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Posts posted by Tensei

  1. Whoa, I haven't yet mentioned that this is awesome?!

    Well take this then:" It's awesome!"

    Anyway, I love the instrumentation, the wood blocks and other percussion give it a very authentic feel and you're definitely nailing the PotC style you're looking for. The blowing wind and ominous bells give it a nice Elfmanish contrast, apparently you really know how to execute the idea's you have. Productionwise this is very stable too, nothing jumps out at me as jarring.

    What I didn't like very much was the fast jumping between different styles and instrumentations which gave it sort of a medleyish feeling. My suggestion is to play around a bit the sections you already have and possibly prolonging them before transitioning into the next one, that ought to give it a bit more consistency. Definitely keep working on it, it's awesome! (as I've said twice already =P)

  2. I wouldn't submit quite yet, but it's definitely improving. The new drums sound a lot better. It seems like the whole song in general could use a boost in the mid-highs, it sounds kind of "hollow" for lack of a better term. As for the mixing thing, try rendering every track down with all of their effects except for EQ, and then mix those together. That way you save system resources. I really want to hear more on this, I absolutely love the arrangement and some parts are just plain awesome. Keep it up!

    Ya I think what I'll do is give the guitars another boost around 4000 Hz, but I think most of the issues can be solved during the mastering session, mostly by mult-band compression. Apart from that I still have to record moar guitarz, redo the strings and I'll be more or less done. =)

  3. Might just be a hunch, but sometimes when I get the same problem it's either because the Wah's powersource has been disconnected while moving it (Of course, if you use batteries that wouldn't happen), or because I didn't stomp the Wah correctly, so it goes into a phase between On and Bypass, where the signal is indeed muted.

    Oh wait! I remember, it MIGHT have something to do with the input levels. If I recall correctly Amplitube 2 uses a noisegate that's always active, so if you have it DI'd into your Mic Entrance (Not sure of your recording chain and if it has a pre-amp)and because the fact that the Wah chops off a lot of the original signal, it might be muted because the noisegate kicks in.

  4. It definitely sounds better, and I have to say I quite like what you did with the arrangement. The drums definitely sound alright in terms of production, but they could use a lot more fills during the fast parts to prevent repetitiveness.

    The recording quality on the guitars sounds decent, but I can't help but hear some cracking and popping throughout the whole song. Also, I'm not sure, but your guitars seem to be out of tune. I know the judges disliked the big amount of reverb, but I think the guitars could use a slight hint of that anyway, as well as some Stereo FX to make them sound a bit less thin.

    Also, the left-panned piano should definitely be turned up since I can barely hear it through the other instruments. I can definitely imagine hearing some strings playing there too, would give it a nice ballady feel, and would do a lot to fill out the soundspace, which sounds a bit empty, so maybe you can try adding those. Overall I like it though, keep on it :D.

  5. I have no problem with critisism, my problem is I show this to all my friends and they all just say that it's awesome, that it's one of the better things they've heard, and that I'm an awesome arranger, I NEED to hear the other end so I can make myself better, or how else can I make an OC remix?

    Think. Would your friends say to your face that your music sucks? I'm not saying they're thinking that way, but I'm pretty sure a lot of their compliments come from the fact that they're your friends, and not because they think your music is that awesome (subconciously perhaps). If I would have my friends listen to my music, they're not going to say that my snare's overcompressed, they're going to say something along the lines of " Wow, you wrote this?", and say how awesome it is.

    My point is, if you have someone you know listen to it, they will more likely than not be biased to a certain degree. That's why you need some guy you don't even know on some internet forum to have an objective look at it, and make clear to you that your music in fact might not be as awesome as you thought. Besides, who do you think has better knowledge of production and mastering, your friends or Skrypnyk?

  6. yeah T_T now i'm going to have to go emo now and cut myself, wtg Skry.

    Don't take this too badly, but I think Skrypnyk does have sort of a point. You can't just say that it's close to OCR standards because you like it, you HAVE to compare it to similar songs that are in fact on OCR (at least in terms of production). Do the instruments sound as fake there? I think not. Getting it up to standards is literal. Spend a LOT more time (that goes for both of you) in fact LISTENING to OCRemixes and pondering what you still have to do to get on the same level. You shouldn't keep on fooling yourself all the time when you still have a long way to go.

  7. Guys, I've made a decision, you haven't heard from me quite some time, which was basically because I was caught up in a lot of other remixes and projects. Believe me when I say, I have tried my best to continue with the Sephiroth mix, it just didn't work out at all, even though I continued to convince myself I would finish it sometime. I feel really bad for 'hogging' this important mix for such a long time and coming up with pretty much nothing in return, so I guess it's time to let someone more capable of doing the song justice take the reins. Yes, I'm basically dropping out, but believe me when I say it wasn't an easy decision for me to make.

