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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. Well I guess not everyone is made equal, but still there is a huge difference if you critique someone honestly...without adding in remarks like: "I'd rather put my head in a meat grinder", "sounds newby", "is sonically retarded"...etc. And yeah, time to give him back his thread
  2. This is an awesome orchestral cover, good samples and humanization 2nd listen through...some of it does feel fake, but there's only so much you can do with sample libraries and not real stuff. Hopefully if you do intend to submit this piece, the J's won't find that to be an issue.
  3. Well kudos to you OverCoat, for clarifying yourself there... Alas, that doesn't feel like the intent of a lot of other posted remixers and "experts" here: hell, I've had people tell me to quit remixing and that I would never get better. Being blunt is one thing, but saying that you suck, or are a newb(which thankfully didn't happen here), only serves to hurt the remixer and create resentment for the person critiquing his or her work; I believe that this is an issue that needs to be adressed in the OCR community - for there is nothing in OCR's mandate that says: "we promote narcissism and bigotry". I hope that Zero, and all the other aspiring remixers get a much more positive experience here than I did. Good luck dude (and sorry if I came off as a little overbearing =p)
  4. Sorry about the 3rd post in a row - the other 2 can be deleted by a mod if need be. Anyways, I actually like this remix, despite the few gripes I had earlier. If you need some decent *free* drum samples, Koreplayer is a good start. I have some good soundfont packs that I could give to you too if you're dying for new samples. Just send a pm. Good luck and keep on trying =D
  5. Mine was pretty meandery/directionless too...we all know how that went on the panel.
  6. Okay so I was on the tad bitter side, but you're not a saint either Also, maybe you should stop patronizing me like I'm some wet-behind-the-ears newby. I've gotten pretty close to being posted here too, so I think I have a pretty similar vision to you as to what OCR music ought to sound like.
  7. No problemo. Looking forward to your next work.
  8. I have a hard time assosiating chip-tunes to Deus Ex, but apparently you pulled it off pretty well I do agree that it does meander a bit - but I really dig the crazy Dubstepp-ish wa wa sound in the background Maybe make the lead melody. OCR seems to have a thing against meandering ambience, which imo is a tad on the pretentious side, but whatever... 1:58 is a great change up though =D The clap sound is kinda thin & a little too campy sounding to me though. I think this track could benefit from some better/hardcore drum samples - maybe make them distorted too?
  9. I'm surprised WillRock isn't all over this kick-ass 80's tune , but I guess he moved on from the wip forum a looong time ago, since he had the misfortune of getting posted Anyways, I agree with Rozo in that it rocks. 2:30 is an awesome change-up btw. Gotta love that 80's groove
  10. Thanks. Spent the twilight hours last night working on this track and I almost forgot what it sounded like 'till I heard it again today ^^ Er, not sure about having percussion in it or not. The low piano notes in the 2nd half already detract from the sad feeling I was trying to convey, but at the same time they help fill out the low end, which is kinda lacking >< I was hoping for more sad and less 'peaceful' sounding, but there it is I guess q.q Thanks for taking the time to comment
  11. http://www.mediafire.com/?vq5yqu14vixxpk7 It's an orchestral remix A little meddly-ish but not too much. The first half is somewhat liberal but I think it ties in nicely with the rest of the mix. Enjoy. UPDATE: http://www.mediafire.com/?9c0c5ht3a0d01bh
  12. Well this is much better now The bassline feels a bit out of sync with the other tracks, even though it probably isn't technically - maybe find a way to vary it up instead of the same simple rythm? That's the only real gripe I got from this mix. Everything else seems pretty good.
  13. Mmm very tight; maybe a little too tight Finish this foo! Oh, whoops, you did MB
  14. Yeah, I got a Tronn-ish feel out of this too. But it feels stagnant after about 45 seconds; feels like you ran out of gas towards the end - that happens a lot to me lol. Production was pretty cool though.
  15. Violin samples can be a pain sometimes, especially if they were sampled poorly to begin with (which is the case with almost every soundfont sample), but I didn't find your sample(s) to be grating at all. I didn't listen all the way through, but I heard most of the track (I was really tired cuz it was 3:30 AM or something stupid). Second listen through. Drum tracks still sound like they could be pushed out front a *bit* more. And maybe raised by a half dB?? IDK, usually when I mix my drums I make them too loud to begin with lol Listenned to ending. I didn't have a problem with it - in fact it sounds much more genuine than just doing a cliche cadence chord or low note. Also makes the violin sound more realistic
  16. I'd say that adding different FF7 pieces would help a lot - of course, getting them to fit nicely can be pretty tricky, unless you're just gonna do lazy transitions (which I don't reccoment =p) A cadence of any sort would be helpful for the ending - perhaps a fade-out ending would even suffice, but just having the sounds peter off isn't a good idea; been there done that. Doesn't work q.q
  17. Agreed. CV 4 is not loved enough here This is def. one of the better source tunes of it too. But I found the remix to be lacking. Sorry =(. First things first, the intro is too sparse, too quiet & too long. Some extra textures (i.e. pads, simple chords) would really help alleviate the emptiness...and maybe varying up that repetetive arp riff would help out a lot. The drums are also mixed way too quiet q.q IMO you should get yourself a better sound library and think about varying up this track more if you're considering posting it. It's got mega potential
  18. Very retro sounding, I like Feels kinda muddy and distant though. Maybe that's partially to do with the Youtube sound quality too. I'm a big fan of ambience, albeit this does get a little stagnant towards the end and doesn't really conclude itself very well, unless you aren't done composing it yet =p
  19. Okay, so compositional side, everything seems pretty fine. But for the mastering, I think that the master volume is a little too low, maybe boost by a few dB or find another way to give the tracks a decent boost. I think the drums could stand to be a bit louder; personally I wasn't too bugged by their repetition, but a little bit of changing up wouldn't hurt. The transitions, midi writing (did you play some of it on a keyboard?) and dynamics are really great - it feels very organic and fluid. I can tell that you put a lot of care into the production here, so it's not too far off, imo. Good work
  20. I think its better that the Megaman series doesn't get continued. When you see characters/bosses with names like Whalen MacDuff and have to deal with poorly translated dialogue during the actual levels, it makes you wonder wtf they were smoking when they made Megaman X5 and upwards... Plus I prefer Konami over Capcom
  21. No...no...that's impossible!! Nooooooooo!! ...Actually I was high half the time too
  22. Okay so this is what...the 3 millionth revision of my remix, this time with Flexstyle. The style is a hybrid of orchestral (original I know) and Nine Inch Nails-ish electronica. I must say I'm sort of tired of the source tune and hope to the flaming Gods I don't have to touch it again. Anyways, I'm pretty proud of the fact that I managed to survive the entire remxing process (and proud of Flexstyle's devotion too) and I hope that you guys enjoy it as much as I used to. wrong thread my bad.
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