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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. http://www.mediafire.com/?vtgdj4c2mnw This one is for a game that's still in the air (and won't likely get made any time soon), called Armor Shift. I suppose that it might be suitable for a boss or a major battle. http://www.mediafire.com/?1zdrimzytoz This is for a graphic novel, which is still under the works. It was initially meant to be a sad track, but it ended up sounding more mysterious :S http://www.mediafire.com/?j0od2nngaxj This one's for a generic space shooter game name; game's still in the works. http://www.mediafire.com/?nmkymiwujjg Same story, but this one won't be used for the game. http://www.mediafire.com/?5kzvikjnn2m This is for the first stage of that shooter game, has an Asian influence and a bit of an Axelay feel to it. DL at your leisure and critique if you feel the need to. Enjoy!
  2. I love that source; though it's not the easiest one to do, so no guarantees that it'll come out good, if at all =(
  3. Well said DS. I wish a certain other people would share the same view as you.
  4. ah ic. I'll order this pack when I get my next pay cheque
  5. Confused. How do you use the drum samples?? Do you NEED Kontakt or Reason to use them??
  6. How can I make 1:43 sound less arbitrary in its transition?? Do I need to do drastic changes or??
  7. Well, first and foremost: this piece is both beautiful and brilliant. I love how the melodies slow and speed up at a graceful, almost organic fashion. The dynamics, to me, are superb. I wish I had the patience to make a compo like this... *sigh* This DOES feel nostalgic lol. 5/5 and two thumbs up DrumUltima.
  8. Update #3!! http://www.mediafire.com/?gwmzz5anjtd I put the drums back to the old low-fi crap ones, because they sound slightly less annoying lol. And I added another 24 bars or so, with some sweet fucking ambient sounds and tweaked EQ a bit more. Also did some random changes here n there.
  9. Aight, thanks for input...updates to come a bit later.
  10. lol GG. Anyways, here's my update. http://www.mediafire.com/?2mymnyn0nnz Changed up to some better temporary drums. Also did some balancing work and changed up the 2nd half quite a bit. There's more EQ issues def. (as I don't really intend to work them all out until the main skeleton of this track is completed). Some other changes here n there as well. Is this improvement??
  11. LOL Michael Jackson Metroid...now that's a crack-induced idea...hmm...nah - wouldn't work. lol
  12. UPDATE 1!!! How do u like dem apples?? http://www.mediafire.com/?0ddwlmcfyig
  13. Well, I'll see what I can do. No promises
  14. Okay, how does it lack energy? Is it the sample quality, my velocities?? Also, you gotta remember, I'm using crap drum samples right now, which might contribute to the "lack of energy". And what kind of energy are you looking for? I didn't really intend this to be a heavy hitter, in your face thing :S
  15. Well, insofar, most of it is liberal, except for the intro and the last 8 bars or so. I'll post y'all links to the source tunes once I get more actual source in there, lol. I'm not gonna add in new instruments to the main part, because the soundscape is already taken up pretty well (and I'm not good at EQing 5 tracks at once, just yet) This song will evolve alot, but I'll make an effort to give it a focus and center, unlike most of my other works =p Oh, I'll def. have a bassline in there though =p
  16. Not sure where to go from here. And the drums are low-fi for now, I'll fix that later, once I get the compo done...which I kinda need suggestions from where to go from there :S BTW, the source tunes insofar are the water/statue area and Red Brinstar. Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?jdzqjiwzzzw Update 1: http://www.mediafire.com/?0ddwlmcfyig Update 2: http://www.mediafire.com/?2mymnyn0nnz Update 3: http://www.mediafire.com/?gwmzz5anjtd
  17. I could tell right off from the start that this would be a very unique track Crazy filter FX u got going on there with the arp. It kinda wears on the ears after a minute tho :S, is there a way to make it not pierce the ears as much ? Other than that, I find that the track is otherwise, pretty solid.
  18. Hmm...letsh hear this remix of Darkesword Ironic that I'm criting it eh =p MM, nice cut-off freq. effect on the drums at the intro. Love the arps u got going on here; the lead melody is pretty grood. Hehe, I love how you make low-fi samples sound high-fi =p, mayhaps you could teach me a few tricks there, since I rely heavily on soundfonts lol. My only gripe is that this mix doesn't vary in texture all that much; yes it's coherent and makes sense, but it wouldn't kill you to go out of your comfort zone and vary up the atmosphere of the whole song just to give it some extra flava flava (without making it sound arbitrary like me hehe); cuz after a bit, the track gets kinda stagnant; though the piano break-downs do, nonetheless, vary it up, just not enough IMO If you don't get what I mean, check out Star Selzman's or Sephfire's works =p, I'm sure you know them well. Other than that 1 lil problem, this track exudes awesomeness. Good job Shariq. Sorry for the double post, but I must agree with Shariq there: this forum is dedicated to critiquing all remixes, regardless of their progress.
  19. God dang, I suspected as much. Those things are bloody expensive eh. Oh well, Looks like I better start saving my peanuts lol. BTW, I actually don't care HOW the transitions work, but other people here do, which is lame . Because progressional music doesn't HAVE to have good transitions, so long as the music over-all is awesome...apparently people don't listen to Led Zeppelin, Infected Mushroom, Opeth, System of a Down or any other equivalents to those styles =p Sorry for sounding two-faced there :S (oh and can u stop by my EWJ thread to post your opinion )
  20. This isn't an easy source tune to do. So good luck with that dood =p
  21. I like the changes here too, and it's a good idea to make our wips more of a forefront thing.
  22. I think that if you make the arpreggio part change up a bit, it'd be a little easier on the ears; either that or make the rhythm more in the background, because it's a bit too distracting in the foreground. Love your ethnic instruments, great touch there. The transitions between parts is also a bit random, Yes, the parts do transition at the correct bars, but you need some sort of hook, like an orchestral cymbol or something of the like. Nonetheless, this is a great piece; can't wait to hear more. BTW - which Orchestral VST are u using GT?? I want that lol.
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