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Posts posted by Tensei

  1. No I don't have a keyboard, so yes, I have to use my mouse to input the velocity-levels for each note, but as I'm struggling my way through a constant stream of sixteenth notes of the bassline of a 4

    minute song ( And I will have to do the same for the drums after this >:( ), I keep wondering if there isn't some kind of lame command that just randomizes the velocity levels for an entire track.

    Apart from that, do I REALLY have to make a separate Redrum channel for snare, bass-drum, hi-hats, toms, cymbals, etc if I want to EQ and compress each of them seperately, cause that would just be a major pain in the ass, as well as a friggin channel hog (Drums taking up half of the available channels D= )

  2. Gah, signing in again, after a LONG time. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but school was kicking my ass ( as Avaris would put it). I still have my Sephiroth WIP lying around, but I think I MIGHT have taken a bit of a too ambitious path with it, so I'll have to start working on it soon again ( That is, if no-one else has applied to mix the song during my absence)

    Anyway, good to be back :D

  3. yes! this is absolutely amazing, and I can't think of really any criticism, maybe have the ending break in a bit less sudden, but apart from that, the arrangement and production are (at least through my crappy headphones) top notch. The song retains the mischievous vibes from the original, but has more than enough added rhythmic and melodic context to stand out. Keep up the good work!

  4. Guess I'll give you some feedback then, seeing as no-one else takes the time to do so:

    00:00 - 00:24 I like the way you've given your own twist to the almost obligatory FF-arpeggio's, it might be a cool idea to have them panning from left to right, to add some juice

    00:24 - 00:41 I like where this is going, the synth chords that come in sound really cool, and provide a really nice build-up, definitely keep this in.

    00:41 - 01:12 If I may speak freely, the synth patch playing the main melody ( or one of them, seeing as it's probably layered) is extremely annoying, and draws away a lot of attention of the melodic and rhythmic context. Please consider using a patch that doesn't "cut through" as much. Also, as this seems to be the main part where the rhythm picks up, I'd suggest using a bass drum/kick drum sample with much more OOMPH, to accentuate the 4/4 Rhythm that is typical for these kind of techno/ trance songs.

    01:12 - 01:44 Nice little break/bridge, but the transition to the next part still seems a bit sudden, you might want to progressively add more melodic and rhythmic elements to build up the tension, you could for example take the synth chords from 00:24 and have them fade in, and maybe change up the drum steps a bit (more).

    01:44 - 02:15 I like the bell-like/chimey patch you're using, I just want to hear more of that bass-drum! :D

    02:15 - 02:32 Same criticism about the synth patch here, even though it does seem to fit in better in this part.

    02:32 - End No criticism here, you've done a good job of building the mix down and made a nice ending, but maybe you could have the final piano chord linger on just a bit longer with some delay, would be a nice touch

  5. Well, I don't expect anyone to remember me, so I won't annoy people with stories about my past remixing experiences. Fact is, I've finally gotten the urge to do some remixing again, and I've decided to remix one of the most cliched source themes, Castlevania's Bloody Tears.


    Stylistically, I don't stray too far from the original arrangement, but I've fiddled around with the arrangement and instrumentation enough to give it a 'darker' feeling ( if that's even possible for this song) with added string and piano arpeggio's, you know, the usual stuff, and in the future obviously a kickin rad guitar solo, obviously played live.

    I won't run it through Reason until I've completely finished it, since sequencing usually takes me way longer than it should, and is pretty annoying to do (to me at least).

    Tell me what you think, and where I should take this little piece next.

    It's good to be back.

  6. Guys, I'm just checking in to let you know I'm alive, I've kinda taken a break from remixing, and I did regularly check the topic for updates, but unfortunately the topic in my cache showed no new replies at all.. must've had something to do with the forum changes.

    I'm going to work hard this afternoon on both WIPs, so I can make the deadline, and Avaris, I'm sorry I don't have anything yet, but it was kinda crucial for me to get a (near)zero-latency recording chain set-up before I would do anything like recording guitar (especially the kind of shredding I would have to do on your track), but I have it now, so I'm all set!

    Gah, that was a lot of excuses for my laziness, but anyway, I'm back :P

  7. umm wouldn't it be better, for the sake of authencity, if the solo's were truly improvised on the spot?

    Or even if you necessarily want the solo's to be pre-written, maybe you should let a guitar player do it himself, since he obviously should have more knowledge of his instrument than you (no offense meant ;) ), as well as being able to incorporate the typical guitar techniques into the solo (bends, harmonics, you name it..)

  8. ed] That is, if you have no problem singing a song based on obscene fecal jokes.

    " A huge supply of tish comes from my chocolate starfish, how about some scat you little twat"

    I remember getting killed there in the game because I couldn't stop laughing, still cracks me up whenever I hear it :lol:

  9. Well the polyrhythms and the dissonance is what makes this piece sound chaotic, but believe me, they're all on purpose.

    I've actually made two seperate drum tracks so I could have the bass-drums play in a different time signature while the snare and hihats were playing in 4/4 (got that from the band Meshuggah :) ).

    In the first part of the piece I just wanted to capture the 'out of control' feeling you get when fighting a really tough boss; at first you're totally dumbstruck by his attacks, but gradually you start to see through his strategy and attacks, and eventually the battle will become easier, and in a similar way, I try to make my piece gradually more accessible and more like a true 'boss-theme'.

