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Everything posted by Tensei

  1. Yeah, sure. If you're a guitarist, it can only mean good things. I mentioned this a few pages back, and a few pages before that, but more than one of Sephiroth's themes would be included, because of the amount of times Squeenix has redone it themselves. Jenova's theme and Bizzaro Seph's theme would both count. One idea a friend of mine had an idea, to do the whole thing all Marilyn Manson -y, with crazy ass, demonic latin lyrics, that no one would be able to understand, in that gutteral, demonic voice. You know what I mean? If not, well, the choice is yours, not mine. Sleepy Emp, that was amazing. Thats all I can really say. Downright incredible. Well the Marilyn Manson thing sounds like a good idea, even though I only have some basic idea of how his songs are, so I'll have to listen a bit more to him, but I think it will make a great remix. About the lyrics, I'd definitely need some kind of lyricist able to do grunting and screams, but fortunately there's enough time to find one since I can just start with the arrangement and add the vocals last. Anyway, I'll start working on it this afternoon, and come up with a WIP to demonstrate the general idea as soon as possible ^^
  2. Well as far as I can hear, the hardest part is the scale run at 0:25, which I'm confident in being able to play, and the other fast parts you're referring to are mostly repeated patterns, so I think I am up to the challenge. If you could send me the midi or upload it somewhere I'd be grateful ^^
  3. Well at first I really grinded my teeth upon hearing the guitar. Even though the patch used is relatively decent, bringing the guitar out as prominently as this really reveals it's synthetic nature (besides hurting the ears of course ). The worst part are the few tremolo notes at 0:19 which sound extremely unrealistic and machine-gun-like. Luckily the guitar is a bit more subdued when the main part starts, so it doesn't draw too much attention. The synthy patches sound relatively decent, and the arrangement seems good enough, though you probably need some kind of sense of development, a change of rhythm would be extremely welcome. Well, I hope my suggestions are of any help, and maybe I could even record the guitar part if you're having trouble making it sound realistic enough.
  4. hmm, this is just a question out of curiosity, but is Sephiroth's theme reserved for someone? I would have thought that that would be one of the first ones to be picked. Also, Sephiroth has a plethora of themes, I'm assuming you mean One Winged Angel? Could it be mixed with other similar themes like the Jenova theme and the Bizarro sephiroth theme? I have to think about it whether I'd pick one of the remaining tracks to mix, but I'd be more than happy to provide Rhythm and Lead guitar for anyone interested, so you can write me down for that, if you please Edit: Ah screw it, I lied, put me on for sephiroth please, I'd be damned if I wasn't interested
  5. Ah, thanks for the tip, I'm currently downloading ASIO4All, I've read up a bit, and I THINK it should be compatible with my soundcard (Sigmatel C-major Audio), I'm praying for it to work though
  6. I've recently bought this piece of hardware, and after some trouble installing it, it's more or less working. I have connected my guitar to it, and have my headphones in the corresponding socket to test it out, but it actually does things the other way around that I want them to: Rather than music etc. being played through fasttrack, they're still played through the on-board speakers of my laptop. In addition, when I play my guitar, i can hear it through my headphones, but it's unprocessed, rather than being sent to my laptop as it would If I would plug my guitar directly into my laptop. Sorry for the confusing explanation, but I'll sum up what I want to achieve: - I want my guitar input to be sent through fasttrack to my laptop where I can process it in my amp simulation software. - If possible I want to have the output signal of my laptop run through fasttrack to my headphones/speakers (use it as an external soundcard) Does anyone have an idea how I should set everything up to achieve these things? Any suggestion is welcome EDIT: Things seem to be working now, but there's still a problem, I get latency times of like 2 seconds, and the sound quality is about as bad as with a direct line-in into the mic socket, I hope there's some solution for this and it's not meant to be this way, cause that would seriously suck.
  7. Well I liked the first one better because it sounded a bit more subtle than the second one, or it's just my personal taste
  8. I've sent the WIP I thought was best to Prophet for the production, and IMO it now definitely has some potential, especially with the live saxophone and guitar that will be added
  9. Um, I haven't received any PMs or E-mails from you, I'm sorry. I did send both WIPs to Aetherius through Yousendit, but I'm not sure whether he received them.
