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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. I can't seem to get any sounds to play for the VST Kore Player (free). Whenever I press a note, only the midi light turns on, followed by a whole bunch of nothing. Help plz
  2. Hey drum, what reverb VST is that? It looks pretty good - I'm sick of FL reverb lol
  3. I'm gonna have to look around at KVR audio or something...my samples suck nuts
  4. okay'z we need some mutual critting...no1's bumped my own track in a while (the SM_Norfair one) So if you could do so, thanks a bunch Anyhoo, I must say DrumUltima's crits are very right where the money's at. Hmm...I think the reverb is indeed better but maybe reduce it by like 5% and make it .01 seconds less?? Cuz at certain parts it seems to flood the song...yeah I know it's a pain. The percussion doesn't bother me as much now. But mayhaps add in a LIGHT snare and kick?? Might help to give it some extra juice; just my nub opinion. lol.
  5. *sigh* Okay now I'll tell you what you want to hear and what I actually feel. This is actually pretty good. I don't care to go into detail about production, I'll leave that to experts on that matter. I love the breakdown too, where the bell and interesting percussion play alone. Although I think that percussion thingy can use some variation as it does kind of begin to wear on the ears. 4 mins of the same 4 bars of percussion would make most listeners a bit weary of it. Correction, 2:57 secs of that or so. Still, that's a lot So Judge HoboKa (who would never want to be one for OCR) says YES, Conditional go fix those minor things up
  6. Dude... You totally missed my meaning of predictable progression - it wasn't in terms of how it sticks to the source - ESPECIALLY since I didn't even bother to listen to the source in the first place. Besides you PM'd me to give you my opinion and I did so. I didn't try to come off as a jerk, but according to you I did. I'll concede that I've erred in thinking it sounds similar to DS, but there is a still a strong semblance nonetheless. And in either case - that's not a bad thing although it often comes off that way since I'm not in DS's good books. Anyways, I think I'm just going to let the other people crit your work seeing as how you nor your bro want me to crit you anyways; albeit in a more subtle sense in your case. At least I know where I stand with other people who dislike me here. Finally, you're sending me mixed messages of whether you want my damned opinion or not. So, you know what? I'll give you what you want to hear: It's a cogent, complete track, that more or less gets the job done. Congratulations. Now leave me alone.
  7. http://www.fileupyours.com/view/218181/Upper%20Norfair%20Remix4.mp3 Update: Tried to implement everyone's gripes and critiques here. Can't please you all, but I certainly did my best. Half asleep right now, so if there's any blatant issues that's probably caused by sleep depravity. Enjoy. Or try to As for the length of the mix, I'm actually not sure if I should bother making more material, because it's either I rinse and repeat like 99% of the other disasterpieces on this site, or I make the track grow increasingly arbitrary...decisions. And ow...ulcers acting up again. Gotta lay off the pop and fix my sleep routine. lol. FML
  8. why do you have to learn so fast? I wish I could. Anyways The pan flute sample is a little too play-back-ish, especially when played longer, which gives it a very fake feel. That's due to it being a SF. I'm also all for having percussion coming in halfway or so. Interesting take on it btw. Oh and progression wise, it's pretty good, albeit generic in formula - can't go wrong with that - can't surprise with that either though Hence the term "predictable" amirite? If you want to not be like your bro (as you've stated in your previous thread) you gotta step out of his comfort bubble and expand your own, without being a nonsensical HoboKa
  9. If you want to upgrade but don't feel like using Logic, go to PC there's programs like Reaper (which is free) and FL which are very budget savvy. Plus you can use VSTs ...just don't use Reason cuz that's a real piece. Just kidding!! Sort of.
  10. Actually, I like some of the ideas of your 2nd post. I'll see what I can do with 'em. Sometimes it takes a second glance haha.
  11. freesound.org eh. I'll def. hit that site up. As for the horns I actually got an offer from someone, hopefully they'll follow through. haha.
