So, I beat the game, and here are my thoughts on the overall game, items, dungeons, and bosses.
So, when does Phantom Hourglass come out?
As usual, I'm always interested in more action-adventure games. (as well as more interesting MMO's). Any suggestions? I still haven't played the Prince of Persia games. Should I do all three or is playing only the best one enough?
Either way, I'm stuck at the first real boss of the second disc in Grandia 3, and I have Tales of Symphonia waiting for me, as well. It would be nice if Nintendo stepped up the virtual console releases; as it stands now, it is just freaking pathetic.
And a final idea: Nintendo should release a 'Second Quest' for TP, or a boss mode of some sort. Not sure how much is possible with the limited Wii memory.