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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. Thanks for input crits hewo and Rex. Got some useful tidbits and ideas from both things, and hopefully I'll get the energy to actually work on my remix again As it stands, I feel there is a lot of work - particularly on the conservatim (yeah I made that word up...ooh and it rhymes with verbatim:tomatoface:). Oy, I find that I have all these great ideas, but when I do remixes for OCR, I feel so confined and a lot of my ideas seem to explode in the hanger before I even put them to the test. Dunno why I keep on tormenting myself, but anyways =p, I'll give it another whirl.
  2. "I slowly started to lose interest because I didn't like the direction the company was taking the game... auction house, DRM, etc. ~Syllix" DRM is similar to SecuRom right? Given SecuRom's horrible reputation, you'd think that Blizzard would back-down from this sort of thing, lest they risk getting sued by angry gamers. I mean, if EA can get sued, then so can Blizz...right? (Also, is there a way to prevent your system from being infected by the DRM?) BTW, went to Wiki, just to make sure I wasn't getting my facts wrong, and found some interesting things about DRM: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_rights_management "Data Restriction Management" is definitely the best way to describe this shitty software.
  3. Okay, looks like I've got my work cut out for me lol. Not sure how to fix the E-guitar thing, I'll prob have to call a few favors on that one. The other crits are definitely within my reach though and I'll do my best to fix the issues. Thanks for your feedback Darangen! (BTW, mega fan of your remixes too =p)
  4. http://www.mediafire.com/?e5ilhoh1n8etdy7
  5. Awesome - best metal mix I've heard in a while and in MP3 quality
  6. Well - it's good to have feedback, even if it feels like a cement truck had dumped its load on your shoulders lol. Wow...that sounds wrong, oh well. The keychange at :26 is in the source tune, which I also found a bit jarring, so I may switch that up per suggestion. The note change in the Shinra progression was indeed intentional; I'll consider changing it back. The synth soloing was written at 4 am last night lol. I'm surprised it turned out cogent at all - if not corny, as you've said - though I'm gonna probably keep it for the E-guitar segment at 2:35; I may also change the sample - also, I will try some faster notation, probably at the apex of that 4-bar segment. But on a side-note, I was a bit dissapointed that you didn't dig the retro sample; cuz to me, it reminds me of some of the older OCR remixes (and thus has a nostalgic VG feel to it)...can't remember their names off the top of my head - but I think Mako Eyes used a similar sample as my retro-synth. I'm relieved that the guitar samples worked for u though, cuz they are the best of my rather limited library (and I don't feel like torrenting 80gigs worth of hyper-advanced VST crap lol). All the other crits that I didn't mention in my response are also helpful, so... Thanks for the feedback Mono
  7. Can you give us a non-youtube link? I.E. host this on mediafire or Tindeck? There's a bit of sound-quality degredation from hosting MP3's on youtube =p thanks brah!
  8. I like the MIDI interpretation composition wise - however the choir/vox sample that mainly compromises the lead would not sound good with "realistic" choir samples as it'd sound very fakie and well...it's pretty awkward to sing AHH's in 1/4 or 1/8 notes as they are generally sustained longer. If you replaced the choir with brass and layered said brass with another instrument then that'd probably work. (That's just one sample example to replace the Ahh choir). Moreover, you may want to consider adding in a slow beat, or to compliment your acoustic guitar-rhythm with other rythmic variations and instruments. Over all, I'd say this is a pretty nice first rough draft, but there are many things to consider changing (or adding) if you want to render this track into something realistic sounding. I'm not the best source for feedback in that latter regard, and it's somewhat depressing that no one else took the time to help you here - so I'd suggest 'harassing' workshop people via pm's to get help =p Good luck!
  9. Wow nice acoustic guitar work here Darangen The Bass is reaaally powerful - I think it's distorting the rest of the mix, but I'm guessing that you're more worried about the composition than the production side of things at the time being I like most of the instrument choices and the amazing soundscape you have going here 2:26 is def. the best part insofar. However, my only instrumental gripe is that flute sample - more of a personal thing, as it's tough for me to describe why it doesn't seem to mesh well with the other instruments. (Some other options might be the english horn, oboe, or something Eastern, or Celtic sounding) - I'm sure your sound library is enormous so it shouldn't be too hard for you to look for an alternative to the flute, if you agree with my feedback here lol. All in all, I really digged this WIP and I'm looking forward to the final version
  10. CURRENT: http://www.mediafire.com/?e5ilhoh1n8etdy7 Source tune: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bITrS-GQjAw Yeah this is pretty conservative at the time being - wasn't too sure where I wanted to go with this, but I was inspired to work on it nonetheless >.< ...and now it has evolved into something I was definitely not expecting. I NEEDZ TEH FEEDBAKZ. Pweez :3
  11. I hear there's a pretty big industry out there for stealing intellectual property and selling it to websites and recording companies - then the true artists who complain, end up getting blackmailed/threatened. Them hackers(and/or 'hacks' in general) will stoop to any level to make a quick buck off of ya
  12. Ad's too sexy for a pic, so sexy it hurts. Or he's ugly as sin, just as Brandon said But a can of Ad Spam would def. make my day.
  13. For those of you who've been following this wip: I've done my best to address the recent feedback and made some changes; I decided that it's now worth a try on the panel, so I've submitted the 'final' rendition to them. If it does get NO'd, I'll link their decision and current wip, so you guys can help me puzzle out what the J's may want changed. Thanks for the constructive and useful feedback guys
  14. If you need any ambient pads/fx, gimme a hollar - I got over a hundred of them sitting on my harddrive lol.
  15. Ok, thx for the crits guys, I'll see what I can do with the EQ/mix issues. I think I'll take a risk with the bit-crush bells on the J panel though , as I've had varied opinions on them, which to me sounds more like a subjective rather than an absolute matter - it may be leaning more towards the no-bit-crush bells but oh well.
  16. Problem is, most Remix Albums aim to be conservative - for most video-game fans who download these remix albums expect the remixes to strongly resemble said source tunes. Yeah, you could argue that there's no proof of that claim and that I haven't made a tally of all the people here - but let's face it: this site's called OverClockedRemix not Total Rearrangement. It's sort of hard to pay tribute to a source tune, if you've transformed it into something that barely resembles it, at least in my opinion.
  17. Well, then that solves it Looking forward to the finished remix Prophecy
  18. Wouldn't the tempo for the breakbeat and dnb have to be really slow?? It might sound sort of awkward at 80 bpm or w/e :S, just sayin' - although ambient electronic would def fit the bill
  19. Yes actually it does, cuz it was actually how the midi was made, and I was too lazy to do the pitch bend myself haha. I can fix that easily though
  20. I have a track that's been passed on the panel and is waiting to be posted, so idk if that counts as being posted or not =p Anyways, I'd like to claim The Devil's Lab plz
  21. Okay, I'll go see what I can do with those things you've pointed out. Thanks for your continued feedback
  22. It's cool bro - thanks for your nice feedback. The J's aren't gods, despite that some ppl seem to like to throw them atop a totem pole and worship them so - nevertheless, I intend to submit this track eventually, so all feedback is good (and Rozo you don't need to baby us lol)
  23. Maybe, I guess - maybe I'm just feeling a little overwhelmed here. Asking for feedback seems to be a double-edged blade for me sometimes haha.
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