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Everything posted by KogeJoe

  1. Loved this remix. It's definitely something quiet and sensual. There's definitely something different about that square lead you give the melody to. It's a lot more round... It would be interesting to hear Guardia's Forest theme in this genre.
  2. Instead of boring old string, it would have been nice to hear a distortion guitar for the melody... Other than that, nice work!
  3. Not trying to hurt anyone's feelings here, so take it with a grain of salt. The original piece, if I remember correctly, didn't even make the cut for the game. It was only featured as a hidden piece on the CDs and piano solo book. (Of which, incedentally, I own both...) It's a nice little ditty, but over all, as with A LOT of the original Chrono Score, Mitsuda (the main Japanese composer for Chrono Trigger...) likes to rip off of Ghibli Studio's Miyazaki/Hisaishi. Again, don't get me wrong. I LOVE most of the themes for Chrono, but a lot, I feel was just re-hashed Hisaishi Joe. Take this piece for example. If one analyzes the tune and chords, It's just a re-mix of everyone's favorite Laputa theme. (Kimi wo nosete - Hisaishi Joe) Just for another example, take the music to the city of Zeal. (Isn't it funny how it's a city in the sky, "held there by a mysterious power," and sealed doors that only an amulet can open... hrm...) The melody is certainly different, but the chords and instrumentation aren't... listen to the soundtrack for Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. Same drums, and sitar-esque melody... Mitsuda also likes Disney it seems... the piece I found the most ANNOYING (Delightful Spekkio) sounds like a rip off of "I Just Can't Wait to be King," from the Lion King (which is a rip-off of Tezuka's Kimba: The White Lion... my just layers upon layers...). And for those of you who passed the game, anyone ever seen the Main Street Electrical Parade when it was in Disneyland? (Now in California Adventure?) Another Square game that really liked the Electrical Parade music was Mario RPG. So I've really nothing to say about this re-mix, which is essentially, a remix of a rip-off of an original piece. It's an interesting rendition of Mitsuda's attempt at Laputa, though, sorry to say, sounds like just about any other re-mix. Because there are tons and tons of remixers out there, a remix has to be exceptional. And again, don't take it personal, this one just ain't. It's pretty bland and predictable, and it's with an annoying re-hash of a pre-existing melody to boot. Never give up though! Cheers...
  4. As a Metroid fan, (well, at least a fan of the first three games anyway,) I was blown away by this piece. The original tune out of the game cartrige in and of itself, lends itself to more modern interpretation, doesn't it... I love how this author takes apart the melody and explores each section thoroughly. And in the end, a familiar but fitting climax. This should be part of like, a Metroid Sonata, with this as its Allegro piece... heh heh heh... GREAT job. Any plans of printing this out and publishing your works??? In response to many comments... A frequent one I heard on this piece is that "you couldn't sit down and relax to it." Or that "it deviates from the source." Truly, the definition of a piece is not limited to "something one can sit down and relax, or put on as background music while they wash the dishes." And if something just mimics the source outright, is that not mere repetition, if not plaigerism? (forgive my awful spelling...) I'm not sure about everyone else, but I heard the main theme be introduced quite clearly, before the player starts to elaborate on it. The first section is repeated quite thoroughly: dotted half, half, quarter, dotted half, dotted half... And I believe the second section continues through out as the ostinato in the base. And finally, in the end, is the concluding third section, with which so beautifully cadances before he slaps everyone in the face with the old ending everyone knows... MUST have a printed score for this.
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