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Old Man Time

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Everything posted by Old Man Time

  1. That is pure sweetness Doulifée. I can't thank you enough. Especially having his face again in the background... I never would of thought of that, but that is amazing. I'd like to be able to do that kind of shiznit some day - it just rocks. THX!!
  2. Would anyone be kind enough to help me out with a sig? I have a pretty good idea going, but lack the skill to finish it off. Basically, I did this through Paint and tried to add some stuff on with GIMP, which didn't work out well. Its from the picture of Auron with the pyreflies around him. I was thinking of having this is your story in italics on the left side, and then OMT vertically down on the right side of his face. This is where I had some problems and could use some help. Thanks a ton for anyone who is willing to touch this up a bit. You can get creative if you want to, with the font and colors and effects or whatever. Thanks again. In any event, it will be better than having a bunch of badges at the bottom of all my posts
  3. voteCount++; However, dropped to #6 overall... But still, #6! That's pretty awesome guys. Let's keep up the voting. #1 is only a few clicks away (well, many clicks actually).
  4. I'll seed too. Almost 70% done on both 0-1000 and 1001-1500 torrents, which are actually moving pretty fast (about 30 kB/s each). Not bad, especially if you leave it on all night. Thanks to all the seeders out there in internet land.
  5. Can't wait for the show! Hopefully wont have any problems playing it
  6. Great mix, didn't notice the source material really until about 1:39, but it really picked up after that, especially the beat around 3:15 or so. While I agree that it could have been longer, it doesn't feel rushed or anything, and production values where top notch as well. A solid first submission, and welcome to OCR.
  7. Thanks a ton CE. Exactly what I was looking for.
  8. Hello! Just a quick question. Where do you find the banner things that some people have in there sig, like "Zelda Fan" or "Chrono Trigger Fan" or whatever? Is there a page or thread with all of them, or do you just copy them from other people's sigs? Thanks for the help.
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