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Theory of N

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Everything posted by Theory of N

  1. wow. No complaints here. This is my kind of style right here. I could totally see some really obscure Zelda's Lullaby or Song of Time cameos fitting in somewhere.
  2. ...interesting source. I can totally feel a wave of wacky mixes coming on... EDIT: I should probably change my sig now
  3. So, uh...how's this comin? A little outdated so I won't say anything about the song in the above link because it's probably been changed.
  4. well, the sounds are pretty cool but the vocals that were taken from the original don't match up with it and you've got two different tempos going at once. I don't really think of this much as a "remix" considering there's nothing really remixed. It's just the original vocals on top of your own original beats.
  5. If you can't beat em...join em... bump
  6. yeah, I had one o dems once. A personality-altering addiction. I got over it though. My advice to him: Kitten huffing. It'll get you through man. Just don't huff the orange ones. Those'll fuck you up real good.
  7. So far, he's pretty much exactly the same... Yeah, so I had a dream last night that had SSBB in it and...It had the original Smash characters + Bowser or something and "Mii Samurai" ... He kinda looked like Poo from Earthbound except cooler and no limbs. Just hands and feet. weird stuff.
  8. I can't vote... I find them all equally...amusing...>.> except V's. V's made me rofl.
  9. Actually, I'm currently working on one for the Green Earth theme. I've been grounded from my comp lately so I don't have my musicmakin stuffs. Here's what I got so far: http://ton.escariot.net/MidnightSkirmish.mp3 still a ways to go, and I've noticed a lot of things that need changing, but until I get a job, I can't do anything with it
  10. Your auntie checks the cheeze-it factory for some cookie blankets!
  11. Haha...I've been grounded from my comp until I get a job. Dad wants me to get off my ass and do something. I'm currently at my mom's house writing this on a comp with only FL6demo and all defaults (blech). As soon as I get a job/computer back, I'll get to work.
  12. It shouldn't matter whether you know someone or not if he has a good point. Just because you don't recognize somewhat doesn't mean they don't know things.
  13. From what I can tell, it's not really the general interest in the projects. It's the fact that there's so many, all the remixers are currently already working on two or three when another pops up so there's not many remixers avaliable.
  14. I'm pretty sure we don't need ANY more projects right now. There's already more than 10 in the works as it is.
  15. haha, from the weretiger that produces light
  16. DK is a half pint in a box of marshmallows! LOL
  17. yeah, I'm pretty sure the hype over this game would make it sell just as well as if it was sold around Christmas time.
  18. haha...nice save there. not quite the same sentence.
  19. Sonic is the big one that's been rumored. A lot of people talking about it.
  20. Well, in melee, they introduced 4 new characters that were in the starting lineup. Bowser, Peach, Ice Climber, and Zelda/Shiek. and moved half (I know it's only two but still...) of the unlockables from 64 to the starting lineup in Melee.
  21. That's...exactly what RD said...
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