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Posts posted by Tensei

  1. Best way to really know how to sequence drums is to know how to play them and what works well. You have the experience that way, and you're less likely to do things which sound less realistic.

    Unfortunately, not everybody (including me) has had a chance to start playing them since a whole drum kit tends to be quite "up there" in the price range (including cymbals and stuff), and if you can't spend the money to isolate your room properly you won't even be able to play them that much (if you're not an ass that is). So basically there's really no point in you telling this, you're not really helping at all.

  2. No no, to unlock Captain Falcon, you have to have your GC memory card in the Wii and prove to the game that you've beaten Story Mode on F-Zero GX on the hard difficulty.

    I actually have done this, in fact, I have the save-file, but wasn't there a difficulty beyond that? Expert I recall?

    Also, Events could have been expected, but Warioman? Awesome :D

  3. My best suggestion - and how I come up with a lot of my own drum patterns - is to try and emulate the drum patterns of other people. It also helps to try to enact rhythms using your own body, with a combination of beatboxing and hand drumming/finger tapping. This can help to solidify an idea, and is more natural than trying to mouse in or sequence an idea when it isn't quite 'there' yet. Once you have something in your head and you're "performing" it aloud and it sounds good, then sequence it.

    I'd like to add to this, that if you 'tap out' a rhythm, you automatically place accents on the parts where they should be (at least, that's the way it works out for me), so if you listen to yourself tap out a rhythm, you can generally tell how you should edit the velocities of the sequenced beat to make it sound natural.

  4. Very nice choice of chords, the lullaby theme has been incorporated very delicately. My suggestion is to actually make it a bit more than just chords you're playing though; vary up the sections with dynamics and different tempi, give us a little showmanship, you know the deal :P

  5. Okay, for whatever it's worth, I got a WIP, I posted it in the audition forum. You won't recognize the boss theme right away, but it's a hard piece to arrange (with all the fast chromaticism), especially in the cinematic orchestral style I wanted to do. It's just the intro, so the boss theme will probably be more prominent in the rest of the piece :P

  6. I agree, this game is great, and the soundtrack is incredibly overlooked. I'd love to see a project of it, but it's probably not going to happen due to it's extremely limited exposure. Then again, Super Dodgeball got a project too, and I'm pretty sure not many people know that game either. =/

  7. I really can't figure out for the life of me how to assign seperate channels to a VSTi that supposedly can do seperate outputs in FL. More concretely; I'm using Addictive Drums, and I want to process the kick and snare 'outside' of the VSTi (i.e. In a seperate mixer channel), which should definitely be possible, except XLNaudio.com doesn't have anything on setting this up in FL. Is it even possible to use multi-out in FL?

  8. I have to say, as an example of being able to like OoT based on other reasons than nostalgia: The first time I played it was when I got it in the limited edition windwaker box, and I actually preferred it to both Majora's Mask and WW (both of which I had played before that). I even think I liked it better than TP, but that may very well be because of the nostalgia. Call me a philistine, but I never managed to get myself through LttP, Zelda games for me have always been about an immersive 3d-world, and playing it in 2D really didn't work for me at all.

  9. You're going to remember this criticism: Nice sounding textures and a decent soundscape, but it's headed nowhere.. granted, things intensify a bit (and become muddier) throughout the piece, but still, no direction whatsoever. I can hear this playing in a cheap eighties horror flick, not on OCR.

    Edit: Wow, I was hung-over this morning, sorry for being so harsh and stuff, I should have said cheap NINETIES horror flick, not cheap EIGHTIES horror flick =/

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