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Theory of N

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Everything posted by Theory of N

  1. ...this made me want to make a new wip...I'll be way ahead of the game when you start auditioning lol
  2. could someone find an MP3 of this? The sound effects and keyblade clashing really gets in the way of the music.
  3. haha. I've had this game forever and been on and off online play. Probably started at least 30 characters at different times, all of which were deleted before I started a new one. My last one is long gone. I think I started it a year ago...anyway. I don't know how much I'll be able to play, as my schedule isn't very predictable, but I'm game for this. Might give me the spark I need to keep one character. accnt name: probably Arcolyte char name: probably Arcolyte class: don't know yet. Any suggestions?
  4. Sorry dude, but I'm pretty sure that's the Main Theme you began remixing and that one's already taken. The Title Theme is the song you hear on pretty much every Mario game ever made. Although, it's very nice.
  5. shweet! I've liked them for a long time because I like their style (I play alto sax, so naturally I like anything w/ sax in it ) but I didn't know they lived so close to me >.>
  6. Any chance of you guys making it back to Arkansas? (and w/o the 21+ crap...I'm only 17...)
  7. Yeah, it's definitely possible. I just started remixing a month ago using only Fruity Loops 6 and I've already made a couple songs (and a few beginnings to songs that will eventually turn into something). You just have to learn how to use everything. Take a look at the "[GUIDE] Mixing for Free" thread here. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=1468
  8. I don't know how musically inclined you have to be, if at all, to notice it but...do you not just listen to this and think, "wow. That sounds really empty..." That's the first thing that pops into my head, almost instantly.
  9. The link is blocked at my school for "Category: Malicious code/virus"...
  10. .................... wtf! why not?! You've made me sad, Zircon...
  11. You're talking about the Requiem of Spirit, Bolero of Fire, Serenade of Water, etc.? Because I've done a remix of the Bolero of Fire that I haven't submitted yet.
  12. 113 songs filled...I have one of those old crappy iPod shuffles
  13. I will be excruciatingly depressed if this doesn't become a project
  14. Well, I am definitely interested. This games soundtrack kicked ass. I can remember stopping in the middle of numerous maps multiple times just to listen to the music.
  15. ok lol. I found it myself here - http://people.stfx.ca/x2004/x2004cja/Assault_On_Kefkas_Tower_Final.mp3 Anyway, it's great. However, from 1:09 - 1:15 I don't hear any background. It sounds like it's only melody. And the cymbal at the end begins to rise again and then gets cut off by the song ending. But other than that, I love it dude.
  16. Well, I like it. I'd dance to it if it was on DDR, no doubt. Really sounds like it could work on DDR imo.
  17. Well, right off, the thing I notice most is that the lead guitar is really boring. It's really dark, I'm sure you were going for that, but it's almost TOO dark. Probably because the background noises are a bit loud in the beginning. That thunder doesn't sound very realistic either. Eh, might relisten later. Have to go for now.
  18. Does this mean you're actually going to start the project? Or you're just trying to spark interest in hopes of someone else starting it?
  19. hrm...I like the other synth better. Almost everything BUT the old synth was already a low voice, I think making the synth deeper took away from the contrast of the piece imo.
  20. lol, wow, I wasn't expecting anymore replies to this thread. I don't use mediafire anymore, so that link is def. broken. I updated it now. Shouldn't have anymore problems w/ it.
  21. It's...not very interesting >.>. It has no depth and that guitar sounds extremely fake. Think about most rock music: does the lead guitar always just play straight notes? No. There's usually AT LEAST some pitch bends in there. Also the percussion just sounds MIDIish. Try a little reverb on the snare. The ending isn't together at all. Snare and guitar are on totally different beats and when the guitar is done, the snare just sounds incredibly unreal (in a bad way). Definitely needs a ton of work and more musical elements added. As of right now, I'll be nice and give it a 3/10.
  22. may have been some velocity too, but I'm pretty sure it was mostly pitch problems
  23. I've only submitted once and it got rejected (understandably, considering it was my first attempt at FL ever and I didn't even know that effects existed >.>) so I'm pretty new here in the community. I don't know much about the standards and what would make it and whatnot...but I definitely like where it's going. I think w/ a little more work it could stand a chance imo (with what little knowledge I have of how everything works lol)
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