. Then hang around in the dollar theaters, then dvd time
  18. No you don't. Its horrible. One gun per class, buggy as hell, and servers crash.
  19. I noticed every bit of the action in the dark knight, and had no problem with the cam. Its pretty easy to see whats going on in the fight scenes. But transformers wise, all the decepiticons in the last fight kinda blended together. So I was like, WTF.
  20. I get client dropped after every map change when I tried last night.
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