    Oh, and it will DEFINITELY have real guitar


  10. http://www.fileden.com/files/2006/11/27/429377/Sephiroth.mid

    I've taken on the rather challenging job of arranging the elusive 'One Winged Angel', as well as several other notable themes from Final Fantasy VII into one big Mathcore/Prog Metal piece, and being satisfied with it to the point I'd like to hear the opinions of other people, I decided to post it here. :)

    Now I did not mean this to be an easy listening piece, and yes, the dissonance and the polyrythms serve the purpose of confusing the listener, and IMO do their job well. :lol:

    The songs I've used up until this point are:

    - One-Winged Angel (obviously)

    - J-E-N-O-V-A (the organ solo at the start, as well as the sequence starting at 0:20)

    - Opening Theme/Bombing Run (1:53)

    - Birth of a God (bassline @ 2:43)

    By the way, the church organ intro is just a temporary placeholder until I can come up with a decent intro. :)

    This is about 1/3 or 2/5 of the whole mix, so you can expect it to near the 10:00 border in the future 8)

    well, enjoy the listening, and do leave some feedback please ;)

  11. I'd like to give Gruntilda a shot. I think it would make a good prog-rock song. So, maybe even collab with LuIzA wit dis, yo. so, yeah, sign me up for Grunty.

    that'd be cool.. hit me up if ya want me geetawrs!

    Not meaning to overload you in collab requests, but your name has been mentioned a few times in the thread to the Gary Oak remix, and I've been thinking in doing it in a fast upbeat boogie/rock'n roll style (even though Tallest, the guy I'm collabing with on it, probably hasn't heard my version of it yet).

    It would be cool if it could be done in the style of Joe Satriani (if that name doesn't ring any bells, download his 'satch boogie', it should give you a good idea for what I'm aiming at :)), and since you're so proficient at playing guitar (probably more than me :oops: ), I'd love to have you playing (at least some of) the lead guitar for it. :P

    gah, here I go again with the long posts.. :roll:

  12. P.S. Tensei, did you go to that Game Music concert in Utrecht on Sunday?

    uhhhh do you mean the TMF gameplay?? I haven't been there, I thought it would suck because of all the sweaty nerds, I didn't know they were having a Game Music concert though.. :lol:

    Oh by the way, tallest, I've left you some feedback, and a small arrangement ( my interpretation of the Gary Oak piece) in the WIP forums

  13. I can provide electric and acoustic guitars and bass, if anyone needs.

    Actually, could provide electric guitar for my Garry Oak mix? That would be brilliant.


    h-hey! who were you collabing with again?!it's alright though, as long as you let me do at least some parts of it..two guitars is always better than one

    Oh and if you're already recruiting guitarists for it, why not come up with a WIP? :P

    Finally made an update by the way, check it out at the forum

    The organ totally kicks ass IMHO :lol:

  14. Well I think I've got some new ideas for my sephiroth arrangement by taking a few days off, so I'll get to work as soon as possible.

    Anyway, about the King Dedede mix, I'd love to do it. I finally got my hands on the Garritan Jazz & Big Band sample library, and I think King Dedede's theme would be perfect for a fast, hectic jazz piece (nothing mellow, mind you), even though I understand that would be bending the rule restrictions a bit :)

  15. ooh boy, suggestions, here I go

    1. Griever-Ultimecia - Final Fantasy VIII (specifically referring to the song 'Maybe I'm a Lion', it totally kicks ass 8) )

    2. Odio - Live-a-Live (a totally overlooked Squeenix SNES RPG, pretty amazing source tunes, finally found the OST, please check it out, or better yet; play the game! :))

    3. Dhaos - Tales of Phantasia (pretty obvious; great game, amazing soundtrack ;))

  16. ed]Nope. The WIP is working now. All check.

    And, this cell thing is starting to sound better and better. Who would you say, are the BEST two guitarists on OCR? We need them. A live two-guitar collab would be sick. The MIDIs over at vgmusic only have three instruments, 2 guitars, and a bass. You thinknig what Im thinking? We'll need a great bassist, too.


    Uhhh..... Well, we could use our own Tensei-San (he has been playing for ages according to the Xenogears Project thread), but then theres also LuIzA and Sixto, their stuff is pretty impressive. Is this for the Gary Oak song? Or are you planning on using this for something else? Dizzy's theme from Guilty Gear X would sound pretty awesome like this (Not that her theme is in the project, yet, but her theme did rule, and she was the final boss in Guilty Gear X, and youve already said something about maybe replacing a few of the boss themes, so, you know....)

    And sorry for the double post. I'm just soooo lazy today.

    While it is true I have been playing for almost nine years, I would want to point out that my guitar setup/recording chain suxx donkey balls, and thus, my humble skills on guitar are compromised by stupid external noise and a high latency.

    Even though I've bought an M-Audio Fasttrack, it turned out to total crap due to the lack of specific ASIO-drivers for it, and now I've even had to disconnect it due to the hardware conflicts it gave me, so it's just sitting on my desk.

    To sum it up, I'm not THAT good, I'm sure there are loads of better guitar players here (LuIzA is definitely one of them)

  17. umm wasn't kirby taken? If not, I'd like to sign up for it! :)

    The source tune is, compared to Sephiroth's theme, extremely easy to adapt, and it would be cool if I could alternate between two recordings, since Sephiroth is being a bitch to arrange (having sort of a writer's/composer's block now :P).

    So I could, figuratively speaking, blow off some steam by remixing a much easier track. Of course I don't mean the remix would be any worse compared to sephiroth, it's just that it would be less ambitious. :)

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