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Everything posted by Magewout

  1. I completely agree on this. I dislike the Final Fantasy series, but I think every self-respecting gamer should at least have tried one.
  2. GC: Eternal Darkness Ikaruga MP2
  3. A few days ago, I started playing the original Tetris for my Game Boy again. I'm playing WAY too much to be healthy, and now when I'm studying, like every 2 minutes I lose my focus, and start stacking blocks of Tetris :S (and my eyes aren't even closed)
  4. It was SO bad I thought 'this can't be a joke'
  5. No, it's when you're in a specific situation, and think 'Hey, I've already seen/done this somewhere', while you haven't. Like, recognising someone you've never seen before.
  6. Resell it on eBay, and buy a 60Gb Zen
  7. That looks pretty good to me. Even made me post on the OCR forums, which almost never happens . Keep on the good work man! Oh, and a little question: What's the font you're using? Looks pretty cool.
  8. Don't know if I'm totally correct... 1) I'd say the speed of a man at the equator would be (2 . pi . 6400 km) / 24h , seeing as the earth turns around in 24 hours. 2) This is a long time ago... with the speed you've just calculated, the radius, and his weight, you would be able to calculate that force 3) The weight of the man would be 97 kg . 9.81 N/kg 4) The force holding him to the surface would be gravity, so Fz = m . g . h = 97 kg . 9.81 N/kg . 6400 km
  9. *woot first post * The m needed would be the marble's weight, 0.250 kg. Also, the you can assume that if the water keeps boiling, the final temperature of the marble will be 100 degrees C. Q = m[marble] . c[marble] . (100 - T[marble]) m[marble] = 0.250 kg c[marble] would be = c[glass] (look that one up) T[marble] = -23 C
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