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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. wayt wut - who's flipping the coins? Was there a PM sent or do all of us need 2 call it? If so, I call heads! (it better not be a double-sided coin ) Just waiting for one of the conflicting participants to claim heads or tails... the result will still be completely random anyway, but this should be a fun way to resolve it.
  2. No sadly, it has to be made new for the competition round. Especially if people have already heard your battle medley remix BTW have you managed to log into ThaSauce yet?
  3. You know something Bundeslang, after hosting a few rounds of MnP, I realized that OCR doesn't appreciates the effort you put into your PRC compo. Each round has lots of detail and you're 99% on time for your stuff; heck you even add in gamewiki stuff :D. I think you deserve a metal for compo host 2013 :) Also wanted to personally thank you for all the support you've given me for MnP. So yeah, big round of applause for Bundeslang :D:D

  4. Round 3 begins. Get it here: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=45344
  5. Compo: MnP (Meat 'n Potatoes) Round three: Final Fantasy X: Battle Theme Midi Starts: 4/11/2013 Ends: 14/11/2013 @ 2PM Vote Stage: Nov 14 to 16 Submit your remix Here when completed. MISSION STATEMENT The goal of Compo:MnP is to promote that "meat and potatoes" conservative approach to remixing: this includes the mood and composition of source tunes. It is up to the remixer to create their own personalization, or to simply give it a sound upgrade. Moreover, the compo is a great opportunity to hone your remixing skills and give video game music the respect that is due. A modicum of originality is recommended, but not required. All competitors and voters must adhere to the rules stated within: Competition Code and Conduct * MnP Instructions 1. Slight alterations of the source are encouraged, but not required. 2. Covers and Sound Upgrades are permitted. 3. Stay relatively close to the source's mood and notation. Refer to the example tracks for reference. 4. Any genre is acceptable, so long as it doesn't affect point #3 too much. 5. Submissions must be at a maximum of 20mb (keeping in step with ThaSauce's file size max). 6. Don't make any qualitative remarks about your submissions until after the voting stage. 7. When voting, please try to put enjoyability first, but consider production values as well. Example Tracks: FF7_RedXIII_Redux, EWJ_Wormaphobic Disorder, Source Terranigma_EnigmaOfABrokenSoul, FF7_SonOfChaos, SMW_Monstrous_Turtles, Hitman_Contract_Cleaner, MISC/TIPS - When picking a source tune, make sure it has a MIDI to make ppl's lives easier. - Don't be afraid to collaborate - In-game sound FX are permitted, so long as you aren't going overboard with 'em - *Some* source tunes don't have drums or percussion for a reason. So keeping it that way may be the easiest way to retain much of the original feel, such as and
  6. Thank goodness lol. I was worried that my collab w/ Archangel would fall thru the cracks. I'm so stoked for this project to be completed!
  7. Quick question: What if all 3 things I or someone else picked are already used. Will you PM said person for a different tune pick or...?
  8. Okay, hopefully I got the math right...but it seems like the winner is...DrumJ8!! Congradurations Winner sends me the next source tune via PM. Here's the score rundown for the PRC voting system bonus: DrumJ8: 8 + 3 = 11(voting bonus) Necrox: 10 GrapplingHook: 7 + 3 = 10 (V. Trism: 5 + 3 = 8 (V. If we had used my other system, DrumJ8 and Necrox would've tied for first. Seems to me like PRC's first-place voting bonus is the best way to go. EDIT Henceforth this is how I will be tallying vote scores: 2 entries: round is awash and only non-participant votes count This means: 1st = 3p, 2nd = 2p, 3rd = 0p 3 entries: 1st = 3p, 2nd = 2p, 3rd = 0p 4+ entries: 1st = 3p, 2nd = 2p, 3rd = 1p Previous winner's vote: 2 entires: 1st = 6, 2nd = 4, 3rd = 0 3 entires: 1st = 6, 2nd = 4, 3rd = 2 4 entries: 1st = 6, 2nd = 4, 3rd = 2
  9. Okay...we've got 3 more votes. This means that I can impliment PRC's system. Moreover, I've properly looked into the first-person bonus points, which actually means that participants who vote get +3 added to their own score. So again, my apologies to MindWanderer for being a pig-headed oaf
  10. Yeah, I thought I did send it to Evktalo. Guess he hasn't popped on recently