    If it's any consolation at all, I could post the midi of what I have (About 3 minutes of material) so anyone interested could salvage from it whatever they need, you wouldn't even have to give me credit or something.

    Once again, I'm really sorry.

  8. Hey Avaris, me and CHIPP are thinking of collabing on one of the remaining songs (or one of the claimed songs that haven't been updated sufficiently) in a Rock/Hiphop hybrid (Think Run DMC & Aerosmith with Walk This Way), so we need something with a decently catchy hook that can be repeated a few times. Do you have any suggestions for us?

  9. Yup, as I already suspected, my mix got rejected because of lackluster production, so I kind of souped it up, paying special attention to the lower-end and general phatness, so in a few days it should be ready to submit. It's a sort of symphonic metal arrangement of the songs Bloody Tears and Beginning from respectively Castlevania II and Castlevania III.

    Things I've done:

    -Reprocessed snare, kick and toms

    -Layered in an extra bass-patch

    -Some general mixing to make the whole thing less thin-sounding

    -Changed the Lead Synth around a bit

    Things I still need to do:

    -re-record lead guitars using new setup, record guitar solo somewhere near the end.

    -Fix the lower-end muddiness

    -Humanize the string patches

    -Fix the snare, it sounds like crap, especially during exposed sections

    Submitted Version:


    Latest Update:


    I'm mostly looking for production tips, the arrangement was generally very well accepted, so I'm not going to be doing any changes in that department.

  10. Fray, I think I might have found what's causing the ear-tiring. The bass-drum sounds kind of overcompressed and overcompression tends to be one of the causes of ear-tiring. It's amplified by the fact that the bass-drums fills the lower end almost constantly because of the fast rolls. Usually this is solved by the bass-drum having a really punchy attack and a soft decay so there's not so much strain on the ears because of the dynamic difference.

    For the rest, I gotta say I love your version, I've been following the development of this song for quite some time, and I have to say you did an awesome job on bringing the best of the vocals out, it sounds very dramatic and really vikingish now. =P

  11. Dude, CHIPP, how can you consider this song more repetitive than 90% of other non-progressive metal bands you indubitably listen to? Even if you take a look at absolute classics like Slayer's Angel of Death or Metallica's Battery you'll find the song structure is an incredibly simple Verse/Chorus/Bridge build-up.

    Just because YOU like to write songs that constantly segue into new sections throughout doesn't mean that anyone who doesn't do so is being exceedingly repetitive. For me, part of a songs inherent 'catchiness' comes from the repetition of certain sections, which gives the listener a chance to 'grasp' the song. The minor variations and instrumental additions/changes during the repeated sections (which Cursed Bloodline makes more than enough use of) can still give enough of a forward drive to the song, without going overboard. Don't tell me Dream Theater is more fun to bang your head to than some dirty old Thrash Metal Classic. =P

  12. Actually, Haunted Chase would happen to be a pretty blatant rip-off/arrangement of Modest Mussorgsky's Night on Bald Mountain ( The fast rising note passages at the start and the ominous brass are almost verbatim)

    I always love the way Protricity's songs seem to progress throughout, but still keep a rhythmic and stilistic consistency. It's really hard to get a proper knack for that, and this song is a striking example of this style. Love it.

  13. I regret that you presume that I have any other criterium for music than " Do I like it?". And even if that was the case, Green Day is hardly anything to brag about, especially against who doesn't really like it, don't you think so? I don't have an eclectic taste because I want to, it's just that way.

    I really can't help it that I want to listen Megadeth one moment, put on some Chopin Waltzes after that, and finish it off with a bit of St. Germaine. In no way do I claim that I know a lot about Romantic Piano or Acid Jazz, but I just like the musical pieces I have heard from those genres, and if someone suggests to me " Hey, you like Chopin? Well you should check out that and that guy, since he makes some pretty cool Romantic Piano music too" I will definitely do so, NOT because I will be able to brag about how I am eclectic and educated and stuff to others, but because I presume I will genuinely like the music.

    Blame OCR for my eclecticism and my realising that no matter what the genre, there will always be at least one good artist/song in that genre.

    I don't remember me saying anywhere that you thought YJM was the only GOOD guitar-driven artist, I was just puzzled by the fact that you said pretty much refused to listen to similar artists, because face it, YJM's style isn't all that unique or anything.

    And no, I'm afraid I can not agree that Far Beyond the Sun is a masterpiece. Technically impressive, yes. Compositional masterpiece? Not rly.

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