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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. NVM, I've found a very kinky inspiration...gonna work with it and hope that it blows your guys' toilet water-mixes away >:- D. Blue, you're going down, boiiii lawl.
  2. BTW do you guys know any choir samples that sound kinda opera-ish like Papelmedia's Irana Brochin?? I desperately need the good stuff, but don't got the good money atm. Thanks.
  3. K, ppl u gotta critique this song some more, I don't know F all about judging mixes since my music skills are still sub par.
  4. I'm stuck in a rut...I get about 20 seconds into the songs and end up erasing the FLP's. I need an inspiration x_x...it'd help if I've actually experienced love and not just lust in my life lol. If Love truly exists *cough*
  5. ooo nice tremello strings going on. Very sexy. This song's epic but is not without it's flaws as the other two guys have pointed out. Yeah EQ will definately need to be messed around with, but man your compositional skills are real good This feels almost like a Protricity mix lol.
  6. hahaha fat chance, but I hope so too mate. Good luck in this round ... (on a side note I've been working a lot more these days so iono if I can even get a song out this round =/ )
  7. haha good idea, too bad you came up with it x_X. D/W I got something funky coming up myself.
  8. oh noes my one weakness!!! Happy stuff!! aaaarrg *explodes*, but I'll give it a shot anyways
  9. hehe nice I use sytrus too...I want to get my hands on some bigger synths out there someday >_<...when I finally get enough money to justify spending it on samples w/out my parents going wtf!!
  10. Yeah I deserved last place, especially for poking fun at Argitoth >_<. Next run I'll try not to be as stupid when making the CMC. I'm glad you didn't get mad at me though Elan , even though I got a bit carried away there. Thanks for the honorable mention =D. Every one else did wondefuly, I especially liked Blue.Nocturne's renditon, grats all.
  11. Well then I guess it has occurred to me now that you've enlightened =P
  12. lol, Zirc it just occured to me - why do u need to post your remixes on the wip forums when you're already high and mighty? do u really need us nubs to help you ?
  13. this totally blew my mind away Fray and CHIPP. IF OCR NO's this song, then some one's gonna have to post some more stuff on the judge hate thread > Well...there's always some EQ issues to work out I suppose but still...this song puts a lot of famous Metal bands to shame. Rock on guys
  14. lol...the hobo, I shoulda made that my name ><, tho DJ The Hobo sounds a bit odd >_>
  15. wow, for a techno remix this is pretty minimalistic sounding. That soundscape needs more filling out. I like the synths you're using though. The clap and drums need to be brought out more as well...that's a major issue with me too (I hate drum mastering). Also they need some more variety too (the drums). Not a bad attempt, keep at it
  16. ohh thats what sounded different >< lol, excuse my newb ears T_T
  17. awesome , although I think one note is offkey at parts >_>, iono if that's your own interpretation or I'm smoking crack.
  18. indeed...I wish we didn't just whore off all the games that people seem to keep on wanting to hear remixed. We need a lot of more stuff like Mortal Kombat, Terranigma, Metroid Prime 1-3, Smash TV, Undying, Monkey Island, Tiberium Sun, Devil May Cry, fuck the list could go on for ages Point I'm trying to get across is we need to broaden our tastes here people, gawd!!
  19. oof those strings sound kinda harsh; especially when drawn out. Try Squidfont Orchestral...look it up google or something. And yeah this is uber minimalist, i'm sorry but I'm not getting any dramatic feeling cuz the string is pretty ugly. Usually I'm OVERLY friendly when reviewing stuff, but I think you ought to know: ya got quite a ways to go my friend, like me >_<. You've got potential, and you're not tone deaf, from what I can tell here - so you've got a BIG thing going for you there , keep at it dude, find better samples and add more support melodies/instruments in there. Don't let our criticism put you down - I used to always go emo over this stuff, but I got over it. Trust me, if you listen to what we're saying you'll improve tremendously. I'm still in your shoes, but every day I get a little bit better.
  20. yeah I used to do that all the time >_> Tindeck audio ftw
  21. yeah I got my ass handed to myself from you guys. I looked it up T_T, so I stand corrected hehe. And I did at least know that about Ifrit, Fenrir and stuff, some of those are Gods of the Vikings and other legends 'n whatnot.
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