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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. It IS a fine game, just some of the names are kinda whacked , and iono just felt like mentioning it...
  2. I'd pay for a whole CD with songs like this. This feels like an action scene in a movie, and the breakdown is just aww man...sexy. Great stuff Zirc, can't wait for your newest album
  3. yeah the storyline/dialogue for FF6 is as solid as Chrono Trigger. I've yet to see a newer RPG that rivals them. Oh god...please don't ever play Tales of the Abyss...the story goes stagnant halfway into it...and c'mon the *spoiler alert* "Sephiroth Trees??" WTF blatant rip-off *sirens sounding*. Mind you, for Castelvania Lament of Innocence, one of the characters is named Rinaldo Gandolfi...so iono...modern games ftl
  4. it needs a lot more work , thanks for the input man. And yeah its only half done hehe, so that grand finale will have to wait a bit.
  5. Very nice song, love the guitar work and support instruments, it'd be nice if other ppl would review this song, cuz I'm not very good at critiqueing X_x
  6. good combination of sounds, bad ass bass and neat-o drums. I like this piece very much. Keep it up man
  7. heh, any one else submitted their songs yet? Mine's done >_>
  8. Yeah so different idea half way through. I decided that i ought to stick to one genre of music until I get good enough at mixing stuff. Besides, my techno drum writing skills are still pretty ass-y, so I'm sticking to the sad/foreboding orchestral concept. Thanks for the critiques Radiowar, DJ-Arthur and other duder(s), means a lot Close it at 1:40 btw http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/gupe/Maridia_Remix7000000000
  9. ah and i'm left out of the loop, fine shaun be that way T_T /emokidcry. how's your new Blue Synth generator btw?
  10. yeah good brass samples are a bitch to find. I need an epic one myself; very nice rendition of this song, too bad i don't know the source tune cuz I never played it. Brass samples aren't BAD, just not OCR quality I guess. I love the epic feel you're getting across. I think the volumes need to go up by a small notch though >_>, other than that your compositional skills rock.
  11. lol, Avaris how's that kinky =P, your definition of "driving up here" must be rather sexy -sorry to intrude, just had to say something ><
  12. I don't know, heh =P, I used to never get any1 to reply to my posts, so anything's good for me , so long as it's about VG's, remixes n stuff.
  13. aw that sucks . I know that feeling of getting No'd.
  14. damniiiit...I knew that'd happen. Do I gotta cut the 2nd half and re-do it to make it more logical for the first melody x_x?
  15. http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/oddr/Maridia_Remix6-2- better ver. here - less hobo-tastic
  16. hey there guys, I got a better WIP for this going on...EQ, drums and stuff are still newb but I think I made the main melody a lot better for the 3rd part >=) I should definately check out Blind's and that Prophesy guy's stuff out...my drum writing is oh so nub-tastic T_T http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/vhro/Maridia_Remix6X_X CRAP, just came to my attention that the shakers are totally off-beat, sorry bout that guys...I'll fix that asap.
  17. yeah i know i spent like maybe 45 mins on the trance beat section; I think i'm gonna start it over lol, thanks for the tips/critique!
  18. Remixer's ADD has struck yet again...yet ANOTHER remix I decided to do...spent like 6 hours straight on it, hope you guys dig it. Sorry about the bare-bones basic drums in the 2nd half btw =l http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/saki/Maridia_Remix5 Is this going in the right direction...if it has one in the first place??
  19. this is real sexay dude...btw can u finish that norfair/sephiroth song it totally rocks my socks too. I Luv Super Metroid T_T
  20. i heard that underground rap and hip hop is way better than mainstream, though I couldn't list any names for u guys. Only underground artists I really know is SGX, Zircon and Beatdrop lol...not that they are rap or hip hop oriented.
  21. actually there's some one doing a Fire Emblem remix of Athos, you may want to give that thread a review if you know anything about critiquing. He needs more input
  22. This smells like improvement, though I think the drum needs some more variation :-S like after every 3 measures or so give it a cool fill or something >< the brass feels a bit awkward too, if that's what it is =/, it could be the sample or how u wrote it, I dunno. Maybe OA or Tensei will give this a better review, sorry that I couldn't be too much help V dog. Good stuff though mate
  23. its okay, we do that a lot >_>, thx for the input, me more so though lol
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