  12. Okay. You're going into a very subjective realm here - one which I would prefer to avoid - but again, I value your crits all the same Moreover, I didn't intend for anything I just went with what came to me at the moment - unfortunately that's how I function. I can't pre-plan a song too much, otherwise it just turns out not what I want it to be. Yes you will probably tell me to practise doing that - but I can't force myself to do something that I don't like, so yeah. I won't ever be of the skill level you no doubt expect me to be, partially because I don't want to be. Frustrating isn't it? Anyways, I still thank you for the time you took to listen and crit. Albeit the excitement to the choir part does sound enticing
  13. You know, you really need to pay attention to the tomato face. I was joking, as Gario said. If I intended to insult you - trust me I would try much harder. Anyways, thanks for the positive crits. And I shall def. take up the PM offer re: the gong. Im just too damn tired tonight...I over-did the Diablo 2 ug.
  14. Lots of changes here, cept my soundfonts aren't all that versatile when it comes to velocity changes, I did try to humanize it, but it's really not that much of a difference =(, however I have done some other stuff too, like reduce that clipping and the over-compression...except for those damn crap-tastic piattis x_x http://www.fileupyours.com/view/218181/Upper%20Norfair%20Remix2.mp3 Oh, and I boosted the bittrate to 192 so Neblix won't keep pestering me about that
  15. Well some of these ppl are elitist dinks, so I wouldn't change for them. But I shall try to reduce my abnoxious attitude Anyways, update coming in like 2 secs
  16. 3 things =p 1) Not enough source material for some1 to want to collab with me to play a brass part. 2) I'm notoriously disliked on this site so good luck for me finding a brass player 3) I'll find some way to fix that Thanks for critting/listening though I wish ppl would read my points before critting, as I had already stated the brass was terrible in my first post
  17. I can add in some item room background, but I won't change my 'heroic' melody because my intent was to make this a multi-mood track fits in with my bipolar disorder haha. BTW, I didn't take any offence - there's a difference between blunt honesty and bashing; and you're of the former so it's coo
  18. wow that's a lot of replies in 1 day , thanks all. I'm writing down the crits I think will help me out...and yeah the clipping and shitty brass have been bothering me a lot. Those definitely need to be my main priorities. And Neblix...the bitrate won't change the quality of my samples nor reduce the clipping, because the quality is already shit and the clipping is due to me wracking up the volume and compression. Thanks for taking the time to crit me though.
  19. Yeah this is a remix of the very bland, atmospheric track of Upper Norfair. My take on it is pretty sparse for the most part, but it does pick up at 1:32 or so. link: http://www.fileupyours.com/view/218181/Upper%20Norfair%20Remix.mp3 update2: http://www.fileupyours.com/view/218181/Upper%20Norfair%20Remix2.mp3 Update 3: http://www.fileupyours.com/view/218181/Upper%20Norfair%20Remix4.mp3 Issues I'm aware of insofar: awkward transition at 1:32, the production quality, especially for the brass, clipping issues - and the fade out of my shoddy gong samples. Problem is I'm unsure of how to fix them w/out ruining my work. Also, If there's any other issues I missed, please let me know. Thanks for listening.
  20. Well, I've given it a listen too. I agree, the progression and that stuff is fine, but the production is a bit hurting; Rozo pretty much covered all the things you can do about that, regarding EQ and production
  21. I'll second that re: the meddley thing. I think it's because it has to do with the whole flow/progression rules they use...which are very uh...stringent, to say the least. Anyways, I'll give this track a listen later...ear fatigue = x_X
  22. Looks like someone needs to be disciplined =p Anyhoo, this remix is pretty neat, samples are sort of an issue with me tho; I'm not really partial to the square wave sound, it doesn't really mix with the feel of the mix to me...could just be me. But I'm thinking that making it grungier and saw-like might help it to fit in better and not stick out like a sore wanker Moreover, I'm thinking that the drums could be made to sound more IN YOUR FACE sounding instead of mainstream pop-rock ish. Especially for the kind of source material, one would expect well...more energy, this one seems kinda laid back to me, although the low guitar rhythm does off set that a bit. I think this is a great start though, keep at it ...and PM us next time, instead of posting on this thread since this project is supposed to be a dirty little secret And Rozo...STOP BEING AFK you lazy Finn!!
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