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Theory of N

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Everything posted by Theory of N

  1. Yeah, I have a char on FFXI. Name's Arcolyte on Titan. Main reason I quit was because my LS died. After that, everyone split up and began to quit playing and I just didn't have anything to do anymore. So I'm stuck as a lvl 43 blm and I just don't feel the urge to party up anymore. It's still fun to log on occasionally and screw around w/ people, lvl up lowlvl jobs, and craft some, but it's just not the same. If I could get some people I know to get on the game (which I've tried the last three years...) it might get a bit more interesting. But that's really cool that they finally let you pick what world you want you char to be in. Those world passes were annoying...
  2. bump and update(although I forgot what I changed...) Probably going to start recording sax after my End of Level Literacy Exams going on the next couple days.
  3. I apologize to The Lone Ranger and anyone else who was offended. I was crunched for time when I was typing this, and just typing the first things that came to mind. I understand that's no excuse, and really didn't mean to offend anyone. Hard to believe I know, but I'm really a nice guy and I don't usually make comments like that. I guess what I was trying to say was what everyone else was: it needs a lot of work. Once again, I'm sorry and I'll be more careful in the future. Keep on truckin' TLR.
  4. If you want my honest opinion, it's very close to being crap. I kind of like the strings in the background...but that's really all there is. There's no melody, unless that very offbeat piano that's playing three notes and boring two note chords(some of which sound terrible) is supposed to be the melody.Keep tryin' though dude. This is what I'd do:First step - put the piano on the beat and make it more interesting. Second - make a melody.
  5. Really? Sweet. In that case, XM all the way. I'm trying to get it in my car right now.
  6. Yeah, my dad has XM and my mom's boyfriend has Sirius. I prefer XM because there's more channels w/ better music on. XM actually has 4 or 5 electronic/trance/techno channels whereas Sirius only has 1 or 2. A lot more content. However, Sirius does have some nice features. If you hear a song you like, you can push a button and it will store it. After that, if the song is ever played on another channel that you aren't listening to, the little console will beep and tell you what channel it's being played on so you change to hear it. If I had to choose, though, I'd pick XM and listen to XM Chill constantly.
  7. oh...my...god... wtf was that? Seriously, all I heard was dissonant guitars, annoying drums, and occasional strings all the way up until 2:00 at which point it turned to occasional strings, crappy MIDIish guitar, and dissonant chords. Seriously dude, dissonance is ok if you use it very sparsely but when you hear it in almost every chord it's terrible. That guitar at the end is very fake as well. Every note's the same length and no dynamics. Try to think about how a real guitar is played and mess with the velocities and note lengths. Also try slides and see if they work.
  8. lol, other people = me. ok. After listening five or six more times, the sax really does sound a bit out of place. It's great(mostly just because I love sax) but I think it would do better somewhere else. Also, like I said before, work on it some. It's rough and offbeat slightly in places. but still MOAR (good) SAX.
  9. HELL YEAH! EFFING SAX DOOD! This songs awexome level just rose drastically. Nice new middle section. Adds more (much needed) variety to the piece. Maybe a little too much... At 2:35 when everything drops out but the trumpets, it sounds empty. I know it's supposed to, but it goes on for too long. I'd say either shorten it or put bass back in. I think it builds a little too slow and sometimes not at all. For some reason it's gotten slightly less exciting. I'd say that MOAR SAX would fix this in most places. Other than that, my only beef is MOAR SAX! And hone it up a little. Sounds a little rough atm. (MOAR SAX DOOD) [but don't overdo it...]
  10. Nice arrangement. I like it. However, I don't like that guitar you're using for the bassline. It sounds like a midi overdrive guitar almost. A funky-esque bass would probably sound better. I also think you should include MORE bass(different bass, of course). Other than the bass, it's awesome!
  11. aside from a tiny bit of percussion, it sounds like a midi. Everything is way too dry and unrealistic. Also, there's a lot of disonance. Don't know if you meant for that, but it just sounds bad. The melody doesn't blend well with the bg chords.
  12. Like I said in the first post, plainness is from lack of sax. As soon as I can get over the pain from my recently aquired pain from getting my braces tightened, I'll record it in.
  13. That would be sweet! Seeing me kicking the shit out of Samus or Link.
  14. *UPDATE* (same link) -changed drums up a bit. -added a lot more -fixed the intro -added an ending *It sounds very empty and repetitive for now because I won't be able to put in sax for a while. I have braces w/ a huge ass wire on top and the tiniest possible bands squeezing my teeth together so it hurts like hell to play at the moment.
  15. Trapical, if that's true, I'm incredibly impressed O.o
  16. um...It sounds almost exactly the same, only with different instruments.
  17. Ha. I'm sure if they wanted to, they'd find a way. This is very possible. It would add an interesting new element to the game. I was talking about single characters. But what if you tag teamed two ice climbers >.> You'd be in control of 4 characters lol.
  18. a diddy/dixie combo is very unlikely. The reason why the ice climbers are together like that is because they're pretty much exactly the same and they were always together. Diddy/Dixie were only together in one game, pretty much. If they made the characters like this, they'd probably also go with a Mario/Luigi, Pikachu/Pichu, Fox/Falco, or a Marth/Roy combo or something.
  19. It's extremely hard to find the SA2 ost too. I haven't been able to find it anywhere.
  20. Not even a "This sucks. You should stop remixing right now."? >.>
  21. Ok, so I started a new wip and I like it. It's a mix of the Event: Sadness track from the Sonic Adventure ost. It's only just started and the intro I just put in about 5 minutes ago but lemme know what you think so far. http://ton.escariot.net/DontBeSad.mp3 EDIT: from 1:13 - 1:43 I'm going to record some sax into it so it sounds empty right now. Also, after 1:59 is unfinished so it also sounds empty right now.
  22. It's nice, but it's kind of boring. It doesn't seem like there's much melody, and when there is, it's...well, not interesting.
  23. neither of those links are working for me anyway
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