  10. Please, I've already PMed Aetherius, but I just wanted to inform everyone about it. TAL TAL MOUNTAIN RANGE IS BEING TAKEN CARE OF. I got not one, but 2 WIPs in progress (still have to decide which one to use), and my inactivity last week was because of a trip to Finland, so I apologize for my sudden absence.
  11. The Chiptune-like sound is a decent intro, but after a while it really starts getting on my nerves, so maybe you should change the melody it plays, or utilize it much less. Personally, I really don't see where you're heading with this remix, I actually felt like sitting in a big control room chock full of beeping computers. But seriously, you should try to implement something like a main theme that holds it all together. The Beeping sound really distracts from the melodies, especially since it's not in the same key as the melodies. It's kinda hard to explain, but it just doesn't sound very well altogether. Good luck with it anyway!
  12. wow I can't believe "secret of mana" is still open, could I please do that one? Just in case you were wondering, here's a WIP showing my humble remixing-qualities http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=88008 Are there no style restrictions whatsoever?
  13. Yeah, I hear that a lot, nice arrangement but crappy mixing yes, I'm aware of the style constrictions, I'll definitely be able to abide by them, and I'll pay particular attention to the mixing now I was planning on doing something slow and melancholic, partially orchestral, partially slow rock, with some real solo guitar.
  14. Erm..I'm not completely sure about the phase this project is in right now, but I just wanted to say that in case a song is still open, I'd love to do that. I'd prefer to do Tal Tal Mountain Range (if it's still open), but any other track is fine with me. This is my latest WIP/ Remix. There's a couple more of them somewhere around here, but IMO this is the best one. It's an arrangement of 3 zelda-tracks ( from OOT), but it's rather controversive in terms of style, so see for yourself. http://media.putfile.com/From-Hyrule-With-Love-WIP-3-24 (the guitar part is still mostly missing though)
  15. This is a really stupid question, so excuse me for that, but I just can't seem to find where you can up the bitrate for encoding in Adobe Audition 2.0. It encodes MP3s at 128 kbps, but I need them at 192 kbps at least. Sorry for asking such a seemingly trivial question, but it just bothers the hell out of me.
  16. Reverb( if you didn't know about it) is the adding of an echo to the sample, which makes it sound as if it were played in, for example, a big hall. It can be done with a number of programs. I don't know what program you used to create this piece, but I'm pretty sure it has some kind of reverb plugin or something, given it's a really popular effect. Otherwise you could use some wave editing program like Adobe Audition (or Audacity if you're looking for a freeware one) to add some artificial reverb, but I'm not very sure about the quality you get from it. I suggest you take a look at the remixing subforums, and read the stickies to learn about the different effects, and how to effectively implement them into your mix, since the correct use of effects is an absolute requisite for making a remix that doesn't sound stale and boring.
  17. Well I like the intro, with the arpeggio's and stuff, but I think you should work on the transition between the intro and the second part, because the intro kind of just 'dies out'. The synth that comes in at 00:31 is VERY loud and VERY annoying, so definitely cut the volume down on it, and put some effect on it so it doesn't stand out that much (some reverb for example). As for drums, I really only heard the kick drums, but I suppose this whole piece was just an 'intro', so I can't comment on the drums until you've made a steady beat for the rest of the piece. Also, the synth that comes in somewhere around 1:00 sounds rather out of context because of the lack of reference to the previous sequence, i.e. you should retain the chords you were using, or add a bassline on both parts which connects them, so this sequence doesn't sound out of place. that's pretty much all, the samples sounded like they were of decent quality, so have fun working on this, and I hope my advice was useful.
  18. DEFINITELY submit this, the arrangement is amazing, and I'm not totally sure about the production since I haven't used my earphones, but it should be all fine if you're playing three of the instruments yourself. It actually reminds me of Carlos Santana quite a lot, which is a GOOD thing. As for the original melody, excellent job transposing it, it takes some attention to recognize it, but it's definitely in there. If you extend it to somewhere like three minutes, this could become one helluva arrangement, and definitely one that merits a place on my mp3 player.
  19. Would either have to be Contra or Super R-type, I finished them both, but that was on an emulator with constant saving, and I'm still wondering how the heck someone would be able to finish either one with only 3 friggin' lives.
  20. So Hi everybody! I've been frequenting OCremix for about a year now, and I thought now would be a good time to sign up, given I'm about to submit some of my own work I'm from Amsterdam, in the Netherlands, so please refrain from any remarks about legal drugs and hookers. Well, hope I'll have a good stay here
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