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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. Thanks Gario

  2. Yeah, couldn't find a legal work-around to get grab the older regfiles, so I went back to 9 - seems to work better for me than 10
  3. D'oh, that would've saved me a lot of time and a pointless post Well, thanks for the heads-up Neblix.
  4. No, I ain't trolling, I really don't like FL 10. The piano roll is the biggest pet peeve for me here as well, but I also don't like how they changed the pattern system - which may be more efficient to some, but eh, I got used to FL7's (and still prefer it) - but yeah, I did notice that FL7 did get corrupt files here and there >.<, I'm willing to take the risk though.
  5. Only problem I'm finding is getting FL7 to recognize my regfiles - apparently my current regs are "out of date" despite that I have FL10 =/ god I wish I never made the switch.
  6. Found a good resource link to the classic versions of Fruity Loops and Garageband, etc http://flavastudio.com/fl-studio-fruityloops-archive.html
  7. Least satisfying experience for me was actually Wild Arms 2 (though Tales of the Abyss and Metroid: the other M were close contenders). Wild Arms 2 pulled a total 180' from the original plot of WA 1, broke the battle system, made enemies and bosses ridiculously weak and employed the typical JRPG cut&paste storyline - just bleh. To quote the Angry Video Game Nerd: "I'd rather eat the rotten asshole of a road-killed skunk and down it with beer..." ...than play that steamer of a game again q.q
  8. Pretty good studio chops here man - the intro track is actually what hooked me :3 - it reminds me of Front Mission and Tales of the Abyss somehow. Gonna give this interactive comic a good spin in a bit - looks very promising!
  9. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=38660 Guess all the people, like CJthemusicdude, who hated my bit-crushed bells are gonna say told ya so fool!. THAT and apparently my melodic writing is too vague and aimless, yet somehow it "resolves itself" - but I must digress before my emotions get the best of me. This rendition of Bramble Scramble didn't cut it, so does anyone have any suggestions on how I could salvage this thing?
  10. Okay...this is messed up - the "old" internet connection in my bredroom, hitherto, was completely defunct yet somehow it works now - or so I thought - I'm thinking that the DSL chord has been chewed on or was crimped somewhere - so it may crap out again on me very soon. Anyyyways, I'm housing my PC in my bedroom now, cuz the gamesroom is being revamped of course >_< - thanks for the brief comment Gario =p
  11. Fair warning - I might be without internet for a while - that depends on whether or not my internet has wireless capabilities...stupid renovating. So if you don't hear from me in a month, send Link.
  12. Yeah, I tend to let my remixes gather dust for a while and some of them I never get back to; however, I haven't felt this engaged with a remix in ages. I'm also quite pleased that you were wondering if my piano was sequenced or not , but yeah, everything here is done with FL Studio - no live playing here unfortunately. The piano dynamics, I feel, are more or less on par - as I don't feel like over-tweaking to the point where it totally ruins the original feel =p Thanks for the feedback Metaphist.
  13. http://www.mediafire.com/?8pl5190chfn3z84 Some fixes and some new stuff - tried to implement the crits as best I could.
  14. Thanks for the comments guys! I was waiting for at least one more feedback post before responding; both of you guys have confirmed a lot of what I was suspecting I needed to fix, as well as unveiled some other issues that I hadn't seen. I'm working on an update now and will upload it soonish.
  15. Version 2 is up: http://www.mediafire.com/?jayfr44eamntq4e Did some major changes and the track's evolved substantially from version 1, hopefully for the better. Anyone wanna give me some feedback plz?
  16. Hey OCR, I'm in need of 1 or more female vocalists to sing for an orchestral remix of the track: Parasite Eve 1 "Kyrie" Link to remix and source tune are located in this thread link: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=39302 Thank you all for your time and consideration. -Alex
  17. Needed to distance myself from the Shinra remix, so I made this for the time being.. The Source Tunes that I used unveiled!!(finally) Chrono Trigger: "No Hope", "AD 2300" Chrono Cross: "Prisoners of Fate" http://www.mediafire.com/?gf9v6345h2j2ykj Version 2 http://www.mediafire.com/?jayfr44eamntq4e Version 3 http://www.mediafire.com/?8pl5190chfn3z84
  18. Well, I do like the feedbacks here, but what I really need is someone who has access to E/W or Kontakt or something...2 reasons why: 1) my PC only has 2 gigs of ram and can't handle too many high-end VST's 2) I don't have nearly enough funds to afford the big hitters q.q
  19. Yeah, I'll confess, I have some of his CD's too q.q @ Flexstyle, I'll definitely give the short story a read.
  20. Aren't recording companies the ones mainly responsible for bad mainstream music these days (not to mention the rather culture-less masses who keep on demanding this tripe)? Imho, it's pretty tough for an artist to unleash their full creative potential, if they're being constricted by their contracts. So I'm really doubting that Deadmau5 really looked into the issue with all that much depth. All I got was a bunch of semi-coherent ramblings befitting a 14 year old :S
  21. I wouldn't want to be right behind me :3 ...so...bloated today.
  22. This is actually an older remix of mine, roughly about 2 years now I think. Hitherto, I hadn't really thrown it on the WIP forum. Unless I had a different thread with a totally different name...to which I apologize if that is the case. -*ahem*- anyways, this is a remix of the track: Kyrie, Parasite Eve 1. Source tune: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9YlshCRwxM Remix: http://www.mediafire.com/?7dq85m3ickagz5o As the title suggests, I'm looking for a collaboration with someone who has a real mean sound library and a working knowledge of orchestral percussion :3 (never was my strong suit) - I'm also painfully aware that I need an opera/choiral synth to replace the awful Irana Brochin SF that I have in there presently. Anyways, if you guys want to give feedback on the compositional element of my remix, feel free to give your 2 cents. Thanks all for your time and consideration ^^
  23. The sad thing is, I'm not new here, and I started off on a pretty bad foot. Your remixing strategy does make sense though and I'll give it a whirl - wow I think I've been here since 2007 - but I do have a remix that will be posted soon-ish :3 Also Darangen, I found the thread that you linked to be somewhat depressing, at least the first page of it, so I didn't really get far into it. Maybe it's cuz I can relate to the poor sod who created the thread lol.
  24. Yeah, it's a pretty tough balance for me to meet (i.e. the balance between enjoying remixing and catering to everyone's opinions here). And it's pretty taxing emotionally and sometimes even physically - which of course, is mostly of my own doing as I tend to over-analyze everything. Still, I feel I can contribute to this website regardless, if my brain would just focus properly >< For what it's worth, thanks for your support Darangen. It's kind of a surreal feeling to have a veteran remixer giving me a pep talk (BTW, what's with your sig =P)
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