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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. Too true. Especially when you're a hobbyist who doesn't invest enough time into it
  2. Argle and Chernabogue - you know you wanna remix this Also, good stuff there Esperado, looking forward to it
  3. Did you put the game and source tune tag (seen in the right side)? I hit that snag too, until I read the small message that told me those parameters were missing. It probably doesn't help that the error message is small and not a different colour than the rest of the text lol. Maybe I'll mention that in the feedback. EDIT feedback sent
  4. Yeah, I'm going to probably avoid anything that requires an iLok and any other company/product that has any other form of grey-area DRM - I'm fine with just using a reg-key, even if I have to download it again from an online account. And Native Instruments has a business model that I much prefer (at least for now), so I'll stick with them. Also, I LOL'd at the "After that, it's just people wanking back and forth on the theoretical academics of the product and later the argument itself, as you can also see here." I think you nailed it on the head. Bunch of pretentious blow-hards who argue about business ethics and other academia - wait, I guess that's all of us here. /end thread
  5. Compo: MnP (Meat 'n Potatoes) Round five: Super Mario 64: Koopa Theme Midi Starts: 03/12/2013 Ends: Friday 13/12/2013 @ 2PM Vote Stage: 14 to 16/12/2013 Submit your remix Here when completed. MISSION STATEMENT The goal of Compo:MnP is to promote that "meat and potatoes" conservative approach to remixing: this includes the mood and composition of source tunes. It is up to the remixer to create their own personalization, or to simply give it a sound upgrade. Moreover, the compo is a great opportunity to hone your remixing skills and give video game music the respect that is due. A modicum of originality is recommended, but not required. All competitors and voters must adhere to the rules stated within: Competition Code and Conduct * MnP Instructions 1. Slight alterations of the source are encouraged, but not required. 2. Covers and Sound Upgrades are permitted. 3. Stay relatively close to the source's mood and notation. Refer to the example tracks for reference. 4. Any genre is acceptable, so long as you can still capture the source tune's mood and a good chunk of the notation. 5. Submissions must be at a maximum of 20mb (keeping in step with ThaSauce's file size max). **I will state the voting rules at the voting stage, so as to keep the rule list here as small as possible. I'll also relax the rules on qualative statements about your own works, because frankly, it seems impossible to prevent it from happening anyways, but I would humbly suggest that you try to exercize some discretion about said comments on yours or other people's tracks.** Example Tracks: FF7_SonOfChaos, SMW_Monstrous_Turtles, Hitman_Contract_Cleaner, MISC/TIPS - When picking a source tune, make sure it has a MIDI to make ppl's lives easier. - In-game sound FX are permitted, so long as they don't comprise the whole track (i.e. replacing entire MIDI tracks with just sfx) - Certain sad or moody source tunes don't have drums or percussion for a reason. So keeping it that way may be the easiest way to retain much of the original feel, such as and
  6. Well, I put an end to that by submitting 2 remixes of mine. Let's all support vgmix4, for OCRemix needs an alternative for us nubs (and for people with better taste ...J/K don't ban me q.q) EDIT Also, I must say that it's REALLY cool that I can just upload an MP3 without having to host it myself - saves me a lot of hassle, so good stuff devs
  7. Results time: liquidwind won with 9 Trism, the only other contender got 6 With only 2 submissions, there is no first-place voting bonus and the participants/remixer votes are worth 0. Final score won't match the score seen in ThaSauce b/c 1) I'm too lazy to change the bonus-applied points 2) The scoring line-up is already uh...lined up properly. liquidrain picks the next round's source tune! Thank you all for participating and voting, hope to see you next round
  8. To be fair, the compo is held in the "looking for help/collab" sub forum and not in community, so it's easy to overlook It's a shame OCR Christmas can't be put in the project sub-forum.
  9. BTW argle, u have 14 minuts to vote. Your vote's worth 2x so it'd be handy
  10. Well this turned out to be an interesting discussion, even if I got a little too excited about it Yeah...NI for now sounds like a good plan there Neblix EDIT just purchased the Damage drum pack from NI. It's friggin' killer >:3
  11. Oops, sorry about misreading your first post - I have a knack for being too hasty and jumping the gun; please don't think any less of me for that. I have a few coping problems that I'm (finally) working on improving (i.e. better diet, sleep, meds and all that jazz) - it doesn't justify my little paranoid rants but, there it is. At least Avaris and Flexstyle had the good grace to inform me before I went on an even bigger misinformed rant , so thx for that guys. *ahem* anyhoo, I guess I see the benefit of having all of your licences on a single platform; however, my anxiety compels me to ask "What happens if I lose the iLok, or if it breaks/malfunctions? Will they (the developers) listen to my sob story, or just say tough luck, I've gotta purchase all new licences for products I already own, on top of the new iLok." ...this question sounds stupid on paper and even stupider when said aloud, doesn't it?
