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Posts posted by Tensei

  1. Yep, been waiting to review this one. This is easily my favorite song from VoTL. I love the rather a-melodic approach on this one (it gives off more of an ambient feeling than a typical rock-mix would), backed by a steady rock-beat. Great sequencing on both the strings and drums, and the harmonized Guitar crescendo that leads up to the solo is just pure arrangement gold. One could say that the mixing drowns the rhythm guitars and the drums out a bit, but I think that was a necessary to bring the 'lighter' instruments across well, and hey, the guitars and drums are still audible, so no problems there! I enjoy it very much, excellent job y'all :)

  2. Wow, despite the recording quality, I have to say your voice (and the lyrics) are actually pretty darn good. I'm not entirely opposed to collabing at the moment, but I do have a lot of other projects ATM, so I don't really know how much time I could invest in writing a mix around your stuff. What style did you have in mind for this?

  3. Hey you're right about the winamp thingy. I'm mixing on AKG K240's and using my cheapo speakers (with subwoofer though) as alternative reference. The hole in the higher mid-range might be explained by the fact that I reduced this range with multi-band compression on the drums to make the cymbals less intrusive. Funny thing is I've been boosting this range like a motherfucker in Reason, especially on the guitars, but meh, I'll take another look. I think pretty much the only major thing left to do is record the guitar-solo at 2:54, thanks for the feedback! :D

  4. ydqd

    Minor update, mostly in terms of mixing. Some multiband compression on the drums worked well enough, made the cymbals less prominent in the mid-range and more sizzly (which should pull away the attention from the fakiness a bit). Re-recorded Lead Guitars but not the guitar solo. Also, I know a lot of the instruments sound fake, but putting on more reverb is NOT an option. As I have it now, adding more reverb to pretty much anything would make the whole mix all that much more muddier. General suggestions on the mixing and mastering are still very welcome!

  5. Hah, you won't understand the lyrics, but I think you can get a good feeling for the beat, I tried to find some songs with english vocals, but there's no real noteworthy ones :/

    (this song was actually remarkably relevant, the first thing he says is "Everything's Urban, I miss the basic hiphop shit", he also supposedly made the

    (Ignore or skip the intro :P)

    (FYI their name means " Today's youth" or "Contemporary Youth" )

    Also: This thread is now about hiphop :)

  6. Yah, Outkast can get annoying if you've heard it too often, but nevertheless I really consider them to be pretty much the pinnacle of what's being played on commercial radio (not that that's saying much). It's too bad I really have next to zero knowledge of the non-mainstream stuff, I have heard some of it and it was very good. I think one of the groups was called Jedi Mind Tricks. =/

    I do admit mainstream hiphop and rap in the US is pretty much stagnant. Now if you could understand Dutch hiphop that'd be a whole other story :)

  7. I have. I'll give Eminem his props though. He raps about the same shit, but he puts some humor in it, I'll give him that. Other than that, it's all pretty much the same. Tell me what I've missed that would educate me otherwise.

    Tell me what I should consider "Good Rap".

    From the oldies I suggest

    , Public Enemy, possibly
    if you don't mind the proto-gangsta-rap lyrics. From the newer hiphop groups I can only really think of Outkast. I don't listen to hiphop very often, but I have heard some amazing contemporary underground stuff on youtube, I'm sure someone around here has a decent knowledge of the underground hiphop scene and can suggest some artists. Also http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01424/

    If you didn't like anything of that, I give up, you're a lost cause indeed :P

  8. Rap is NOT retarded, no matter whether you're talking about it as a genre or as a musical technique, there is a good side to it, you just haven't been exposed to it. That'd be like saying Rock is retarded because all they do is make whiney three-chord songs. Judging a whole musical genre based on the stuff you see on MTV is the only thing that's retarded here. Try actually listening to what is considered good rap/hiphop before you make generalizations like that.

    Edit: Also, Red Mage FTW!

  9. He "sampled" the forest song from CT, and didn't hide the fact very well.

    And I'm not gonna argue my position of racial standing. I'm not a racist. Believe me or not, it doesn't change the truth. But I've no love for Jay-Z, regardless of color or his "samplings". I don't like him, so I see no reason why I should care about his feelings.

    What part did he sample? The chord progression has a vaguely similar feeling to it, but in terms of instrumentation the string part is the only thing that sounds even remotely close to the Chrono Trigger song, and it most definitely plays a different melody, so it's not sampled. Do more research next time.

    Edit: To keep in line with the thread, there's

    and bad sampling. Just like lightning-fast shredded guitar solo's can be good or bad. This goes for pretty much every musical technique and it's application, IMO it's stupid and narrow-minded to say that sampling is an outright bad thing.
  10. If I may add a suggestion (I know shit about breakbeats and DnB so bear with me and just say it if I'm suggesting stupid things :P), I'd say that besides the loading up of different snare samples so you can put accents where you want them and have a less intrusive sample hit whenever you don't (convoluted sentence, I know), you should vary the amount of times the snare appears within the beat.

    I think that everything was pretty fine until you got back to the descending synth pattern from the intro; somehow that section seems to me like it was intended as a sort of 'breather' after the intensity of the previous section, however this idea was kind of brought down by the fact that the drums stayed as busy as before and didn't change at all. I think it would help to tone down the rapid firing drums a bit by removing some less essential parts of the beat to give it a less busy feeling, that way you can give the whole mix a feeling of dynamicism, and the intensive sections will feel twice as intensive because of the contrast with the mellower ones.

    Whew, sorry for my shitty grammar, but I'm really tired and it's starting to show on my foreign language skills, I hope I got the point across :P

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