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Everything posted by Tensei

  1. AFAIK that's only the case with blink dagger (If you overshoot the 1200 max range, you'll only blink 800 units in that direction), not any blink skills. It's still stupid though, and I hope it'll be fixed throughout beta. Their priority as of now seems to be to make the game as close to a 1:1 port as possible, and then work from there. Also, , in case anyone wants to see it.
  2. The models/voices on the three new heroes are pretty amazing. Really happy with how Queen of Pain turned out cause Wretched Hag was one of my most-played heroes in HoN.
  3. But it's not? Why have you been playing LoL before Dominion came out then? I think I've given Dominion a fair chance because I played a number of games on it, and it's just no fun to me at all. Either way, no reason to get all offensive about it!
  4. Yeah Graves' skillset actually does look fun as far as AD carries go (aside from the lame passive).
  5. I played yesterday, but you wouldn't know that since I don't even have you on my friends list. Thanks for taking so much interest in what games I play though! Ad hominems really help get your point across! I have Dawn of War 2 Retribution installed which is a game that's actually built around the point capture gamestyle from the ground up, and it just has way more depth with multiple unit micro, multiple resources, and an actual form of persistent advantages (tech levels). I play LoL for its dotalike gameplay, not for its simplified mariokart arathi battlefield bad company ripoff. SR is just way more fun to me than CS.
  6. You know how in Mario Kart when you're in 8th place you always get the lightning and the blue shells and the chain chomp and what not? CS is kinda like that.
  7. It only just hit me that the Dota 2 logo is supposed to represent the two bases and the river.
  8. Then learn to play other roles? Maybe the guy playing Singed/Alistar is doing bad because he's new to tanking but actually wants to make an effort to learn the role. People don't always play to win, sometimes they play to improve, or just because they enjoy playing a particular champion.
  9. Stupid S2 tempting me with limited alt avatars for heroes I play a lot.
  10. I think as a secondary gimmick, you should try to keep your APM as low as possible. Rampage is a really good hero to do that with because you can basically charge someone from your base and then go AFK while you kill people.
  11. Annie's two 'skillshots' have pretty much instant cast/travel time, making them laughably easy to land. Orianna's Q is a slow-traveling skillshot that comes out from positions that usually aren't even centered on your champion. Her W hits a small AoE that is dependent on you properly positioning the ball with Q first. Her E is yet another skillshot as far as the damage aspect is concerned, except the target has to be you or an ally. The usage for any of these skills is not something that carries over from other champions and it definitely takes some time to get used to. Not to mention that the combo potential is pretty crazy, and you're forced to make a lot of on the fly decisions about the skill order based on the situation. I'm gonna say that if you think Orianna is easy to pick up and play then you haven't played her to her true potential.
  12. There's a difference there. I believe Sivir is only strong in the sense that if the player behind her is a lot better than the opposition, then she can dominate, but the same player would probably be able to roll the game playing any other champion as well. The player skill is more important than the viability of the champion in this scenario. However, if the skill level is more or less equal across the board, Sivir would just end up being a liability, whereas good but hard to play Champions like Orianna, Cassiopeia etc. would still be very strong. Looking at the larger picture though, I suppose it doesn't matter that much because skill levels are all over the place in matchmaking, so pretty much every champion is viable when you're comfortable with playing them.
  13. Player skill does not equal champion viability. I know Zircon has had some great games as Evelynn but that doesn't make her or Sivir amazing champions. Hell, I've had hugely positive KDR and win ratio with Dunk Yi, still doesn't mean that Dunk Yi is a good build. That guy you're talking about would have most likely rolled you with any Champion.
  14. Except that theory kinda goes out of the door with Champions like Cassiopeia and Orianna who are all really strong but also have a pretty high skill ceiling. Sivir isn't hard to play, she's just lackluster.
  15. The reason you don't see Sivir is because she's an AD carry with shit range and no CC at all. Very few reasons to pick her over champions like Ashe, Caitlyn and even Miss Fortune. Stop trolling, Tensei, etc.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=aljb2orK3Yc&hd=1 This vid is actually really informative and helpful, oddly enough. KingRaven sounds like a 12 year old though.
  17. Yeah the bot AI looks sophisticated as hell. Great to see Kunkka and Bloodseeker making it in too.
  18. My reasoning for Sheen is that it's way more offensive than chalice. It gives you a lot more burst damage which makes it easier to get kills in lane, and it gives you a good boost in mana. Philo Stone and Sheen really is all you'll need manawise.
  19. Yeah, playing him as straight AP is another option but it requires you to get a good amount of farm, and he's not the greatest at that.
  20. Alistar is great as an aura stacker because he has a lot of innate tankiness. I always go something like Sheen-> Merc Treads-> Aegis of the Legion and then something like Shurelias, with maybe stuff like Philo Stone/Heart of Gold thrown inbetween. Also lots of wards. I feel like your build focuses way too much on giving him a big mana pool, which really isnt that necessary.
  21. Well, for one, I think it's perfectly clear that it's an opinion so it would be redundant to have to add 'IMO' and 'I think that' to every sentence. Secondly, I was being sarcastic in response to Bleck making a borderline provocative post ("You prefer Summoners Rift, therefore you don't want to have fun"), as well as doing the same thing you're calling me out on, namely the whole 'phrasing an opinion as fact'. If people make a reasonable post, I'll be reasonable in return. Third, the phrase 'trolling' has lost all meaning. Apparently criticizing Riot for faking spotlight footage is trolling. Apparently thinking certain champions are bad (or at least worse than others) is trolling.
  22. Yes, I hate fun, that's why I don't play Dominion. It certainly has nothing to do with the fact that the gametype has the depth of a half-dried rain puddle. Or the fact that games that are actually centered around the concept (Dawn of War II, Battlefield) pull it off way better in terms of balance and depth.
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