  12. I guess you guys have no problem with throwing $50 down the drain >:3 Well spoken Moseph. EWQL won't be making any money off me >:3 Edit over9000 Dongle DRM is dogshit indeed. OKAY, so I guess my mind is set: I'm boycotting any products that require an iLok - I may be limiting myself in some ways, but eh, I can deal with it. As for the rest of you guys who have no issue with using an iLok, well... 'to each their own'. No disrespect intended. Plz don't hate me avaris and Flex q.q
  13. Agreed. To add to bahamut's comments...it felt more like CoD than Killzone to me. Alright...CoD with some stealth elements from KZ, to be a little more fair. I couldn't remain vested in the game after about 3 chapters...luckily this was at a friend's place and I've yet to actually buy a PS4
  14. When it's only 2 submissions, both participant votes are worth 0, but the comments are still appreciated. (don't ask why, that's what the PRC guide says )
  15. no biggie. Lets just cross our fingers and hope the next source tune will inspire people to participate. Either way, I'm not too worried 'cuz it's the winter holidays. Things'll probably ease up in January. Maybe.
  16. Well that's good 2 hear. Regardless, I'm starting off with NI and will work my way up to more fancy shmancy things later. Can't rely on Sampletank and Alchemy Player to get the things I need done for OCR and beyond, so Native Instruments seems to be the best bang for my buck, esp. with big promo sales going on now So far haven't been bothered to get an iLok by NI so I seem fine for now =p Who knows maybe I'll grab one later...just not a priority. So um yeah thanks for the support and feedback shaggyfreak and every1 else...yes even Meteo EDIT I'm overdrawn for about um.. $50~ till my next paycheque (it's a secret for what I purchased ). Luckily I have a good overdraft plan at the bank otherwise I'd be boned lol.
  17. pfft, my compo has lotsa many n00bs in it; I'm still far from being a high-profile remixer/composer such as, say Zircon or Flexstyle and I compete for PRC and shit. We don't care @ MnP if you just do a midi rip with a few tweaks here 'n there so long as it helps you grow. And I try my best to give constructive feedback. So there's no harm in it dood :P

  18. Wow didn't realize there was a 2nd submission - I gave up hope for this round lol. In that case, Yes the vote does help >:3 Thanks for taking the time Necrox EDIT oh and a big thank you to liquidwind too!
  19. this is one bullet that I don't want to bite. I'll need 2 think about it I s'pose. Still feeling a little choked though - I'll get over it sooner or later I guess x.x
  20. Woah man, relax. I just don't like the thought of dropping another $49.00 for something I don't trust; if you won't take any of my word with a grain of salt, well then read this stuff - I'm sure there's a few more threads elsewhere in the interwebs with people bitching about something "small" like this. It could be that most people don't have an issue with this 'product', but I don't feel well enough informed or comfortable enough to drop another $50 on this mystery dongle money-grab - so I needed somewhere to vent my frustration - it's not like I took it out on you personally. Anyways, the alternative you mention 'Da Capo' does look pretty cool and yeah I checked out the shop cart section - no iLok required, so this looks like a better option for me. Thank you, on that regard. EDIT Aight, I'll check 'em out, thanks Argle. Didn't know about that elicenser with Vienna, so that'll prob be another no-go for me.
  21. Seriously...I wanted to buy E/W Symphonic Silver Complete Edited Everything's going fine 'till I throw it into the cart and see a message saying that this product requires an iLok 1 or iLok2; so I look it up and see that its a USB dongle that some people have called it Satan in a flashdrive. Seriously, I understand the need to protect intellectual property, but this is going too far. I don't want a device that puts foreign software into my PC just to authenticate a licence that may or may not REMAIN authenticated after buying it. What gives!!?? Is there any alternatives that don't require iLok - top of my head is Vienna, but even then I'm unsure
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