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Everything posted by Magewout

  1. I can do Dutch and French, male voice. My German shouldn't be TOO bad either but a native speaker would be much, much better at it.
  2. Don't get either, it's a horrible series, and the story kills the awesome gameplay.
  3. 10 dollars he'll find 'a member of the Florida Bar' other than himself just as mad who'll approve of everything he does.
  4. HUP HOLLAND HUP!!! 3-0, what a humiliation for Italy rofl. Plus I'm probably the only Belgian supporting The Netherlands xD
  5. Bigfoot, where can I find that simfile? Looks awesome
  6. Too bad it won't be on the Euro box (I'd assume).
  7. It's harder than you think. I started working on it, but had to stop because of uni exams, and I haven't found the time to continue
  8. I'm curious to know how much money OCR has already recieved thanks to this thread
  9. Would $3.72 do the trick? That's what's left in my PayPal account, and in Belgium I can only add funds with a credit card (which I don't have ).
  10. I love Sindra's designs, especially the first one.
  11. Also, I absolutely loved 'The Shadow of the Wind' by Carlos Ruiz Zafon.
  12. Lian Hearn's 'The Harsh Cry of the Heron', the Last Tale of the Otori. Loved to first three books, and this is an awesome ending to the trilogy. Am already looking forward to reading Heaven's Net is Wide, the 'first tale of the Otori'. I realize the writer's milking the series a bit, but as long as the books are a pleasure to read, I don't care
  13. AFAIK, yes they are. You might want to do some Google image searches to be 100% sure though.
  14. Morrowind. I payed 5€ for it, and DAMN I hate the game.
  15. No.5 (snapdradon) by ParagonX9. I first heard it on Newgrounds music, and a comment said that the uncut version was to be found at ocremix.org, so I came to check it out.
  16. I thought the Zen supports DivX/xVid as well. I've got quite some South Park episodes on mine
  17. Creative Zen Vision:M 60 GB. I've got mine for 1.5 years, and the worst thing that ever happened was having to do a soft reset.
  18. In response to djp saying he'd like to see the standards translated to other languages, if you ever need a Dutch version, be sure to let me know, I'd love to translate for you guys. OCR has provided me with so much good music, it's about time I do something back
  19. Some stores offer the option to redownload the song with a better quality, if you pay them a little extra (like $0.10).
  20. Yeah, rub it in a bit more I should really try to buy a plane ticket and go next year.
  21. The Americans get all the cool stuff
  22. Great. Oh well, now I'll NEVER ever play it lol.
  23. You forgot - sign up on hundreds of sites, increasing the chance to find you when doing a google search.
  24. Just about every google hit for my username is me. I've checked the first 2 pages (20 results) so far. Probably because I'm signed up for a LOT of stuff with it Oh, as for my real name, the first 8 google hits are mine, without using quotation marks.
  25. I think the music is at least as exciting as new characters actually.
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