  11. Hey cherny, I haven't received any feedback for my WIP for BA vol.3 yet. It's been several days now and I'm itching to get back to work on it b4 the next due date :P Can you look into it. Big thanks :D

  12. Okay, so after seriously looking at the data and mulling over MindWanderer's and Bundeslang's input, it seems that the most logical thing to do is just re-implement PRC's voting system. Yeah, I know, I'm being inconsistent here, but this is the only solution to ensure the future of this compo. I will also strive to be the best compo host that I can be too. Anyways...depending on how many people vote for this round (I only have 1 vote asides from myself right now), I may or may not implement the First-place voting bonus, because I don't want to screw over the people who decided not to vote because my original system was just too dumb to work with. But I would urge you all to vote regardless, because I WILL be able to implement the First-Place voting bonus without messing things up. Round 3 should go much smoother...
  13. Yeah I see your point and that would be a pretty crappy scenario. But this one is equally crappy: A: 16 B: 12 C: 10 D: 7 E: 3 B won b/c A forgot to vote, despite there being an obvious difference between points and perhaps even quality/effort. So apparently A wasted his time competing, despite taking the time to actually compose something. I'd feel pretty robbed personally If it comes down to a tie, we can always have more than 1 source tune to pick from. Or we can all vote on which source tune to use next. So to me this is no real biggie. I may have a different way of thinking than some of you, but I feel that this is the best fit for MnP. Thank you for your input and participation.
  14. In last the last round, I felt that the results were unfair b/c one individual actually received more votes than the others yet still lost; it left a bad taste in my mouth and I don't wish to see a repeat of that again. Dishonest behaviour is going to happen regardless of which system you employ, so I'm sticking to my guns with this one. This is exactly what I was trying to say, thanks Bunda for de-cluttering my messy attempt at explaining the system. I think I'll be using this one for the next coming up round.
  15. whew sorry about the massive confusion. I made some changes which will hopefully clarify things a lot more. Most notable, is that I decided to make the previous winner's vote just worth 2x and it scales down for 2nd and 3rd place.
  16. Since I will be at work when the voting stage starts, I'm going to hit off the voting rules early. Participants who vote get +2 to their own score Argle's first-place vote is worth two times. Argle's submission is a BONUS track, do not vote for it please. There will not be any 1st place voting rules (meaning that people who didn't vote won't be superseded by those who did); yet a +2 bonus is implimented so it gives voting participants a slight advantage - just not a guaranteed first-place spot over a non-voting participant. Same rules apply for voting etiquette. Don't vote for yourself. Lastly, the score that you see on ThaSauce won't represent the final score that you'll see within this thread. For Clarification -Argle's vote = 2x and scales down respectively for the 3 places. So 1st place get's a whopping 6 points, whilst 3rd gets only 2 (but it beats 1 ) -Participant who vote get + 2 points added to their own score. -Non-participants, including myself will just count as regular votes. ex) 1) If I and other non-participants picked 3 people to vote for: 1st place = 3, 2nd = 2, 3rd = 1 (I think ThaSauce already tallies it this way to begin with...someone can correct me if I'm wrong though =p) 2) If the previous winner votes: 1st place = 3+3, 2nd = 2+2, 3rd = 1+1 ...basically the same as PRC (I think).
  17. Hmm yeah, I guess the world prob would explode if it was so
  18. Yeah...maybe if every remix artist was suddenly forced to sign a contract for a Label/Recording company and started churning out genre-specific music...wait let's not give OCR any ideas now But seriously, I doubt OCR has sold out...however, it would be nice to have a major alternative to OCR. But I digress...Commence with the ThaSauce Remix Resurrection initiative!!!
  19. 1st FFVIII Laguna 2nd FFX Auron 3rd FFVI Sabin/Edgar 2BH I'd prefer even tho it's called the Coin Song, to me personally it represents Sabin's real theme =pOkay that's all the edits for this post ;3
  20. ...stuck...in...my...brain Can't get it out!!!
  21. yeah that's too long. I'll look into it tomorrow (Tuesday)
  22. Usually takes a bit...how long have u waited for?
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