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Everything posted by Bahamut

  1. This degenerated into him because he wanted to whine about something else instead of focusing on the problem in the first place. It just happens too much for me to want to deal with it anymore - it's impossible to reason with someone like that, and it's a waste of my time & mind. If he matured, shit like that wouldn't happen and I wouldn't have to be stressed out trying to communicate with a spoiled child, and frankly I expect a lot more in the way of maturity from a college educated adult.
  2. That's not my fault. Everyone has themselves only to blame if that happens, especially with how frequently I'm away from the computer and with how many admins we have on the server.
  3. Am I the only PS3 owner here who isn't that attracted to it?
  4. Are you sure it's $85 per song? That sounds quite high to me, although some others probably can tell you the rates they licensed for. But many of those in the community who do sell these CDs do get the necessary licenses (some don't). This would go for covers, remixes, or rearrangements. As for whether your CD would be considered a cover CD, are the songs that you guys do covers of video game music? If so, then yes. This point is moot though, as you would need a license to the requisite tracks to legally sell the CDs anyway. Oftentimes, the original composers don't even own the rights to their works. They just work under contract, and the development company that hired them owns the rights to their music. They have a vested interest to profit off of their music, so it's not surprising that they do charge for it. Also, for some companies' music, it is possible to license it through a middleman, although I don't know too much about this...others here probably can tell you.
  5. It's not that I'm panicking - I'm frustrated with an obvious disconnect where people just don't want to communicate any problems and then decide to whine that my management is the problem by implication. That sort of childishness, for something I do out of my spare time and spare money for the community, is a slap to the face, and ungracious for all that I've done and continue to do for the community with the server. The one thing I can't do is fix something that someone doesn't bring to my attention in some way, and if people are going to be that ungrateful for something that's their fault, then I give up. It's not worth the waste of effort and moreover, the insult to it, especially the suggestion that my judgment is worse than Atma's by this, although nobody dared or cared to ever bring up why I was ever wrong in how I ran things. I just don't take well to suggestions, direct or implied, that I'm not reasonable since my profession is about reason, and I have never done anything unreasonable that I don't apologize for when it is pointed out clearly. The reaction shows me that too many people think my efforts are not good or reasonable enough compared to Atma's, and I take great offense to that considering the situation.
  6. I already did post it, is it my fault you were too lazy to read the posts? In addition, nobody framed the problem in a way where it could be fixed and I had to figure out the solution myself after ignoring Atma's bitching that deflected away from the problem. Being unreasonable ala Atma is now chic? I run the OCR server for the community, and it costs money & time. You all should notice that I don't solicit money even monthly - I've always just said donate at your own preference, time & amount. I lose money on the server. I've always solicited feedback for fixing problems. I cannot fix a problem that nobody adequately brings to my attention though. You only have yourselves to blame for when that happens. In addition, I gave lots of people admins on the server - there are 13 admins. It should not be difficult to get in contact with any of the other 12 to enforce the rules or to give warnings. Do people prefer Atma's closedminded/unreasonable viewpoint to the point where they do not wish to play on a server that was always for them? If this is so, maybe I should discontinue running the server, as it is clear nobody appreciates the effort I've put in to create a safe haven for the OCR community as well as a welcoming place for other likeminded outsiders. You do not see the obnoxious and terrible micspamming that plagues servers like 2fort2furious or any other random pub server. You don't see most of the griefing that appears on other servers, and the few times that it does happen, people seem to endure or not even tell the admins/post in this thread about. I think it's ridiculous that people are choosing to move from this server, which was for them in the first place, simply because they did not wish to identify any problems so that they could be solved. I've been busy this semester, but I lurk on IRC at night and I read this thread all the time. So tell me people, should I shut down the server?
  7. We've already addressed the problem with the door. I think that chapter is closed with the new broader rule.
  8. There's one thing I like about Linux that doesn't seem to be so easy to do with Windows - setting up an SSH server.
  9. What happened on turbine? I can't recall anyone posting anything in particular about what happened that time so I have no clue .
