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Theory of N

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Everything posted by Theory of N

  1. I can only play sax ( Nah, you can leave your voice...you don't need that >.>
  2. Hmm...I might bring my sax. Maybe a duet with Prophet We'll see how things turn out.
  3. It's ok, I wasn't mentioned either (( and for the record, I WANTING TO MEET YOU (and everyone else.)
  4. I would laugh if he got assassinated at 999,999.
  5. Seeing as MAGFest is about 10 days before my 18th birthday, I'll about 90% sure be there. I'll be bringing a friend with me (maybe two). I don't need a ride or room or anything, just posting so I can be put on the "attending" list. See you guys there
  6. Actually, every song in the game would be up for a remix. It's just that the stage songs wouldn't be considered from SSBM.
  7. I recommend Super Buck Jazz from OCRemix. Also, some OneUps ftw.
  8. First thing I thought when I first saw the second one was Katamari Damacy, but I don't know.
  9. first, I believe you mean "fighting polygon" second, I have a wip of the Melee main theme that I haven't worked on in forever. Not sure if it'll ever get any further. Been stuck for months. http://ton.escariot.net/Melee3.mp3
  10. Some of the links you have are broken. Demo: http://www.thefreakwave.de/Files/downloads/FreakwaveDemo2.exe Trailers: http://www.thefreakwave.de/Files/trailers/Freakwave-XXL-Trailer-High.mpg http://www.thefreakwave.de/Files/trailers/Freakwave-Story-Trailer-High.mpg
  11. Don't know if you've subbed yet, but that really long drone at the end is a bit loud and sort of annoying. It doesn't really blend in with the rest of the droney feel you've got. Also, I don't hear much difference from the earlier version. I really hope this does get accepted. It's probably too liberal for the judges though. I know Skrypnyk has made some songs with more melody than this has and his were rejected for being too liberal. Good luck!
  12. lol wow, this thread is old. I posted that before I had even heard of Wii Play. My bad.
  13. I made a Bolero of Fire remix a while back. Now THAT was a challenge. Subbed it to OCR and they said the arrangement was great but the quality needed some work which I completely agree with... I'm going to be remaking it soon, hopefully with some live instruments. PM me if you'd like to hear it.
  14. Hmmm...maybe I'm just not big on change, but I gotta say, I like it the other way better. with the "ready, set, go" beeps and stuff. The transition is really bumpy and it's like the whole song changes from orchestral to an orchestral/funk-ish fusion. The ideas behind this wip just don't feel right after hearing your first wip. If you've completely lost the file, I'm pretty sure I've got an mp3 of it somewhere if you need something to go by.
  15. I like it. Definitely better than a lot of the rock mixes out there. Of course, it could use some touching up (and finishing...). When it comes to rock, I typically feel that a slow tempo like this just drags the song along, so if it was me (which it's not...you do what you want...), I'd jump up the tempo a bit later on in the song and bring in a newish melody or some squealing guitar solos or something awesome like that.
  16. haha. I started a Melee wip of the main theme back Feb. or March. I got stuck though so it's been dead since then. Probably about to pick it back up again. I haven't listened yet, because I'm not on my comp but I'll listen later.
  17. I'm pretty sure she meant http://demipage.homestead.com/files/zel_lul.mp3 yeah...that's it.
  18. First thing I notice is the lack of balance. Bring the guitars back a bit and bring the drums forward a lot (but not too much...). The guitars are sometimes incoherent as well. Other than that, Altus pretty much covered it as far as I can hear.
  19. I didn't hear the first version, but it still sounds incredibly repetitive. You have about two or three parts to the song that play two times in a row about three or four times each. It's also really really muddy. There were times that I couldn't distinguish the melody from the background and that's not good.
  20. Pretty much what SC said. And also, you might want to do a bit of EQ'ing. It sounds pretty muddy right now.
  21. Only thing I really notice is that through almost the whole song...it lacks substance. With the drumbeat fast paced like that, you'd expect there to be more fast-paced melodies and counter-melodies. It's just that you have the drums in normal time and the melody and everything else in half time and it just doesn't sound right.
  22. man, I wish my director was cool enough to play vg stuff for my marching shows. We're playing The Machines by Gary P. Gilroy this year. Though not vg related, it's awesome nonetheless.
  23. I'm attempting this. Complete style change too. It's effin hard to find a melody that's not just runs and blips.
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