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Everything posted by Kruai

  1. If you're going for the krunk, deliberate one, choose #2. However, if you wanted to use it in a song, I would recommend using #1 for a short section and throw in a few upbeat instruments, then return. I like the idea behind this beat!
  2. Oh, sorry... This can be locked/deleted then. I'll be more logical next time. Thanks for the help anyway though!
  3. Never mind, I'll look it up. Open for lock/delete.
  4. Can I get some input on a semi-new song? http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/116042 It's kinda drum-heavy, but does it sound OK? AsaP
  5. OK, I thought it was an actual VST. Kinda explains it, doesn't it? No, I haven't checked out SoundFonts, but that will change in a few hours! Thanks!
  6. I have taken a break from composition recently, but I was wondering what you guys thought of these. They're kinda influenced by different genres, but work together. Also, there seems to always be something missing (but not repetitiveness - I realize there are a few such parts). Listed ascending by date: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/78006 http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/77999 http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/78370 http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/92674 http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/105114 (experimental) http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/116042 I made two more, but can't upload them yet - one sounds much better, and is DnB styled. Thanks for the criticism in advance!
  7. The guitars are all out, I guess?
  8. I downloaded Guitar Suite, looking for a nice guitar vst. However, after moving the plug-ins to the appropriate folder, Cubase did not pick up an instrument. Are these just effects and if so where do I get a friggin' guitar VST?! AsaP
  9. Cool, thanks! Can you show me one of your songs where you do that? Also does that mean I keep the regular rythm and set (with hi-hat and all) and then add the distortion (or bitcrusher)?
  10. I haven't heard anyone do it here yet, but you can hear it in the light drums in Bomber Barbara http://www.sonicstyle.org/music/DS/SonicRush/music/sonic0037.mp3 and also a little in Pendulum's stuff (on iTunes). Mostly what I'm looking for is the smooth noise that makes the beat flow more smoothly. Sorry, am I being specific enough or would you like something more?
  11. Also, what about the noise thing? I don't know if this requires a separate thread or not, but how do you make the weird noises behind the drums to make it sound kinda fuzzy (maybe a replacement for the hi-hat)?
  12. Thanks man! Helps a lot.
  13. What's it called when the drums go from a higher noise to a lower, more muffled sound? It might be saturation, but I'm not sure. Anyway, if you know what it is, could you please explain how to do it in Cubase SE3? Or does it require a special plug-in? Thanks! Asa
  14. That is a wonderful idea. Thank you.
  15. I'm sorry, I seem to have posted this in the ReQuests section. Can someone please delete it? I'm not sure if this has come up before. You see, I am in the process of making a video game, and I want to know if I can submit some simple songs from it. That way you guys can remix it... or something... So yeah, I just want to submit simple ideas- or drafts- of some songs. Can I? And How?
  16. I'm not sure if this has come up before. You see, I am in the process of making a video game, and I want to know if I can submit some simple songs from it. That way you guys can remix it... or something... So yeah, I just want to submit simple ideas- or drafts- of some songs. Can I? And How?
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