  10. So anyone actually watch the two hour premiere and can give impressions?
  11. Not at all - these types of outbursts are all too common with him, and it often goes like this: 1) He finds a problem 2) He fails to identify the problem abstractly 3) He decides on an arbitrary solution & by far not the optimal solution 4) Calls others idiots instead of trying to address the original problem or work with others for the best solution This type of idiotic thinking causes more problems than worth dealing with, especially after I've just been through being virtually incapacitated for a week from sickness & the daily stress of my busy life. Anyone who ever have complaints should take note, because excepting #1, this line of thought process is what many would call being stupid, socially retarded, childish, undisciplined, etc. and it only serves to create more problems than the original problem that was sought out to be remedied. Working with others for a solution is a life skill for crying out loud, and I can't believe I have to outline this for a certain few others who are arrogant enough to believe that those who are outside of the regular OCR community are not necessarily cordial enough to work with you. Edit: And the question I originally wanted to ask - should we change the map rotation? It currently is: cp_dustbowl pl_badwater cp_granary pl_goldrush ctf_2fort pl_cave_b6 cp_gravelpit pl_badwater cp_well pl_dustbowl_b4 cp_steel pl_goldrush ctf_turbine In addition, I updated the motd to include banning of sticky spawn camping period, even defense doing it to offense.
  12. But there are certain situations where you have to limit that view though. For example, Dustbowl stage 2, cap 2 is very close to the spawn door...and pushing people back to spawn is a big part of capping that point. If you allow stickies near it, there are still ways to get to that cap, namely rocket/sticky jumping over that fence. What line would be a good line to draw?
  13. I think I said all that needs to be said. That's not a spawn door. If you think the second door to walk through, which isn't even necessary to walk through is a spawn door, you're seriously mentally retarded. There really is no defense against that, and Atma's counterargument was to basically be a baby and not address that clear bit of reasoning. However, we can ask the question whether we should ban sticky camping that particular door. It is a bit unfair, but clearly as it stands, it isn't banned as per the rules of the server.
  14. I know this is off topic...but please shrink that sig
  15. A lot of us just pick random for our teams...so sometimes the team stacking isn't necessarily intentional. In fact, that's not usually the problem with anyone from ZUZ, but people choosing to join their team after they see that they're on the blue/red team. Those are the problem people in that case. And you're making quite an assumption about winning being the only thing that matters to those who get too good. The main reason I got better is because I don't like dying and staying dead for upwards of 20 seconds. You know, there are instances where I don't mind having end up losing a round. It's when a few people spoil the game for everyone else and making a game non-fun that ruins it, and that includes intentional lack of teamwork. Those people distort the whole notion of fun with the only ones having "fun" being the ones who has a sadistic sense of euphoria from frustrating everyone else or from those who as I said, and both types don't have any business in a good controlled multiplayer game of any sorts. And you know what that concept is? That games provide fun with a loose yet controlled environment where people compete to win or get better in some quantifiable measure. Being loose is half the equation, and it's possible to ruin fun for anyone with half a brain by interpreting loose to mean be a retard. So if anything, the concept nullifies your faux interpretation for multiplayer games at least.
  16. So what, some people like to play games to lose? That disrupts any notion of fun for the majority who like to try to win at games, and the notion of a game period. If you want to intentionally play mediocre, then why play any multiplayer game? Just that mindset disrupts the whole communal notion of a multiplayer game, video game or non-video game, with the only person having fun being the one who probably has no business playing any game. Nobody said you had to be super serious when playing a game, but if you're going to play any game with other people, you should be trying to play to win naturally. Otherwise, quit spoiling the fun for everyone else who don't want to play games to lose.
  17. Spawn camping has never been banned. Only spawn camping with sticky bombs. And I'm going to reiterate, doing stupendously retarded things is far more fun breaking than you know, actually playing the game. If learning to play a game is considered competitive, then why the heck do you even play games? That line of excuse is one of the lamest excuses I ever see and only used to justify playing retarded to get a rise out of a team's frustration through intentional lack of cooperation.
  18. I've only seen people leave due to team stacking. And people doing supremely retarded things breaks the game far more to me than a lack of chatting outside of the game.
  19. Helloween - Halloween is a must, although it's not exactly an OCR song.
  20. Maybe they're trying to find a show with success like Hercules or Xena from the 90s?
  21. So...does anyone have a strategy for the second form of the last boss in Tales of Vesperia? I'm like level 68 and got owned pretty hard, while only taking off like 1/4 his HP.
  22. I just watched a 10 min preview for it, and it looks like they're distorting the timeline for it quite a bit. Kahlan bringing the Book of Counted Shadows to Zedd? Really? Richard not knowing who Zedd is? What?
  23. So how is the game? Is it worth a pick up?
  24. Fallout 3 also doesn't really contain DRM if I remember right as well, although I'm not sure how that is (it just came out I think - I never played any of the Fallouts though).
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